- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1962, Volume 27, Issue 8
pp. 1749-1759
B. Schneider, P. Schmidt and O. Wichterle On the structure and properties of polyamides. I. Infrared spectra of polycaprolactam -
pp. 1760-1769
D. Doskočilová, B. Schneider and J. Šebenda On the structure and properties of polyamides. II. Determination of crystallinity in polycaprolactam blocks by infrared absorption -
pp. 1770-1776
J. Spurný and B. Dobiáš Flotierbarkeit des Graphits III. Adsorption des Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromids und sein Einfluss auf die Flotierbarkeit -
pp. 1777-1789
J. Volke and J. Holubek Polarography of heterocyclic aromatic compounds. XIV. Reduction of ethylenic bond in 1,2-dipyridylethylenes -
pp. 1790-1797
E. Ružička and K. Lyčka Salzbildung des 1,3-Dimethyl-5-nitroso-6-aminouracils und seine analytische Verwendung -
pp. 1798-1810
J. Brandštetr and J. Vřešťál Methoden der gravimetrischen auf Hydrolyse beruhenden Bestimmung von Ruthenium -
pp. 1811-1816
J. Horáček Titrimetrische Mikrobestimmung von Phosphor in organischen Substanzen in Gegenwart von Barium und Calcium -
pp. 1817-1823
V. Pechanec Elementaranalyse organischer quecksilberhaltiger Substanzen IV. Komplexometrische Semimikrobestimmung von Schwefel -
pp. 1824-1829
V. Patrovský Bestimmung von Niob, Tantal und Titan mit 7,8-Dihydroxy-4-methylkumarin -
pp. 1830-1834
J. Doležal, I. Novozámský and J. Zýka Indirekte komplexometrische Natriumbestimmung -
pp. 1835-1838
V. Chmátal and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen XLVIII. Über zweifache Kupplung mit 1-Naphthylamin -
pp. 1839-1848
V. Chmátal and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen IL. Hydrolyse von Aminoazofarbstoffen in Abhängigkeit von pH und Lösungsmitteln -
pp. 1849-1855
J. Fajkoš and J. Joska On steroids. LXVII. 16-Bromoderivatives in the 5β-B-norandrostane series -
pp. 1856-1860
J. Fajkoš, J. Joska and F. Šorm On steroids. LXVIII. Synthesis of the epimeric 15,16-epoxides in the androstane series -
pp. 1861-1869
A. Holý and A. Vystrčil Studie der Aurone II. Über die Reaktivität der Carbonylgruppe in Auronen -
pp. 1870-1876
J. Hochmannová, L. Novotný and V. Herout On terpenes. CXXXVIII. Sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons from coltsfoot rhizomes (Petasites officinalis MOENCH.) -
pp. 1877-1885
B. Chutný Mechanismus und Kinetik der Oxydation von Eisen(II)-Ionen und Aceton in wässriger saurer Lösung durch γ-Strahlung -
pp. 1886-1897
Jiří Jonáš and J. Gut Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXIV. Ultraviolet spectra and dissociation constants of 6-azauracil thioxo derivatives -
pp. 1898-1904
M. Prystaš and J. Gut Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXV. Note on the preparation of 2,4-dithio-6-azauracil methyl derivatives -
pp. 1905-1913
M. Suchý, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CXXXIX. Isolation and structure of scabiolide, further sesquiterpenic lactone with a ten-membered ring in molecule -
pp. 1914-1926
W. Z. Chow, O. Motl and F. Šorm On terpenes. CXL. Composition of the oil from Atractylodes lancea THUNB. The structure of hinesol -
pp. 1927-1938
J. Sicher, J. Závada and M. Svoboda Stereochemical studies. XXII. Bromine addition to medium ring cycloölefins: A transannular reaction -
pp. 1939-1954
M. Semonský, E. Ročková, A. Černý, B. Kakáč and K. Macek Substanzen mit antineoplastischer Wirksamkeit IV. Einige γ-aryl-α,β-substituierte Δα,β-Crotonlactone -
pp. 1955-1963
V. Slavíková, K. Slavík and K. Přistoupilová Metabolism of folic acid. VIII. Mechanism of biochemical action of some 4-amino analogues of folic acid and their dibromo derivatives -
pp. 1964-1987
O. Mikeš, Václav Holeyšovský, V. Tomášek, B. Keil and F. Šorm On proteins. LXXVI. Structure of peptides isolated from a tryptic digest of diisopropylphosphoryl-trypsin -
pp. 1988-1996
F. Šorm and V. Knichal On proteins. LXXVII. Mathematical approach to the evaluation of similarities in protein structures -
pp. 1997-2001
S. Stankovianský and J. Königstein Polarographische Bestimmung der Komlexkonstanten der Komplexe des Quecksilbers mit einigen neuen Komplexbildnertypen -
pp. 2001-2006
A. Waksmundzki, E. Soczewiṅski and Z. Suprynowicz On the relation between the composition of the mixed stationary phase and the retention time in gas-liquid partition chromatography -
pp. 2006-2009
V. Novák and V. Dolejš Conductometric determination of potassium in the presence of sodium, lithium, ammonium and magnesium -
pp. 2009-2014
V. Pechanec Elementaranalyse organischer quecksilberhaltiger Substanzen V. Gleichzeitige Bestimmung von Kohlenstoff, Wasserstoff und Quecksilber -
pp. 2015-2017
Z. Šťota Über einige N-Alkyl-2,4,5-trichlorbenzolsulfonylamide -
pp. 2018-2019
P. Mäsiar and T. Smolnicky On haemoglobin. XIV. Investigation of the neutral and weakly basic fraction of the tryptic digest of human and horse haemoglobin by chromatography on Zerolit 225 and high-voltage electrophoresis -
pp. 2020-2021
J. Salák and Z. Vodrážka A contribution to acetylation of human serum albumin by means of ketene
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.