- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 6
pp. 2287-2310
P. Hochmann, J. Koutecký, É. Szabo and J. Fišer Semiempirical quantum chemical calculations on polyenic hydrocarbons. I. Application of the simple MO LCAO method using a constant ratio of resonance integrals for the double and single bonds of the Kekulé structure -
pp. 2311-2317
J. Michl and R. Zahradník Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. IX. A note on the electronic spectrum of the dibenzo[a,d]tropylium cation -
pp. 2318-2326
M. Šišková and E. Erdös Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes. II. Calculation from the properties of pure components -
pp. 2327-2337
M. Šišková and E. Erdös Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes. III. Verification of theoretical relations -
pp. 2338-2343
Z. Pelzbauer and V. Foršt The electron-microscopic evaluation of the porosity of ion exchangers -
pp. 2344-2359
J. Janata, O. Schmidt and P. Zuman Application of analogue computers to the studies of reactions involving electrolytically generated reagent. II. Treatment of consecutive and competitive reactions -
pp. 2360-2373
E. Paleček Oscillographic polarography of guanine residues in deoxyribonucleic acid -
pp. 2374-2381
D. I. Bustin and A. A. Vlček Polarographic study of chromium nitroprusside reoxidation by sulfite -
pp. 2382-2388
V. Baran, M. Tympl and E. Čakrt Extraction of alkalized solutions of uranyl salts with tributyl phosphate -
pp. 2389-2398
A. Pošta and O. Paleta Über die Additionsreaktion von Tetrachlormethan mit Trifluorchloräthylen -
pp. 2399-2409
Jaroslav Jonas, M. Kratochvíl, H. Gross and J. Janák Über α-Halogenäther XXV. Verwendung des Kovatsschen Retentionsindexsystems zur Identifizierung von Acetalen der Tetrahydropyranreihe -
pp. 2410-2415
M. Valenta, M. Janda and A. Klásek Versuche in der Furan-Reihe VI. Alkoxylierung von 2-Methyl-3-formylfuran -
pp. 2416-2423
M. Ferles and M. Holík Studies in the pyridine series. XII. Reduction of 1-methyl-2-pyridone, 1,3-dimethyl-2-pyridone and 1,5-dimethyl-2-pyridone with lithium aluminum hydride -
pp. 2424-2433
J. Weichet and L. Bláha Studien in der Vitamin-K- und Vitamin-E-Reihe XV. Über die Synthese der 2,6,10,14-Tetramethyl-14-hydroxy-15-hexadecensäure und verwandter Verbindungen -
pp. 2434-2443
J. Weichet, L. Bláha, B. Kakáč and J. Hodrová Studien in der Vitamin-K- und Vitamin-E-Reihe XVI. Synthese der (±)-α-Tocopherolsäure und ihre niedrigeren Homologen und Derivate -
pp. 2444-2454
J. Turková, O. Mikeš and F. Šorm Similarities in the composition of antibiotics albomycin and grisein -
pp. 2454-2455
J. Hess Comparison of antibacterial effects of components of albomycin and grisein -
pp. 2456-2465
J. Doskočil The sequence specificity of methylation of cytosine in bacterial deoxyribonucleic acids -
pp. 2466-2480
A. Tockstein Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik. II. Kurven Potential-Zeit für biomolekulare Redoxreaktionen unter Ausschluss der Reaktion über die Elektrode -
pp. 2481-2491
Z. Jerman Zum Konstitutionsproblem von Sulfatlösungen des vierwertigen Titans -
pp. 2492-2500
O. Navrátil Untersuchung der Chelate einiger Azofarbstoffe mittels der Extraktionsmethode II. Komplexe des 1-(Thiazolylazo)-2-naphthols und des 1-(Pyridylazo)-2-naphthols mit Silber und Seltenerden -
pp. 2501-2509
J. Vulterin Ferrometrische Jodatbestimmung -
pp. 2510-2517
J. Vorlíček and F. Vydra Amperometrie mit zwei polarisierbaren Elektroden IX. Calcium-, Strontium- und Bariumbestimmung mittels ÄDTA-Titration unter Indikation mit einem stationären Pt-Pt-Elektrodensystem -
pp. 2518-2524
F. Vydra and K. Štulík Amperometrie mit zwei polarisierbaren Elektroden X. Untersuchung der Konzentrationsverhältnisse bei der Chelatbildung -
pp. 2525-2533
I. Gemzová and J. Gasparič Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LXV. Dünnschichtchromatographie primärer aromatischer Amine an Aluminiumoxid -
pp. 2534-2546
J. Šebenda and J. Králíček On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXVI. The effect of end groups in poly-6-caprolactam on the Huggins constant of polymer solutions in tricresol -
pp. 2547-2557
J. Majer and J. Denkstein Synthesen auf dem Gebiet der Nitramine III. N-Chlormethylnitramine -
pp. 2558-2564
K. Čapek and J. Jarý Amino sugars. X. Preparation of 3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-D-gulose, -D-allose and -L-allose derivatives -
pp. 2565-2582
Z. Prusík, B. Keil and F. Šorm On proteins. CIV. Disulfide bonds of chymotrypsinogen -
pp. 2583-2595
I. Rychlík Properties of the ternary complex between polylysyl transfer ribonucleic acid, ribosome and polyadenylic acid. I. Messenger-dependent attachment of polylysyl transfer ribonucleic acid by Escherichia coli ribosomes -
pp. 2596-2599
M. Svatá Comparison of mercury and gas porosimetry for the study of structure of porous electrodes -
pp. 2600-2601
A. Rusina and H.-P. Schröer Weitere Bemerkungen über das polarographische Verhalten von Aromatenkomplexen des Chroms. Methylsubstituierte Aromatenkomplexe -
pp. 2601-2604
P. Smejtek Sigma-pi interaction constants (EPR) of nitrogen in sp2 hybridization -
pp. 2605-2607
M. Matrka, J. Marhold, V. Chmátal and J. Pípalová Papierchromatographie einiger möglicher Metaboliten des N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzols -
pp. 2608-2612
J. Hrivňák, M. Livař and R. Šplháček Gas chromatographic separation of sec.butylphenol and phenyl-sec.butyl ethers -
pp. 2612-2614
M. J. Beneš, J. Peška and J. Kříž Polymerisation von Acrylnitril in Dimethylsulfoxid-Lösung durch Einwirkung von Dimethylsulfoxid-alkalisalz -
pp. 2615-2618
O. Červinka and L. Hub Asymmetric reactions. XI. Sterical course of enzymatic reduction of methyl alkyl ketones and methyl aryl ketones -
pp. 2618-2622
J. Kuthan and J. Paleček On dihydropyridines. XI. Use of 3,5-diacetyl-1,4-dihydropyridine for the synthesis of dinicotinic acid derivatives -
pp. 2623-2627
K. Šebesta, J. Bauerová and Z. Šormová Bacterial contamination as a source of error in the estimation of DNA turnover in higher plants
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.