- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 11
pp. 3397-3409
M. Březina, J. Koryta and M. Musilová Electrode processes of oxygen and of hydrogen peroxide on a silver electrode in alkali hydroxide solution -
pp. 3410-3421
P. Beneš, J. Smetana and V. Majer Radiochemische Untersuchung der Sorption von Spurenelementen III. Adsorption und Desorption von Eisen an Glas -
pp. 3422-3435
I. Sláma and Z. Kodejš Kinetik und Mechanismus der Bromidionenoxydation mittels Ionen des dreiwertigen Thalliums in Schmelzen von Chlorid-Bromidgemischen -
pp. 3436-3447
J. Přenosil and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. V. Residence time distribution of liquid in a heterogenous gas-liquid reactor -
pp. 3448-3456
M. Krejčí and M. Rusek Vapour pressure and distribution of stationary phase on a porous support in gas chromatography -
pp. 3457-3462
V. Karpenko, V. Kalous and Z. Pavlíček Conductometric measurements of interaction of albumin with inorganic ions -
pp. 3463-3469
O. Borecký and J. Zýka Untersuchung von Reaktionen des Blei(IV)-acetats mit peroxidischen Substanzen -
pp. 3470-3477
J. Knížek, M. Jakoubková, V. Chvalovský and M. Horák Organosilicon compounds. LXI. Infrared spectra of derivatives of phenylsilane C6H5SiXYZ in the region of 1600-700 cm-1; The effect of substituents X, Y, and Z on the vibrations of the phenyl group -
pp. 3478-3513
P. Hochmann, R. Zahradník and V. Kvasnička Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. XVI. peri-Condensed tricyclic systems; Effects of molecular geometry and choice of molecular orbitals on characteristics of electronic spectra calculated by the LCI method -
pp. 3514-3527
S. Sýkora Semiempirical calculation of conformational structure of 2,4-disubstituted pentanes -
pp. 3528-3540
L. Rybáček and K. Setínek Kinetics of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions. II. Kinetics of ketonisation of aliphatic acids and their mixtures on thoria -
pp. 3541-3550
L. Beránek The effect of slow desorption of reaction products on the course of consecutive and branched heterogeneous catalytic reactions -
pp. 3551-3557
O. Červinka, E. Kroupová and O. Bělovský Asymmetric reactions. XXIX. Absolute configuration of ω-phenyl-2-alkylamines and their N-methyl derivatives -
pp. 3558-3564
J. Kuthan, J. Procházková and E. Janečková On dihydropyridines. XV. Reactions of some 3,5-dicyanopyridines with complex aluminum hydrides -
pp. 3565-3570
V. Dědek, P. Trška and R. Hofeditz The synthesis of 7-methyl-1,6-dioxa-2-spiro[4,4]nonanacetic (i.e. exogonic) acid -
pp. 3571-3578
O. Paleta Additionsreaktionen der Halogenolefine VII. Über die Reaktion von Tetrachloräthylen und der 1,2-Dichloräthylen mit Fluormethanen in Gegenwart von Aluminiumchlorid -
pp. 3579-3588
V. Macháček, J. Panchartek, V. Štěrba and J. Tunka Kinetik und Mechanismus der Azokupplung III. Über die Reaktionskinetik substituierter Benzoldiazoniumkationen mit Nitroäthan -
pp. 3589-3597
J. Čoupek and D. Lím The polymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate initiated by hyponitrites -
pp. 3598-3617
P. Mitschka, P. Schneider and V. S. Beskov Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions. V. Nonisothermal case with a monomolecular Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate equation -
pp. 3618-3624
V. Talášek and J. Eliášek Kinetik des Ionenaustausches II. Austausch des B-H-Typs in einer Reihe organischer Basen an Dowex 50 W -
pp. 3625-3641
P. Mader, J. Kůta and J. Volke Über die Bildung von Kupfer(I)-cysteinat bei der polarographischen Reduktion des Komplexes Cu(II)-EDTA in Anwesenheit von Cystin und seine hemmende Wirkung auf die Reduktion des Komplexonats -
pp. 3642-3652
J. Novák, S. Wičar and J. Janák Prediction of the katharometer relative molar response. I. Relations between the amount of the component chromatographed and the response; The role of heat capacity -
pp. 3653-3669
V. Václavek, M. Kubíček, V. Hlaváček and M. Marek Studies on system engineering. I. Calculation of material and enthalpy balances on a computer -
pp. 3670-3678
L. Pačesová, H. Rathánová and J. Rosický Untersuchung der thermischen Zersetzung von Silberjodaten III. Differentielle Thermoanalyse einiger Silberjodate(VII) -
pp. 3679-3693
K. Spurný and J. P. Lodge, Jr. Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. XI. Structural and filtration properties of nuclear pore filters -
pp. 3694-3702
F. Štráfelda and J. Kroftová Continuous enthalpiometric analysis. I. Analyzer and basic parameters of continuous enthalpiometry -
pp. 3703-3714
J. Toul and J. Tušl Direkter Nachweis und Bestimmung von Perrhenat nach Trennung mittels Papierchromatographie -
pp. 3715-3725
M. Marhol, V. Sýkora and F. Dubský Ionenaustauscher, die in der Funktionsgruppe Phosphor enthalten; Herstellung und Eigenschaften der von der 2-(4-Hydroxybenzoyl)benzoesäure abgeleiteten Kationenaustauscher -
pp. 3726-3733
S. Kotrlý and K. Vytřas Chelatometrische Mikrobestimmungen und visuelle Vergleichsmikrotitrationen des Bleis -
