- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 9
pp. 1973-1997
D. Papoušek and J. Plíva Anharmonic potential functions of polyatomic molecules. VI. The role of nonbonded interaction -
pp. 1998-2007
K. Micka Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden I. Grundgleichungen -
pp. 2008-2015
V. Kliment, V. Fried and J. Pick Gleichgewicht Flüssigkeit-Dampf XXXIII. Systeme Butylacetat-Phenol und Wasser-Phenol -
pp. 2016-2022
O. Exner and W. Simon Studies on the inductive effect. IV. Transmission of the inductive effect through the furan and thiophene nuclei -
pp. 2023-2029
Z. Kolařík and H. Pánková Extraktion der Strontium- und Cerkomplexe mit Di-(2-äthylhexyl)phosphorsäure durch organische Lösungsmittel -
pp. 2030-2034
J. Paleček Contribution to the reaction of ethyl 3-chloroglutaconate with ethyl acetoacetate -
pp. 2035-2041
Z. Vacek and K. Flégr Bestimmung von 2-Thio-3,5-dimethyltetrahydro-1,3,5-thiadiazin (Mylon) -
pp. 2042-2048
A. Zobáčová and J. Jarý Amino sugars. III. Synthesis of 2,6-imino 2,6-dideoxy-D-talose derivatives -
pp. 2049-2059
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. IX. Stepwise synthesis of uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine -
pp. 2060-2076
A. Pískala and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LI. Synthesis of 1-glycosyl derivatives of 5-azauracil and 5-azacytosine -
pp. 2077-2085
J. Šponar, L. Pivec and Z. Šormová Deoxyribonucleic acids in solution. IV. Subunits in deoxyribonucleic acid from calf thymus -
pp. 2086-2093
T. Míšek Coalescence of drops in an agitated liquid-liquid extractor -
pp. 2094-2114
L. Neumann A study on the dissolution kinetics of polydisperse solids by the method of a geometrical model -
pp. 2115-2133
M. Fedoroňko and P. Zuman Polarography of urea and thiourea derivatives. XIII. Kinetics of base catalysed decomposition of S-substituted thioureas in alkaline solution -
pp. 2134-2150
J. Volke and M. M. Amer Polarography of aromatic heterocyclic compounds. XVI. Reducibility and adsorption effects in isomeric benzoyl pyridines -
pp. 2151-2160
F. Čůta and M. Karlík Röntgenographische Bestimmung der Bindung von Schwefel und Schätzung seines Gehaltes im Nickelkatalysator -
pp. 2161-2181
M. Protiva, M. Rajšner, E. Adlerová, V. Seidlová and Z. J. Vejdělek Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen I. Über einige neue Typen von 6,11-Dihydrodibenzo(b,e)thiepinderivaten und deren Analoga -
pp. 2182-2188
L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXVII. Constitution of petasitolides and S-petasitolides -
pp. 2189-2193
L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXVIII. Constitution of petasalbine, albopetasine and hydroxyeremophilenolide, the components of Petasites albus L. rhizomes -
pp. 2194-2205
J. Horák and M. Zbirovský Über Reaktionen von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid und seinen Derivaten III. Über die durch Jod katalysierte Reduktion von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid und Trichlormethansulfochlorid mit Schwefeldioxid und Schwefelwasserstoff -
pp. 2206-2215
B. Keil and H. Keilová On proteins. XC. Peptic and tryptic cleavage of the B-chain of oxidized insulin -
pp. 2216-2222
H. Keilová, B. Keil and F. Šorm Proteases of Ehrlich ascites tumor. III. Purification and characterization of cellular cathepsins I and II -
pp. 2223-2227
J. Pich Impaction of aerosol particles in the neighbourhood of a circular hole -
pp. 2227-2230
M. Šolc Contribution to the kinetics and mechanism of nitric oxide oxidation -
pp. 2230-2231
J. Schraml and O. Knessl Magnetic properties of albomycin -
pp. 2232-2236
F. P. Dousek, J. Jindra and M. Svatá Porosimetrische Bestimmung der Porosität der Deckschichten von Elektroden des Brennstoffelementes -
pp. 2237-2239
J. Jeník and F. Renger Analytik der metallorganischen Verbindungen vom Sandwich-Typ III. Gleichzeitige Mikrobestimmung von Eisen und Titan in Donor-Akzeptorkomplexen der Ferrocenbasen -
pp. 2240-2241
V. A. Zacharov, J. Doležal and J. Zýka Verwendung der oszillographischen Polarographie in der quantitativen Analyse XX. Silber- und Bleibestimmung im Thioharnstoffmedium -
pp. 2242-2244
A. Berka, J. Janata and J. Zýka Beitrag zur Faktorbestimmung von Blei(IV)-acetatmasslösungen -
pp. 2244-2249
E. Ružička Einige Oxazone als bromatometrische Indikatoren -
pp. 2250-2252
V. Baran and M. Tympl Direkte komplexometrische Zirkoniumbestimmung mit Brenzcatechinviolett -
pp. 2252-2259
L. Wünsch Potentiometrische Alkalireserve- und Carbonatbestimmung in Körperflüssigkeiten -
pp. 2260-2263
F. Vyskočil Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LVIII. Beitrag zur Kupplung von 1,8-Naphthylendiamin -
pp. 2264-2268
Z. J. Allan and J. Podstata Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LIX. Ersatz der Nitrogruppe durch Halogen im 2,4-Dinitrobenzoldiazonium-kation -
pp. 2268-2271
J. Pavlů Fractionation of the proteins from the sulphosalicylic acid filtrates of serum by chromatography on DEAE-Cellulose -
pp. 2272-2276
H. Keilová and B. Keil Proteinases of Ehrlich ascites tumour. IV. Specificity of cleavage of the B-chain of oxidized insulin with cathepsin I and II isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumour cells
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.