- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 11
pp. 3589-3593
F. Jenč Note on the reduced potential curve of K2 -
pp. 3594-3605
J. Mašek, H. Przewlocka and A. A. Vlček Polarographic studies of nitrosyl compounds. III. The nitrite-iodide reaction -
pp. 3606-3620
F. Štráfelda and A. Kimla Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt IX. Grenzstrom an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode bei ungleichsinnig parallelem Elektrolyt- und Quecksilberfluss im Bereich der stokesschen Geschwindigkeiten -
pp. 3621-3630
A. Tockstein Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik I. Gleichung für das Elektrodenpotential im Nichtgleichgewichtsgemisch mehrerer elektroaktiver Redoxsysteme -
pp. 3631-3637
O. Quadrat and P. Munk A modified zimm viscometer with a photoelectric recorder -
pp. 3638-3647
A. Tkáč On the theory of macroradical termination. II. Indication of cross-linking by the rates of dissolution and swelling -
pp. 3648-3657
J. Baldrian On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXIV. Supermolecular structure of polycaprolactam in its phase transformations -
pp. 3658-3663
P. Kristian, M. Sprinzl and K. Antoš Synthesis and infrared spectra of diisothiocyanates of the aryl and arylmethyl type -
pp. 3664-3671
Š. Kováč, P. Kristian and K. Antoš Studies of the vibrational frequencies νasym.NCS of m- and p-substituted phenylisothiocyanates in various solvents -
pp. 3672-3686
L. Markovec and S. Landa Über die Verschiebung der Doppelbindung in einigen Olefinen bei der Chromatographie an Silicagel und Aluminiumoxid II. Strukturwandel der Trialkyläthylene und des 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentens -
pp. 3687-3696
J. Slavík and J. Appelt Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXIX. Über die Alkaloide einiger Papaver-Arten -
pp. 3697-3704
J. Slavík, L. Slavíková and J. Brabenec Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXX. Über weitere Alkaloide aus der Wurzel von Chelidonium majus L. -
pp. 3705-3710
Z. Votický, J. Tomko, L. Dolejš and V. Hanuš Alkaloids from Buxus sempervirens L. IV. The structure of buxtauine -
pp. 3711-3717
J. Kuthan and E. Janečková Über Dihydropyridine X. Reduktion unsymmetrisch alkylierter 3,5-Dicyanpyridine mit Natriumborhydrid -
pp. 3718-3729
J. Arient, J. Dvořák, M. Nepraš and P. Kokeš Imidazol-Farbstoffe XV. Darstellung von Aroylenimidazolfarbstoffen und Einfluss der Substitution auf ihre Farbigkeit -
pp. 3730-3743
Z. Buděšínský, F. Roubínek and E. Svátek 5-Arylpyrimidine II. 4,6-Disubstituierte 5-Phenylpyrimidine -
pp. 3744-3751
J. Pliml and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXII. Synthesis of maleic acid hydrazide riboside and 2'-deoxyriboside -
pp. 3752-3759
L. Novák and M. Protiva Antihistamin-Substanzen LII. Synthese der p-Hydroxyderivate des Mebrophenhydramins und Diphenhydramins -
pp. 3760-3766
P. Mäsiar and A. Šofranková Fractionation of a peptic digest of horse plasma globulins by gel filtration through different types of Sephadex -
pp. 3767-3771
V. Kvita, V. Hach, B. Kakáč and J. Kolínský Synthese des (±)-4-Methyllobelins -
pp. 3772-3784
F. Jenč The reduced potential curves of heavy diatomic molecules. I. The reduced potential curves of halogenes and interhalogenes -
pp. 3785-3797
K. Holub and J. Koryta Surface reaction of adsorbed substance transported by diffusion to a plane electrode -
pp. 3798-3803
M. Šolc Möglichkeit des elementaren Verlaufes der Reaktion des Stickoxids mit Sauerstoff -
pp. 3804-3821
K. Dušek Ionenaustauschergerüste XIV. Geschwindigkeit des Ionenaustausches an stark sauren Kationenaustauschern mit poröser Struktur -
pp. 3822-3833
V. Rod The calculation of mass transfer coefficients and of axial dispersion coefficients from concentration profiles -
pp. 3834-3860
L. Sommer, T. Šepel and L. Kuřilová Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden IV. Spektralphotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion mit Tiron und Brenzcatechin -
pp. 3861-3874
A. Tkáč and J. Hrivíková On the theory of macroradical termination. I. Changes in the level of radicals detected spectroscopically -
pp. 3875-3889
P. Smejtek, J. Honzl and V. Metalová Electron paramagnetic resonance of radical cations of benzidine and tetramethylbenzidine -
pp. 3890-3894
A. Nováček and D. Hesoun Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXIII. A study on benzylation of 6-azauracil -
pp. 3895-3901
Z. Buděšínský, J. Přikryl and E. Svátek 5-Halogenpyrimidine II. Synthese des 2-Hydroxy-5-fluorpyrimidins -
pp. 3902-3908
V. Zitko, J. Rosík and J. Kubala Pectic acid from wild apples (Malus silvestris MILL.) -
pp. 3909-3919
F. Kalousek and I. Rychlík Purification and properties of lysyl-sRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli -
pp. 3920-3928
S. Zadražil, L. Pivec, J. Šponar and Z. Šormová Isolation of low-molecular DNA from various animal tissues -
pp. 3929-3935
L. Pivec, S. Zadražil, J. Šponar and Z. Šormová Physico-chemical characteristics of low-molecular DNA from calf thymus -
pp. 3936-3952
Václav Holeyšovský, V. Tomášek, O. Mikeš, A. S. Danilova and F. Šorm On proteins. XCVIII. The disulfide bonds of bovine DIP-trypsin -
pp. 3953-3955
M. P. Mokhnatkin Linear characteristics of second order phase transitions -
pp. 3956-3958
M. Matrka, J. Marhold, Z. Ságner and V. Štěrba Paper chromatography of p-substituted derivatives of 1-aryl-3,3-dimethyltriazene -
pp. 3958-3961
Z. Uhlíř Paper chromatography of condensed phosphates in the centrifugal field -
pp. 3961-3963
J. Slavík, J. Appelt and L. Slavíková Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXI. Alkaloide aus Papaver commutatum FISCH. et MEY. -
pp. 3964-3968
B. Večerek, J. Kraml, H. Pelichová, J. Štěpán, M. Chmelař and S. Štípek Phosphatases. II. Changes in the composition of human intestinal and kidney alkaline phosphatase during purification -
pp. 3968-3971
L. Mirčevová and J. Bicanová Formation of urea from asparagine in human erythrocytes -
pp. 3972-3975
E. Lukášová, J. Boháček and J. Soška Separation of the alkaline hydrolysate of ribonucleic acid on Dowex 1 using concentration gradients of chloride ions and pH -
pp. 3976-3978
I. Štěpánek Studies of the properties of beef thrombin by agar gel electrophoresis
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.