- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 4
pp. 931-939
A. M. Kardoš, J. Volke and P. Kristian Polarography of phenyl isothiocyanates substituted in meta-position and kinetics of their reaction with hydroxyl ions -
pp. 940-951
O. Exner and J. Holubek Acyl derivatives of hydroxylamine. XI. Study of hydroxamic acids dissociation by means of UV-spectroscopy -
pp. 952-960
A. A. Vlček Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. XI. System cobaltocene-cobalticenium -
pp. 961-975
V. Frei and A. Šolcová Koordinationsverbindungen von organischen Oxosubstanzen XIV. Untersuchung von Tartrato-boratlösungen -
pp. 976-982
J. Urban and J. Bednář Localization of energy in radiolysis of solutions. I. Formation of hydrogen and hydrogen chloride in mixtures of cyclohexane with carbon tetrachloride -
pp. 983-990
J. Rais and M. Kyrš Contribution to the testing of the suggested sorption mechanism of zirkonium on silica gel from nitric acid solution -
pp. 991-995
J. Pichler and M. Kučera Increase in thermal stability of polyformaldehyde by copolymerization -
pp. 996-1008
J. Jakeš, P. Schmidt and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of polyamides. XVII. Interpretation of infrared spectra of polyamides in the planar extended chain conformation -
pp. 1009-1015
K. Hejno, V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Über einige Inhaltsstoffe des weissen Teiles der Birkenrinde -
pp. 1016-1023
Q. Khuong-Huu, M. Truong-Ho, L. Lábler, R. Goutarel and F. Šorm On steroids. XC. Ozonolysis and methylation of concurchine and its derivatives -
pp. 1024-1029
Z. J. Allan and J. Podstata Sulfurierungen IV. Reaktion von Ammoniumhydrogensulfit mit 2,4-Diaminotoluol -
pp. 1030-1035
A. Čapek, A. Černý, M. Beran and M. Semonský Substanzen mit antineoplastischer Wirksamkeit. VIII. Mikrobielle Kataboliten von 6-Carboxyalkylthiopurinen -
pp. 1036-1040
J. Salák, Z. Vodrážka and J. Čejka Phosphorylation of human serum albumin and haemoglobin -
pp. 1041-1053
M. Rylek and G. Standart Studies on distillation. IV. Hydraulics of plates without downcomers and dry plate pressure drop -
pp. 1054-1059
V. Kolář and V. Staněk Distribution of liquid over random packing -
pp. 1060-1072
R. Zahradník and J. Michl Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. II. Odd-numbered polyenes with a five-membered ring at each end -
pp. 1073-1081
H. Beranová and M. Novák Partition chromatography of uranium and fission products on a porous styrene-divinyl benzene copolymer swollen in tributylphosphate solution -
pp. 1082-1091
V. Pechanec and J. Horáček Bestimmung von Kohlenstoff und Wasserstoff in organischen Verbindungen IV. Beitrag zur Untersuchung der die Kohlendioxidabsorption beeinflussenden Faktoren, Vergleich des Wirkungsgrades fester Absorptionsmittel und Vorschlag für ein neues Absorbens -
pp. 1092-1103
J. Pospíšil and L. Taimr Antioxydantien und Stabilisatoren V. Darstellung von Tert.butyl- und Tert.octylderivaten des Brenzcatechins -
pp. 1104-1118
M. Kubín Beitrag zur Theorie der Chromatographie -
pp. 1119-1128
P. Kratochvíl On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. V. Analysis of the angular dependence of the intensity of light scattered by solutions of polyvinyl chloride samples containing microgels -
pp. 1129-1135
P. Munk and P. Lesse Behaviour of macromolecules in solution. IV. A semiempirical dependence of intrinsic viscosity on velocity gradient derived from streaming birefringence measurements -
pp. 1136-1143
P. Strnad and M. Kraus Catalytic dealkylation of alkylaromatic compounds. XI. Reaction of ethylbenzene and ethyltoluenes over an acidic catalyst -
pp. 1144-1150
J. Jarý, J. Kovář and K. Čapek Über Aminozucker IV. Darstellung von Derivaten der 3,6-Didesoxy-3-amino-D-altrose -
pp. 1151-1157
