- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 10
pp. 3227-3232
R. Zahradník, J. Michl and C. Jutz Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. IV. An HMO study of amino derivatives of fulvenes and vinylogous fulvenes -
pp. 3233-3246
J. Mašek and H. Przewlocka Polarographic study of free nitronium group, NO2+ -
pp. 3247-3262
J. Novosad and G. Standart Studies on granular materials. IV. Calculation of the shaft torque for mixing granular materials -
pp. 3263-3271
F. Čůta and O. Hrdý Spektralphotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktionen von Nitramin mit Hydroxiden und Sulfiten -
pp. 3272-3277
J. Hrivňák, Z. Šťota, J. Doležal and A. Šubinová Gaschromatographische Bestimmung der Chlorameisensäurealkylester -
pp. 3278-3284
J. Čermák and J. Franc Über die Identifizierung einiger Verbindungen aus der direkten Synthese der Methylchlorsilane -
pp. 3285-3293
K. Ulbert On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXIII. EPR spectra of polyamides irradiated by ionizing radiation -
pp. 3294-3302
M. Kubín and P. Špaček Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. V. Diffusion in gels -
pp. 3303-3308
J. J. K. Novák and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXX. Synthesis of D-hamamelose -
pp. 3309-3319
A. Holý, J. Smrt and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXI. Oxidation of nucleoside 5'-phosphites on treatment with halo acid derivatives and hexachloroacetone -
pp. 3320-3324
J. Tomko, Z. Votický, H. Budzikiewicz and L. J. Durham Alkaloids of Veratrum album Subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH. X. Structure of veramarine -
pp. 3325-3332
K. Bláha and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LVIII. Cyclisation of peptides with 2-ethyl-5-phenylisoxazolium-3'-sulphonate -
pp. 3333-3338
V. Štěrba, Z. Ságner and M. Matrka Diazotierungskinetik der Nitraniline in Chlorwasserstoffsäure-Milieu -
pp. 3339-3354
V. Penčev and L. Beránek Catalytic dealkylation of alkylaromatic compounds. XIII. Kinetics of hydrogenolytic dealkylation of isopropylbenzene on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 3355-3360
I. Jirkovský, I. Ernest and M. Protiva Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXXVII. Neue Phenoxyessigsäure- und Phenylmercaptoessigsäure- Ester des Methylreserpats -
pp. 3361-3369
Z. Nejedlý, Z. Koutecký and D. Grünberger Preparation of ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates-14C of high specific activity from the algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa -
pp. 3370-3376
M. Jurovčík, K. Raška, Jr., Z. Šormová and F. Šorm Anabolic transformation of a novel antimetabolite, 5-azacytidine, and evidence for its incorporation into ribonucleic acid -
pp. 3377-3387
P. Lesse and P. Friš Streaming birefringence and viscosity described in terms of a complex function of the velocity gradient -
pp. 3388-3398
I. Wichterle Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XXXV. Vapour-liquid equilibria in system heptane-toluene-p-xylene and in systems heptane-toluene-extractive agent -
pp. 3399-3410
J. Müller and A. Regner Influence of preadsorption on the surface area determination -
pp. 3411-3414
M. Rálek The effect of ion exchange on the catalytic activity of Type X molecular sieves -
pp. 3415-3425
M. Bartušek and O. Staňková Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden II. Potentiometrische Untersuchung der Komplexe der Brenzcatechin-5-sulfonsäure und der Brenzcatechin-3,5-disulfonsäure -
pp. 3426-3454
L. Sommer, T. Šepel and L. Kuřilová Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden III. Spektralphotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion der Uranylionen mit der 2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalin-6-sulfonsäure und mit der Chromotropsäure -
pp. 3455-3461
J. Boháček and E. Paleček Bestimmung des Basengehaltes in Desoxyribonucleinsäuren mit der Methode der oszillographischen Polarographie -
pp. 3462-3467
O. Červinka, O. Bělovský and P. Adámek Asymmetric reactions. VIII. Ultra-violet and infra-red spectra of methylaryl ketones cyclohexylaryl ketones and diaryl ketones -
pp. 3468-3472
B. Pelc Steroid derivatives. XXIX. 1α-Methylated 5α-androstane derivatives substituted at C(3) and C(17) -
pp. 3473-3478
M. Suchý, Z. Samek, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXXV. Revision of structure of artiopicrin, cnicin and scabiolide -
pp. 3479-3500
F. Šantavý, J. L. Kaul, L. Hruban, L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš, K. Bláha and A. D. Cross Constitution of rhoeadine and isorhoeadine -
pp. 3501-3512
V. Zitko, J. Rosík, M. Bruteničová and J. Kubala Some structural features of apricot-tree gum (Prunus armeniaca L.) -
pp. 3513-3519
A. Čihák and F. Šorm Inhibitory effects of 5-azaorotate in Escherichia coli -
pp. 3520-3523
P. Lesse A nonlinear rheological equation of state for a single fluid -
pp. 3523-3525
J. J. Vogel A note to the theory of polarographic currents -
pp. 3526-3528
J. Polák and I. Mertl Saturated vapour pressure of methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, n-propyl acetate, methyl propionate, and ethyl propionate -
pp. 3529-3536
R. Zahradník and J. Michl Tables of quantum chemical data. V. Molecular orbitals of peri-condensed tricyclic hydrocarbons -
pp. 3536-3549
R. Zahradník and C. Párkányi Tables of quantum chemical data. VI. Energy characteristics of some alternant hydrocarbons -
pp. 3550-3560
R. Zahradník and J. Michl Tables of quantum chemical data. VII. Molecular orbitals of indacene-like and some peri-condensed tetracyclic hydrocarbons -
pp. 3560-3565
P. Hochmann, J. Dubský, J. Koutecký and C. Párkányi Tables of quantum chemical data. VIII. Energy characteristics of some benzenoid hydrocarbons -
pp. 3565-3569
L. Kišová and P. Tvarůžek Wechselstrompolarographie des Tris-2,2'-dipyridyl-chrom(III)-Ions -
pp. 3570-3575
J. Krupička, J. Závada and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XXXV. The polarographic reduction of cycloalkyl bromides: E1/2 values and mechanism -
pp. 3575-3578
B. Pelc and J. Hodková Steroid derivatives. XXXVI. Preparation of 1α-alkyl-Δ4-3-ketones from 1α-alkyl-3-ketones of the 5α-androstane series -
pp. 3579-3581
L. Novotný and V. Herout Plant substances. XXIV. Constituents of rhizoms of Petasites japonicus (SIEB. et ZUCC.) MAXIM susp. giganteus KITAMURA -
pp. 3582-3587
J. Rosík, V. Zitko and J. Kubala 4-O-Methyl-D-glucuronic acid in the gum of peach-tree (Prunus persica L.) and plum-tree (P. domestica L.)
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.