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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1964, 29, 2935-2949

Organosilicon compounds. XXXVII. C-H stretching vibrations of phenyl groups in the infrared spectra of phenylsilanes C6H5SiXYZ and monosubstituted derivatives of benzene C6H5CXYZ

J. Knížek, V. Chvalovský and M. Horák

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  • Horner Leopold, Degner Dieter: Studien zum vorgang der wasserstoffübertragung—33. Zur kenntnis des aufbaus der elektrochemischen doppelschicht. Die asymmetrische elektrochemische reduktion einiger alkyl-phenyl-ketone in gegenwart optisch aktiver leitsalze. Electrochimica Acta 1974, 19, 611. <>
  • Bordeau M., Dédier J., Frainnet É., Fayet J.-P., Mauret P.: Étude structurale d'hexaalkyldisiloxanes et de trialkylalcoxyou aryloxysilanes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1973, 59, 125. <>
  • Durig J.R., Hellams K.L., Mulligan J.H.: Vibrational spectra and structure of some silicon containing compounds—IV. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 1972, 28, 1039. <>
  • Marchand Annette, Mendelsohn Jacqueline, Lebedeff Michel, Valade Jacques: Étude comparative de la basicité de composés oxygénés du silicium, du germanium et de l'étain par spectrographie infrarouge. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1969, 17, 379. <>
  • Horak M., Lippincott E.R., Khanna R.K.: Molecular conformation and vibrational spectra of p-halogeno derivatives of anisole. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 1967, 23, 1111. <>