- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1962, Volume 27, Issue 6
pp. 1355-1368
C. Párkányi and R. Zahradník Reactivity and polarography of thiopyrones -
pp. 1369-1373
B. Dobiáš, J. Cibulka and J. Spurný Elektrokinetische und Adsorptionsuntersuchung des Verhaltens mehrwertiger Ionen bei der Flotation des Zinnwaldites -
pp. 1374-1380
S. Škramovský and J. Podlahová Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen I. Verbindungen mit Mangan -
pp. 1381-1386
Z. Ksandr and J. Neuvirt Photometrische Bestimmung von Mangan und Eisen nebeneinander mittels Benzhydroxamat-komplexe -
pp. 1387-1392
R. Lukeš and M. Pergál Syntheses of N-substituted imides of (±)-malic and maleic acids and their reduction by lithium aluminium hydride -
pp. 1393-1399
L. Novotný, J. Jizba, V. Herout and F. Šorm Plant substances. XVI. The constituents of coltsfoot rhizomes (Petasites officinalis MOENCH.) -
pp. 1400-1403
L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm Plant substances. XVII. Constituents of Petasites albus (L.) GAERTIN. rhizomes -
pp. 1404-1412
J. Tomko and I. Bendík Über die Alkaloide von Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH V. Strukturbestimmung von Veralkamin -
pp. 1413-1421
I. Kompiš and F. Šantavý Alkaloide des raukenblättrigen Kreuzkrauts (Senecio erucifolius L.) -
pp. 1422-1427
J. Černá, D. Grünberger and F. Šorm Incorporation of 14C-amino acids into the nucleotide-peptides of Escherichia coli and isolation of uridine nucleotide containing a peptidic and an acetylglucosamine component -
pp. 1428-1437
E. Erdös Thermodynamic properties of sulphites. I. Standard heats of formation -
pp. 1438-1442
K. Ulbert Electron spin resonance analysis of vanadium content in petroleum oil residua -
pp. 1443-1449
V. Ponec and Z. Knor Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films. VI. The interaction of hydrogen and oxygen on nickel films -
pp. 1450-1461
P. Drienovský Radiation chemistry of liquid acetone. I. Formation of diketones and other condensation products -
pp. 1462-1469
J. Žemlička, J. Smrt and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XIX. Synthesis of 3-methyl-6-azauridine-5'-phosphate and -pyrophosphate -
pp. 1470-1475
J. Shejbal, K. Slavík and J. Souček Folic acid metabolism. VII. Transformation of one-carbon compounds and of folic acid in germinating plants -
pp. 1476-1486
J. Doskočil and F. Šorm Enzymic degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid. II. Sequence specificity of DNase II from calf spleen -
pp. 1487-1492
F. Chytil Activation of liver tryptophan pyrrolase -
pp. 1493-1496
V. Čermák and Z. Herman On the existence of a 4Σ excited state of N2+ ions -
pp. 1496-1498
B. Chutný and J. Bednář Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Reaktionen von Radikalen mit Chloroform -
pp. 1498-1500
K. Obruba, J. Gasparič and J. Borecký Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen XLVI. Trennung und Identifizierung aliphatischer Diamine durch Papierchromatographie -
pp. 1500-1503
J. Horáček and V. Pechanec Verwendung der manometrischen Methode in der organischen Analyse II. Mikrobestimmung von Doppelbindungen durch katalytische Hydrierung -
pp. 1503-1507
J. Pelčík Neuer empfindlicher Nachweis von Naphthensäuren -
pp. 1508-1510
L. Novotný and V. Herout Plant substances. XV. The composition of Artemisia sieversiana WILLD. -
pp. 1510-1512
M. Suchý and V. Herout On terpenes. CXXXVI. Identity of the bitter principle from Centaurea stoebe (L.) SCH. et THELL. with cnicin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.