Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1954, 19, 842-844
Bemerkung zur Arbeit J. P. Gochsteins Diffusion der Elektrolyte und polarographische Methode
K. Micka and A. A. Vlček
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- K. Micka and I. Roušar
Theory of the positive plate of the lead-acid battery
1975, Vol. 40, Issue 4, pp. 921–930 [Abstract] - J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček
Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes. IX. Oxidation-reduction properties and decomposition of (CN)5CoNCFe(CN)56-
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 10, pp. 3019–3023 [Abstract] - K. Micka and I. Roušar
Theory of porous electrodes. X. Concentration of KOH in pores of oxygen electrode and more exact transport equations
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 7, pp. 1911–1916 [Abstract] - J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček
Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes VIII. Oxidation-reduction properties and behaviour of the product of fixation of molecular oxygen with aqueous solutions of [Co(CN)5]3-
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 957–964 [Abstract] - J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček
Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes. VII. The kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of potassium bromopentacyanocobaltate(III) with sodium borohydride
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp. 650–658 [Abstract] - J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček
Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes. VI. The kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of pentacyanocobaltate(II) with sodium borohydride
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 693–700 [Abstract] - J. Jansta and K. Micka
Polarization of porous oxygen cathodes as function of the thickness of the catalytic layer
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp. 1650–1659 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Theory of porous electrodes. IX. Porous electrodes of second order
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3205–3224 [Abstract] - K. Micka and I. Roušar
Theory of porous electrodes. VIII. Exact solution of the transport equations for oxygen electrode in alkaline electrolyte
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3197–3204 [Abstract] - K. Micka and I. Roušar
Theory of porous electrodes. VII. Hydrogen anode with protecting layer in alkaline electrolyte
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 5, pp. 1489–1500 [Abstract] - K. Micka and M. Svatá
Contribution to the study of porous electrode structure by the microscopic method
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 10, pp. 3493–3499 [Abstract] - D. I. Bustin and A. A. Vlček
Study of Cr(CN)5NO3-. II. Polarographic reduction in neutral solutions
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 1665–1670 [Abstract] - K. Micka and O. Kadlec
Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe V. Polarographisches und thermogravimetrisches Verhalten des Silbercarbonats
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 3837–3844 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden V. Fall eines binären Elektrolyten
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 9, pp. 3653–3668 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden IV. Elektrolyttransport und Stromverteilung in Gaselektroden
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 9, pp. 3623–3652 [Abstract] - D. I. Bustin and A. A. Vlček
Polarographic study of chromium nitroprusside reoxidation by sulfite
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 6, pp. 2374–2381 [Abstract] - J. Mašek, H. Przewlocka and A. A. Vlček
Polarographic studies of nitrosyl compounds. III. The nitrite-iodide reaction
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 11, pp. 3594–3605 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden III. Gaselektroden
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 7, pp. 2288–2297 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. XI. System cobaltocene-cobalticenium
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 952–960 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe IV. Suspensionen von Mangandioxid
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 235–245 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden II. Der Fall konstanter Konzentrationen
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 223–234 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden I. Grundgleichungen
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 1998–2007 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Regenerierung des Depolarisators in der oszillographischen Polarographie
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp. 1978–1984 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Kinetische Ströme in der oszillographischen Polarographie mit Wechselstrom
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp. 1957–1977 [Abstract] - D. Konrád and A. A. Vlček
Polarographic study of the cobalt(II)-cobalt(III) ethylenediamine system
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 808–828 [Abstract] - D. Konrád and A. A. Vlček
Potentiometric study of the Co(II)-Co(III)-ethylenediamine system
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 595–604 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. X. Cobalt μ-peroxo complexes
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 12, pp. 3036–3055 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographic behaviour of complexes of the trivalent cobalt in presence of hydrogen peroxide
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 10, pp. 2685–2688 [Abstract] - Wang Er-Kong and A. A. Vlček
Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. VIII. Tartrate complexes of divalent manganese
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 8, pp. 2089–2102 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Theorie der Polarisation der Quecksilberelektrode mit Wechselstrom bei kleinen und grossen Potentialveränderungen
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 11, pp. 3708–3718 [Abstract] - P. Beran and A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Verfolgung der Substitutionsreaktionen anorganischer Komplexe I. Reaktion des Ions AuCl4- mit Äthylendiamin
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 11, pp. 3572–3578 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers VII. Determination of activation energy of electrode processes
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 11, pp. 3538–3547 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Beziehung zwischen der Elektronenstruktur und dem Verhalten anorganischer Depolarisatoren V. Kobaltcarbonyl
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 1748–1756 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Kinetik der Elektrodenvorgänge XVII. Eine gleichzeitig an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode verlaufende reversible und irreversible Elektronenübertragung
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 678–681 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Beziehungen zwischen der Elektronenstruktur und dem polarographischen Verhalten anorganischer Depolarisatoren IV. Elektrodenprozesse, an denen (n - 2) f-Elektronen teilnehmen
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 181–197 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relations between the electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. III. Electrode processes involving unstable intermediates
1957, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 1736–1746 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe II. Suspensionen von Eisen-, Kobalt- und Nickelsulfid
1957, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 1400–1410 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relations between the electronic structure of inorganic depolarizers and their polarographic behaviour. II. Complex cyanides of nickel
1957, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 948–960 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček and P. Beran
Das Absorptionsspektrum des (AuCl4)--Ions
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp. 1640–1642 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale VI. Halbstufenpotentiale des Zinks
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 5, pp. 1246–1256 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Polarographische Maxima II. Art in mit Aktivkohle gereinigten Lösungen
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 940–944 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale V. Halbstufenpotentiale des Galliums
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 862–865 [Abstract] - K. Micka
Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe I. Allgemeine Beobachtungen
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 647–651 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Reversibilität des Systems Eu2+-Eu3+
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 1507–1509 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale IV. Arbeitsvorgang beim Vergleich der Halbstufenpotentialwerte in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 988–990 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Relations between the electronic structure of inorganic depolarisers and their polarographic behaviour. I. Basic rules
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 894–901 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographisches Verhalten von Wasserstoff in nichtwässrigen Lösungsmitteln II. Lösungen starker Säuren in Äthanol
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 889–893 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Das polarographische Verhalten des Chlors
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 662–666 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale III. Die Alkalimetalle und ihre Amalgame
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 413–422 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale II. Der Einfluss des Grundelektrolyten, das extrapolierte Halbstufenpotential und das Normal-Redoxpotential im Stromzustand
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 400–412 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale I. Messmethode; Halbstufenpotentiale des Thalliums
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 862–867 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographisches Verhalten der Chloride
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. 221–233 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarography in concentrated sulfuric acid. III. Influence of the oxidizing properties of the solvent on electrode equilibria
1951, Vol. 16, pp. 465–478 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographie in konzentrierter Schwefelsäure. I. Abscheidung von Cadmium- und Thalloionen
1951, Vol. 16, pp. 230–238 [Abstract] - A. A. Vlček
Polarographic determination of traces of iodide in common salt
1950, Vol. 15, pp. 833–838 [Abstract]