- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1967, Volume 32, Issue 5
pp. 1653-1664
E. Erdös Mathematical treatment of the heterogeneous fixed-bed reactor -
pp. 1665-1670
D. I. Bustin and A. A. Vlček Study of Cr(CN)5NO3-. II. Polarographic reduction in neutral solutions -
pp. 1671-1678
J. Jansta The influence of protective layer on electrochemical properties of the oxygen diffusion electrode -
pp. 1679-1687
V. Jedináková and J. Čeleda Beiträge zur Chemie hochkonzentrierter wässriger Elektrolytlösungen X. Untersuchung von Halogenokomplexen des zweiwertigen Quecksilbers mittels der Methode der scheinbaren Molvolumina -
pp. 1688-1697
B. Buděšínský Beziehung zwischen der Zusammensetzung des Komplexes und optimalem Säuregrad seiner Extraktion -
pp. 1698-1703
M. Král Molecular orbital theory of diamagnetic nickel(II) complexes with coordination number 3 -
pp. 1704-1711
J. Kučera and Z. Arnold Electrophilic substitutions of polymethinium salts -
pp. 1712-1718
A. Nováček Acylation of some urea derivatives -
pp. 1719-1729
J. Ratuský, R. Tykva and F. Šorm A study of incorporation of radioactive 14CO2 from reaction atmosphere into the molecule of potassium terephthalate in isomerization of potassium salts of benzene dicarboxylic acids -
pp. 1730-1737
M. Holík, A. Tesařová and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XVIII. Reduction of 1,4-dimethyl-2-pyridone, 1,6-dimethyl-2-pyridone, and 1,4,6-trimethyl-2-pyridone with lithium aluminum hydride -
pp. 1738-1746
M. Borovička, F. Kvis, J. Chromík and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen IX. Über basische Ester der 2-(2-Phenyläthyl)benzoesäure und einiger Analoga -
pp. 1747-1758
V. Seidlová and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen X. Über die Synthese von 10-(4-Methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten und seinem 8-Chlorderivat -
pp. 1759-1766
V. Hanuš, L. Dolejš, B. Müller and W. Döpke Massenspektren der 13-Oxoprotopin-Alkaloide und deren Tetrahydroderivate -
pp. 1767-1775
P. J. Thomas, M. Havránek and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LXXII. Synthesis of 2-phenylalanine-[U-14C]-8-lysine-vasopressin -
pp. 1776-1789
S. Chládek and J. Žemlička Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides and polynucleotides. II. Synthesis of the 2'(3')-O-glycyl derivatives of uridylyl-(3'→5')-uridine, cytidylyl-(3'→5')-adenosine, and uridylyl-(3'→5')-adenosine using the corresponding ribonucleoside 2',3'-cyclic orthoesters as the key intermediates -
pp. 1790-1801
R. G. Barradas, P. G. Hamilton and B. E. Conway Electrocapillary studies on pyridine adsorption in potassium chloride solutions -
pp. 1802-1814
P. Petráš, J. Podlahová and J. Podlaha Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen VII. Verbindungen mit Vanadin(V) -
pp. 1815-1835
V. Frei Koordinationsverbindungen von organischen Oxosubstanzen XXX. Untersuchung von Lösungen der Tartratoaluminiumverbindungen -
pp. 1836-1859
F. Štráfelda and M. Šťastný Momentane Diffusionsgrenzströme an Spitzkapillaren und die Diffusionskoeffizienten einiger Ionen -
pp. 1860-1870
A. Habersbergerová, I. Janovský and J. Teplý Radiation-induced oxidation of liquid methanol -
pp. 1871-1887
O. Kadlec and V. Daneš Mechanismus der thermischen Zersetzung einiger Oxalate -
pp. 1888-1902
V. Svoboda Spectrochemical analysis of radioactive substances. V. Effect of the electrode properties on the absolute sensitivity of the analysis -
pp. 1903-1912
R. Řeřicha, P. Jarolímek and M. Horák Determination of the degree of branching in alkanes by infrared spectroscopy. II. Variation of the intensity of the antisymmetrical stretching vibration bands of C-H bonds in CH3 and CH2 groups -
pp. 1913-1924
F. Rybnikář Kristallitgrösse des isotaktischen Polypropylens -
pp. 1925-1937
R. Kohn and I. Furda Calcium ion activity in solutions of calcium pectinate -
pp. 1938-1946
C. Konečný and N. Šístková Extraktion von Cäsium- und Rubidiumionen mit Phenolen aus alkalischem Medium -
pp. 1947-1959
B. Meloun, L. Morávek and F. Šorm On proteins. CVII. Peptides isolated from B- and C-chain of S-carboxymethyl-DIP-α-chymotrypsin -
pp. 1960-1967
A. Rakadžieva, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. CVIII. Differences in primary structures of dolphin and sperm-whale myoglobin -
pp. 1968-1975
B. Keil, L. Morávek and F. Šorm On proteins. CIX. Disulfide bonds of hog pepsin -
pp. 1976-1982
B. Mesrob and Václav Holeyšovský Microdetermination of C-terminal groups of peptides and proof of amides in terminal groups -
pp. 1983-1988
V. Hampl Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. IX. Estimation of the mean pore size at the ultrafilter surfaces by means of electron microscopy -
pp. 1988-1991
B. Hájek, F. Petrů and E. Holečková Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente XXXIV. Herstellung von Kaliumtetrathiocyanatogallat -
pp. 1991-1996
F. Kůtek Beitrag zur Chemie der Tetrafluoroborate II. Additionsverbindungen des Dioxans mit Tetrafluoroboraten einiger Übergangsmetalle -
pp. 1996-2000
L. Jenšovský Lichtabsorption in Lösungen von Bisperjodato- und Bistelluratocupraten(III) und -Argentaten(III) -
pp. 2001-2003
R. Tykva Simultaneous 3H and 14C assay in a 2π windowless flow proportional counter -
pp. 2004-2010
O. Navrátil Untersuchung der Chelate einiger Azofarbstoffe mittels der Extraktionsmethode III. Komplexe des 1-(2-Thiazolylazo)-2-naphthols mit Cadmium und Kobalt -
pp. 2011-2015
J. Novák Paper chromatography of aliphatic bis-glycidyl ethers -
pp. 2016-2021
M. Suchý, Z. Samek, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXXXVI. The structure of salonitenolide, a sesquiterpenic lactone of germacrane type from Centaurea salonitana VIS -
pp. 2021-2024
M. Rajšner and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XI. Über die Synthese von 3,8-Difluor-11-(3-dimethylaminopropyliden)-6,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,e]thiepin -
pp. 2025-2028
J. Nosek Eine Modifikation der Frankland-Reaction IV. Einwirkung von aktiviertem Zink auf organische Verbindungen mit einer Carbonyl-, Imino- und Nitrogruppe -
pp. 2028-2031
J. Nosek and J. Gasparič Eine Modifikation der Frankland-Reaction V. Einwirkung von aktiviertem Zink auf 1,3,5-Triphenyltrimethylentriamin -
pp. 2031-2035
M. Pešák, O. Greksáková, F. Kopecký and J. Čelechovský Ionization constants of antipyrin and its derivatives -
pp. 2035-2037
Z. Vrba and Z. J. Allan Sulfurierungen IX. Anilin-N,N-disulfonsäure -
pp. 2038-2041
Z. Kučerová, A. Holý, J. Škoda and F. Šorm Release of inorganic phosphite from nucleoside 5'-phosphites by Russell's viper venom
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.