- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1953, Volume 18, Issue 1
pp. 1-6
L. Matoušek and F. Šorm Über Proteine und Aminosäuren XI. Über Klupein II. -
pp. 7-10
J. Plíva Kinetics of electrode processes. I. Introduction -
pp. 11-20
J. Koutecký Kinetics of electrode processes. III. General relations for a linear system of electrode processes -
pp. 21-27
J. Koryta Polarographischer Beweis der Reversibilität des Oxydations-Reduktionssystems Sauerstoff - Wasserstoffperoxyd -
pp. 28-35
P. Zuman and F. Šantavý Polarography of cardiac glycosides bearing aldehyde groups -
pp. 36-42
P. Zuman Das polarographische Verhalten der Anthocyane I. -
pp. 43-52
R. Přibil, Z. Roubal and E. Svátek New complex-forming reagents in polarography. I. 1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetra-acetic acid -
pp. 53-63
V. Hovorka and J. Morávek Metal salts of the α-oxime of thionaphthoquinone -
pp. 64-72
V. Vašák and V. Šedivec Colorimetric determination of arsenic -
pp. 73-79
A. Okáč and P. Černý The use of capillary chromatography for separation and proof of certain metals -
pp. 80-85
V. Horák and L. Novotný Spaltung sekundärer Amine unter Anwendung der Phtalanhydridmethode -
pp. 86-101
M. Protiva, O. Exner, M. Borovička and J. Pliml Antihistamine substances. XXII; Synthetic antispasmodics. IV. Basic ethers derived from aliphatic carbinols and α-substituted benzyl alcohols -
pp. 102-105
J. Sicher, J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Studies in the chloramphenicol series. IV. Synthesis of 1-(p-nitrophenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-2-dichloroacetamido-1,3-propandiol and a correction -
pp. 106-115
F. Šorm, K. Vereš and V. Herout On terpenes. XXXVI. The constitution of calamenene -
pp. 116-121
F. Šorm, M. Zaoral and V. Herout On terpenes. XXXVIII. On the constitution of natural bisabolol and bisabolol monoxide from Matricaria oil -
pp. 122-126
V. Herout, M. Zaoral and F. Šorm On terpenes. XXXIX. Synthesis of two tetrahydrobisabolols -
pp. 127-130
F. Šorm, Z. Čekan, V. Herout and H. Rašková Isolation of spasmolytically active substance from Matricaria chamomilla L. -
pp. 131-139
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Proteins and amino-acids. XII. Synthesis of the C-methylglutamic acids -
pp. 140-150
F. Šorm, K. Šebesta and T. Turský Some properties of transamidinase -
pp. 151-159
E. Talafant and M. Ševela The effect of alloxan on purified muscle phosphorylase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.