- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 7
pp. 1507-1520
F. Jenč A method for estimating molecular constants of diatomic molecules using reduced potential curves -
pp. 1521-1530
F. Jenč Reduced potential curves of first row diatomic molecules. II. Reduced potential curves of C2 and CN molecules -
pp. 1531-1537
K. Svoboda Isotopic exchange of iodine between some alkyl iodides and elemental iodine dissolved therein -
pp. 1538-1544
J. Doležal, P. Povondra, K. Štulík and Z. Šulcek Analytische Schnellmethoden zur Untersuchung von Metallen und anorganischen Rohstoffen XV. Bestimmung kleiner Indiummengen in metallischem Blei und Cadmium, sowie einiger Verunreinigungen in metallischem Indium mit Hilfe von Ionenaustauschern -
pp. 1545-1554
M. Nepraš and R. Zahradník Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. V. Charge transfer spectra of π-complexes of conjugated hydrocarbons -
pp. 1555-1560
M. Nepraš and R. Zahradník Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. VI. Charge transfer spectra of π-complexes of analogues and derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons -
pp. 1561-1576
J. Sicher, M. Tichý, F. Šipoš, M. Svoboda and Jiří Jonáš Stereochemical studies. XXVIII. Evaluation of the contribution of hydroxyl to the dissociation constants of 2-hydroxycarboxylic acids and 2-aminoalcohols as a function of conformation -
pp. 1577-1581
M. Valenta and M. Janda Experiments in the furan series. III. Preparation of some 2,3,5-trisubstituted derivatives -
pp. 1582-1590
R. Lukeš and J. Paleček Über 2-Methylchinuclidin -
pp. 1591-1597
V. Černý, L. Dolejš and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXXVII. Dihydroisoconessimine and 3α-aminoconan-5-ene, new alkaloids from Holarrhena antidysenterica WALL. -
pp. 1598-1603
V. Lukeš and R. Komers On terpenes. CLXIII. Gas chromatography of sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons -
pp. 1604-1611
Z. Kolařík and J. Krtil Sorption radioaktiver Isotopen an Niederschlägen XII. Elution von Spaltprodukten aus der Mangan(IV)-hydroxidsäule -
pp. 1612-1617
L. Šůcha and Z. Urner Titanometrische Bestimmung von Chlorokomplexen des Kupfers(I, II) und Eisens(II, III) im Gemisch -
pp. 1618-1625
F. Vláčil and J. Synek Bestimmung des Chloramphenikolgehaltes im Natriumsalz des Chloramphenikolsuccinats -
pp. 1626-1632
F. Jošt, D. Tomanová and A. Banner-Voigt Katalytische Entalkylierung von alkylaromatischen Verbindungen VIII. Aktivität von Kobalt-, Eisen- und Kupferkatalysatoren mit Beimischung von Aluminiumoxid bei der Entmethylierung von o-Kresol -
pp. 1633-1642
J. Rathouský, O. Kruchňa and V. Bažant Organosiliciumverbindungen XXXVI. Synthese der Phenylchlorsilane aus reinem Silicium und Chlorbenzol -
pp. 1643-1653
O. Černý and J. Hájek Radical formation in catalyzed oxidation of tetralin in the liquid phase -
pp. 1654-1662
J. Kuthan and E. Janečková On dihydropyridines. VII. Reactions of symmetrically alkylated 3,5-dicyano-pyridines with sodium boron hydride -
pp. 1663-1668
R. Lukeš, J. Němec and J. Jarý Über die Dimerisierung von α-Angelicalacton -
pp. 1669-1674
V. Musil, B. Brůnová and O. Němeček Über neue Derivate des 1,2-Diphenyl-3,5-dioxopyrazolidins -
pp. 1675-1688
B. Trivedi, O. Motl, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXIV. Composition of the oil from Cyperus rotundus L. structure of patchoulenone -
pp. 1689-1701
J. L. Kaul, B. K. Moza, F. Šantavý and P. Vrublovský Substances from the plants of the sub-family Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LIX. Isolation of alkaloids from some plants of the sub-family Wurmbaeoideae -
pp. 1702-1705
F. Jenč Note on some simplifications used in quantum mechanics -
pp. 1706-1710
H. Dubský and M. Krejčí Simple statistical calculation of the constants in the van Deemter equation -
pp. 1710-1714
M. Drátovský Salze der Perjodsäure VII. Magnetisches Verhalten des Produktes der thermischen Zersetzung von Berylliumperjodat -
pp. 1714-1717
J. Mašek, R. S. Nyholm and M. H. B. Stiddard Tri(tertiaryarsine) derivatives of group VI carbonyls -
pp. 1718-1722
O. Manoušek and P. Zuman Polarographic reduction of 2-(2-methyl-3-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-4-pyridyl)thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid -
pp. 1723-1727
J. Gasparič Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LVI. Papierchromatographie von Naphtolen AS -
pp. 1727-1731
J. Alexa Berechnung der Konzentration des dissoziierten Anions einer schwachen Säure im System Säure-Salz aus den Daten der Ionenaustauschersorption -
pp. 1731-1734
M. Janda and P. Novák Experiments in the furan series. IV. Preparation and alkoxylation of 2-methyl-3-acetoxymethylfuran -
pp. 1734-1735
J. Žemlička 3',5'-di-O-Trityluridine -
pp. 1736-1738
T. Tkaczynski, J. Šmejkal and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. L. Synthesis of 1-β-D-xylofuranosyl-6-azauracil -
pp. 1738-1739
M. Malát and A. Štáhlavská New methods of photometric determination of microgram quantities of ethylenediamino tetraacetic acid
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.