- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1967, Volume 32, Issue 4
pp. 1309-1330
A. Tockstein and M. Matušek Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik III. Potential-zeitkurven für bimolekulare Redoxreaktionen mit gleichzeitiger Reaktion über die Elektrode -
pp. 1331-1339
A. Calusaru and J. Kůta Reduction polarographique du complexe nitrohydroxylamine de nickel en solution tampon ammoniacal -
pp. 1340-1349
M. Friš, J. Fohl and M. Smutek Kristallisationsgleichgewichte VIII. Ternäre Systeme unter Bildung binärer Mischkristalle Abhängigkeit der Löslichkeit von der Temperatur -
pp. 1350-1358
J. Teplý and A. Habersbergerová Hydrogen formation in the radiolysis of liquid methanol and ethanol -
pp. 1359-1367
A. P. Belij, A. I. Gorbunov, R. M. Flid, S. A. Golubtsov, N. S. Feldshtein and I. V. Trofimova Kinetic investigation of the reaction of silicon with hydrogen chloride -
pp. 1368-1373
M. Beran Mononukleare Hydrolysenkomplexe des Thoriums -
pp. 1374-1389
B. Sedláček Light scattering. XVI. Particle size determination by the turbidity ratio method -
pp. 1390-1397
J. Kutil and F. Čůta Bestimmung kleiner Metallmengen in Gold nach deren Sorption an einem Kationenaustauscher -
pp. 1398-1426
B. Sedláček Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. VII. Turbidity changes of polymeric gels poly(ethylene glycol methacrylate)-glycol-water -
pp. 1427-1437
O. Paleta and A. Pošta Addition reactions of haloolefins. III. The reaction of 1,2-difluorodichloroethylene with fluorotrichloromethane in the presence of Lewis acids -
pp. 1438-1448
J. Kuthan and J. Hakr On dihydropyridines. XIV. Substituted 2,6-diphenyl-3,5-dicyano-1,4-dihydropyridines -
pp. 1449-1461
Z. J. Allan, J. Podstata, D. Šnobl and J. Jarkovský Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXII. π-Komplexe zwischen Nitrosyl und aromatischen Verbindungen. Nitrosierungsmechanismus -
pp. 1462-1471
M. Matrka, Z. Ságner, V. Chmátal, V. Štěrba and M. Veselý Über die Bildung von Azoverbindungen bei der Zersetzungsreaktion aromatischer Diazoverbindungen in wässrigem Medium -
pp. 1472-1483
Z. Jerman Zum Konstitutionsproblem von Sulfatlösungen des vierwertigen Zirkoniums -
pp. 1484-1496
B. Strauch and L. I. Komissarova Raman spectra of solutions of scandium nitrates and sulphates -
pp. 1497-1504
M. Fedoroňko, J. Königstein and K. Linek Electroreduction of methylglyoxal -
pp. 1505-1517
M. Kubín A generalized exponential function as a model of polymer distribution curves -
pp. 1518-1527
J. Míčka An analytical expression for the density of residence time distribution in a cascade of perfect mixers with back-mixing -
pp. 1528-1540
B. Buděšínský, K. Haas and A. Bezděková Spektralphotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion von Phosphonazo III und seiner Analoga mit Metallionen -
pp. 1541-1553
P. Munk On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. VIII. Optical anisotropy and orientation of polyvinyl chloride molecules studied by the streaming birefringence method -
pp. 1554-1560
K. Dušek Structural parameters of cross-linked polystyrene determined from the tension-deformation dependence and swelling in solvents of different activities -
pp. 1561-1574
J. Dvořák, B. Matyska, J. Vodehnal and I. Kössler Cyclo- and cyclized diene polymers. IX. Oxidation of diene cyclopolymers at elevated temperatures -
pp. 1575-1581
M. Bednárek, M. Kolínský and D. Lím Polymerization of vinyl chloride initiated by alkylboron compounds -
pp. 1582-1587
A. Šváb, Z. Buděšínský and J. Vavřina Über 5,6-Dihydrofuro[2,3-d]pyrimidine -
pp. 1588-1594
P. Biely and Š. Bauer Metabolism of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by baker's yeast. I. Isolation and identification of phosphorylated esters of 2-deoxy-D-glucose -
pp. 1595-1598
B. Sedláček Light scattering. XVII. Optical properties of turbid polymeric gels -
pp. 1599-1604
B. Sedláček Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. VIII. Optical characterization of turbid gels in changes of their volumes -
pp. 1604-1608
A. Maštalka, V. A. Chalkin and N. A. Lebedev Radiochemische Isolierungen IV. Trennen der Target-Substanz von den Produkten der Cerabspaltung -
pp. 1608-1610
J. Teplý and A. Habersbergerová Radiolysis of methanolic solutions of nitrous oxide -
pp. 1610-1613
P. Zuman Oxidation by chromic oxide; Complete kinetic treatment of the oxidation of secondary alcohols -
pp. 1614-1619
F. Vydra and V. Marková Sorption von Metallkomplexen an Silicagel II. Sorption von Tris-phenanthrolinkomplexen -
pp. 1619-1621
J. Horák and K. Krajkářová Über Reaktion von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid und seinen Derivaten VI. Reaktion der Trichlormethansulfensäure-amide mit Natriummethylat -
pp. 1622-1625
F. Vláčil Über die Konfiguration des Salicylaldehydthiosemicarbazons -
pp. 1625-1630
M. Svoboda, A. T. Yudin and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XL. Synthesis of 4,4,8,8-tetramethylcyclodecanecarboxylic acid and 1,1,5,5-tetramethylcyclodecane: compounds possessing a "deformed" cyclodecane conformation -
pp. 1631-1636
M. Ferles and A. Tesařová Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe XVII. Elektrolytische Reduktion der Pyridincarboxaldehyde, Acetylpyridine, Pyridylcarbinole und des 3-Pyridylmethyl-, 3-Pyridyldimethyl- und 4-Pyridyldimethylcarbinols -
pp. 1637-1641
Z. Buděšínský, J. Přikryl and E. Svátek 2,5-Dihydroxypyrimidine und ihre Derivate -
pp. 1642-1645
O. Daněk, D. Šnobl, I. Knížek and S. Nouzová Diazotierung der Aminophenole in konzentrierter Fluorborsäure -
pp. 1646-1649
J. Žemlička Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XCII. The preparation of 2',3'-O-isopropylidene-O2-5'-cyclocytidine methanesulfonate -
pp. 1649-1652
M. Sprinzl, J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XCIII. Synthesis of 5-bis(2-fluoroethyl)aminomethyluracil
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.