pp. 3734-3751
L. Kábrt and Z. Holzbecher Chelatbildende Eigenschaften der 2,3-, 2,4- und 2,5-Dihydroxybenzyliden-o-aminophenole -
pp. 3752-3760
P. Sláma, D. Belluš and P. Hrdlovič Photo-fries rearrangement. II. The mechanism and substituent effects -
pp. 3761-3768
M. Matrka, J. Marhold, Z. Ságner and J. Pípalová Oxydation karzinogener Azofarbstoffe II. Oxydation von N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzol mittels verschiedener Oxydationsmittel -
pp. 3769-3778
K. Poduška and H. Maassen van den Brink-Zimmermannová Amino acids and peptides. LXXXIII. Removal of the o-nitrophenylsulphenyl protecting group with sulphonic acid imides -
pp. 3779-3789
K. Poduška Amino acids and peptides. LXXXIV. Alcoholytic removal of o-nitrophenylsulphenyl protecting groups; Synthesis of simple peptides without isolation of intermediates -
pp. 3790-3795
H. Nesvadba, K. Jošt, J. Rudinger and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. LXXXV. Synthesis of [Ser1,Ser6]-oxytocin -
pp. 3796-3802
J. Žemlička Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXVI. Formation of N3,5'-cyclonucleosides in the reaction of xanthosine with dimethylformamide acetals -
pp. 3803-3808
M. Smrž and J. Farkaš Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXVII. Synthesis of 1-α-L-lyxofuranosylthymine -
pp. 3809-3822
A. Holý, J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXVII. Synthesis of diribonucleoside phosphates containing 5-halo derivatives of uridine and 3-methyluridine -
pp. 3823-3832
M. Semonský, R. Kotva, J. Vachek and V. Jelínek Substances with antineoplastic activity. XXVII. Some α-subtitution derivatives of δ-(6-purinylthio)valeric and ε-(6-purinylthio)capronic acids -
pp. 3833-3847
K. Bláha, K. Kavková, Z. Koblicová and J. Trojánek On alkaloids. XX. Absolute configuration of alkaloids of the eburnane series; Optical rotatory dispersion -
pp. 3848-3857
M. Ferles and M. Jankovský Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe XXVIII. Über die Reaktion der 1-Alkoxypyridinium- und 1-Alkoxy-3-alkylpyridiniumhalogenide mit Kaliumcyanid -
pp. 3858-3865
D. Grünberger, A. Holý, J. Smrt and F. Šorm Effect of substitution of halogen or N3-methyl derivatives of uridine for uridine in trinucleotide codons on their recognition by aminoacyl-[14C]-tRNA -
pp. 3866-3870
J. Eliášek and V. Talášek Kinetik des Ionenaustausches III. Austausch des Typs X-OH an Dowex 1 und an Amberliten IRA vom Typ I und II -
pp. 3870-3876
V. Kolář and Z. Brož Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. V. Correlation of pressure drop over the entire range of gas flow rates and of hold-up at zero flow of gas -
pp. 3876-3879
J. Churáček, K. Komárek, V. Vaňásek and M. Jureček The separation and identification of lower aliphatic alcohols in the form of alkyl 2,4-dinitrobenzyl ethers by paper chromatography -
pp. 3880-3883
Z. Gregorowicz and Z. Klima Über die Komplexverbindungen des Platins(IV) mit 2-Thion-5-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazolidin -
pp. 3883-3888
F. Vydra and V. Stará Sorption von Metallkomplexen an Silicagel IV. Sorption von Amminkomplexen -
pp. 3888-3891
M. Jureček, P. Kozák and M. Pešáková Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure XV. Chromatometrische Bestimmung einiger Metalle als Oxinate -
pp. 3892-3894
V. Patrovský Chelatometrische Scandiumbestimmung in Gegenwart der übrigen Elemente -
pp. 3895-3898
F. Šebesta and J. Starý Spektrophotometrische Bestimmung von Arsenium(III)-Spuren mittels der Methode des Chelataustausches -
pp. 3899-3902
K. Remtová and V. Chvalovský Organogermanium(IV)-Verbindungen II. Germaniumbestimmung in Organogermanium(IV)-Verbindungen -
pp. 3903-3906
M. Vobecký and F. Petrů Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LIV. Nichtdestruktive Aktivierungsanalyse des Braunerschen Didyms -
pp. 3906-3909
J. Leška and Š. Bartko Mechanism and kinetics of hydrolysis of monohalogenoalcanoic acids in solutions of mineral acids. II. Dependence of the hydrolysis rate of α-bromopropionic acid on the ionic strength of the solution -
pp. 3910-3912
H.-D. Jakubke, J. Fischer, K. Jošt and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LXXXVI. Synthesis of L-selenomethionine, L-selenoethionine and their tert-butyloxycarbonyl derivatives -
pp. 3913-3916
F. Dvořák and V. Dědek Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds. IV. Cleavage of the C-C bond in electrofluorination of the fluorides of chlorinated acetic acids -
pp. 3917-3919
L. Dolejš and J. Slavík Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. XLI. Mass spectra of the isopavine alkaloids reframine, reframidine and reframoline -
pp. 3919-3923
A. Nováček Cyclisation and cleavage of some urea derivatives -
pp. 3924-3926
O. Helia, A. Jindra and Z. Šípal The effect of β-4-methoxybenzoyl-β-bromoacrylic acid on rat liver succinate dehydrogenase -
pp. 3927-3929
S. Ulrych and M. Kramlová Disc and membrane electrophoresis of modified human globin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.