- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 11
pp. 2579-2586
F. Jenč Reduced potential curves for excited states of first row diatomic hydrides -
pp. 2587-2596
V. Frei, J. Podlahová and J. Podlaha Dissoziationskonstanten der phosphorigen Säure und die Beweglichkeit ihrer Anionen -
pp. 2597-2606
J. Doležal, E. Lukšyte, V. Rybáček and J. Zýka Reduktometrische Titration mit Eisen(II)-sulfat im Triäthanolaminmedium -
pp. 2607-2614
V. Zátka Dissoziationskonstanten des Salicylidenaminoguanidins -
pp. 2615-2625
Z. Bukač, P. Čefelín, D. Doskočilová and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XVIII. Equilibrium between monomer and polymer -
pp. 2626-2632
Z. Pravda, K. Poduška and K. Bláha Amino acids and peptides. XLIII. Preparation of derivatives of D-phenylalanyl-L-leucine and L-phenylalanyl-L-leucine from diastereomeric mixtures -
pp. 2633-2647
Yang Chen-Su, K. Bláha and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. XLIV. Synthesis of three diastereomeric cyclohexapeptides containing glycine, phenylalanine and leucine -
pp. 2648-2662
A. L. Zhuze, K. Jošt, E. Kasafírek and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. XLV. Analogues of oxytocin with O-ethyltyrosine, p-methylphenylalanine, and p-ethylphenylalanine replacing tyrosine -
pp. 2663-2680
I. Ernest and B. Kakáč Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe der hypotensiv wirksamen Alkaloide XXXIV. Synthese des (±)-17β-Methyl-17-desmethoxyreserpsäure-Lactons -
pp. 2681-2696
J. Novosad Studies on granular materials. I. Kinematics of granular materials mixed by a mechanical impeller -
pp. 2697-2701
J. Novosad Studies on granular materials. II. Apparatus for measuring the dynamic angle of internal and external friction of granular materials -
pp. 2702-2709
J. Novosad Studies on granular materials. III. Stress distribution in a granular material mixed by a mechanical impeller -
pp. 2710-2717
M. Kraus Errors in the evaluation of data obtained from differential flow-reactors -
pp. 2718-2725
E. Erdös and J. Bareš The preparation of gas mixtures with low concentration of sulphur dioxide -
pp. 2726-2737
M. Křivánek, V. Daneš and V. Nikolajenko Katalytische Hydrierungsaktivität des aus Nickeloxalat durch thermische Zersetzung dargestellten Nickels -
pp. 2738-2752
V. Šraier and E. Čakrt Extraktion von 95Zr in Spurenkonzentrationen aus Säuremangel aufweisenden Uranylnitratlösungen mittels 30%igen Tributylphosphates -
pp. 2753-2757
T. B. Gavrilova, M. Krejčí, H. Dubský and J. Janák Estimation of the thermal stability of chemically modifying layers on the surface of adsorbents and supports in gas chromatography -
pp. 2758-2766
B. Buděšínský and K. Haas Darstellung und metallochrome Eigenschaften einiger neuen Azoderivate der Chromotropsäure -
pp. 2767-2782
P. Kratochvíl On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. II. Light scattering by solutions of polyvinyl chloride in cyclohexanone or tetrahydrofuran -
pp. 2783-2793
A. Caraculacu, J. Štokr and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. III. Structure and vibrational spectra of 3-chloropentane -
pp. 2794-2808
A. Pískala and J. Gut Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LII. Isomerisation of 2,4-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine -
pp. 2809-2813
J. Šmejkal and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LIII. Preparation of 1-2'-deoxy-β-L-ribofuranosylthymine, L-thymidine -
pp. 2814-2821
J. Hebký, M. Karásek, J. Kejha and B. First Jodierte Aminosäuren- und Peptidderivate -
pp. 2822-2831
J. Hrbek, jr., J. P. Jennings, W. Klyne and F. Šantavý Substances from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LX. Optical rotations and rotatory dispersion of the colchicine alkaloids -
pp. 2832-2840
J. Černá, I. Rychlík and F. Šorm Acceptor and transfer activity of transfer ribonucleic acid with decreased content of uracil or cytosine -
pp. 2841-2844
M. Král Notizen zur Wahl der Standardsubstanz in der Magnetochemie -
pp. 2844-2847
A. Berka Beitrag zur Anwendung von permanganometrischen Bestimmungen im alkalischen Medium -
pp. 2847-2850
J. Petránek and O. Ryba Mikrobestimmung von Halogenen in flüssigen Substanzen mittels der Schöniger-Methode -
pp. 2851-2855
J. Alexa Chromatographische Trennung seltener Erden mittels makroporösen Kationenaustauschers Katex KP-1 -
pp. 2855-2859
M. Streibl, P. Jarolímek and V. Wollrab Seidepunktwerte einiger höherer Paraffine -
pp. 2859-2862
J. Vodehnal and I. Kössler Infrared analysis of polyisoprene. III. 3,4-Polyisoprene -
pp. 2862-2864
V. Hovorka and V. Zátka Herstellung von Salicylidenaminoguanidin -
pp. 2865-2868
J. Kozioł Fluorometric determination of flavins in wheat grains
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.