M. Černý, J. Pacák and J. Staněk Synthesen mit Anhydrozuckern IV. Darstellung von 1,6-2,3-Dianhydro-β-D-mannopyranose und ihre Isomerisierung zu 1,6-3,4-Dianhydro-β-D-altropyranose -
pp. 1158-1168
M. Procházka Über Thiophen-1-oxid -
pp. 1169-1177
J. Hora and V. Černý On steroids. XCI. A new route for preparation of 18-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-on-17β-carboxylic acid lactone -
pp. 1178-1188
J. Jarkovský and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXI. Papierchromatographische Verfolgung der Chromierung von Azofarbstoffen. Zerlegung der Chrom- und Kobaltkomplexe auf Zellulose in die Spiegelbildisomeren -
pp. 1189-1196
F. Mužík Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXII. Kupplung einiger 9-Amino-α-naphthoxazol-Derivate und ihrer alkalischen Hydrolyseprodukte mit Diazoniumverbindungen -
pp. 1197-1204
F. Mužík Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXIII. Auf substituiertem 9-Amino-α-naphthoxazol beruhende Azofarbstoffe -
pp. 1205-1213
V. Chmátal and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXIV. Pyridin und andere Kupplungskatalysatoren zur Darstellung von Trisazoverbindungen -
pp. 1214-1220
L. Bláha, J. Weichet and B. Kakáč Claisen-Cyclisierung einiger Ketoester mit alkalischen Hydroxiden -
pp. 1221-1228
Ľ. Drobnica and J. Augustin Reactions of isothiocyanates with amino acids, peptides and proteins. II. Kinetics of the reaction of aromatic isothiocyanates with amino acids and cyclization of the addition products -
pp. 1229-1234
F. Horák and M. Sámel Thioxo analogues of 6-azauracil. I. The effect of substitution of the molecule on antithyroidal activity -
pp. 1235-1245
J. Litomiský Quantitative spectrochemical determination of niobium and tantalum with the use of fractional distillation -
pp. 1246-1254
E. Plško Abhängigkeit der Regression und der Korrelation der Intensitätslogarithmen in den tSreudiagrammen von den Parametern der untersuchten Spektrallinien -
pp. 1255-1259
A. Špačková Spektrochemische Bestimmung von Molybdän und Wolfram in Gesteinen -
pp. 1260-1267
K. Laqua and W. Hagenah Versuche zur kontinuierlichen spektrochemischen Analyse von Konverterstaub bei der Herstellung von Stahl -
pp. 1268-1291
P. W. J. M. Boumans and C. J. J. Rouws Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen über Anregungstemperatur, Elektronendichte und Untergrundintensität in Metalldampfgraphitbögen ein Studium des LiF-Graphit-Bogens -
pp. 1292-1297
I. Rubeška Remarks on the distribution of radiating atoms in arc discharges -
pp. 1298-1302
Z. Radwan and B. Strzyzewska Bestimmung von Lanthan, Praseodym und Neodym in hochreinen Cerverbindungen -
pp. 1303-1310
M. Matherny, N. Pliešovská and Ž. Rybárová On the matrix-effect in the excitation of the atomic emission spectra of magnesites -
pp. 1311-1325
V. Dlouhá, D. Pospíšilová, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins XCIV. Primary structure of basic trypsin inhibitor from beef pancreas -
pp. 1326-1328
J. Zachoval, J. Kálal, B. Veruovič and L. Štefka A soluble nickel-containing polymerization catalyst -
pp. 1328-1331
B. Bartoníček, J. Janovský and J. Bednář Localization of energy in radiolysis of solutions. II. Yields of OH and OD radicals in mixtures of light and heavy water -
pp. 1331-1333
V. Holba, M. Dillinger and C. Skoršepa Über die Aquotisierung von cis-Dichlorobis(äthylendiamin)chrom(III)-Ionen -
pp. 1334-1335
O. Červinka and O. Kříž Über den Bildungsmechanismus von Allylalkohol aus Glycerin -
pp. 1335-1338
A. D. Cross, L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš, M. Maturová and F. Šantavý Studies on the structure of the alkaloid muramine -
pp. 1339-1342
Z. Zmrhal, J. Vaněček, M. Mészáros and F. Šorm On proteins. XCIII. Peptides overlapping some bonds cleaved by trypsin in the C-chain of α-chymotrypsin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.