- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 2
pp. 349-362
Z. Brož and V. Kolář Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. II. Experimental study -
pp. 363-375
J. Nebřenský and J. Ulbrecht Non-Newtonian flow in annular ducts -
pp. 376-384
J. Přenosil and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. II. Methods of determining the backmixing coefficient from residence time distribution curves -
pp. 385-393
L. Havelková and M. Bartušek Borsäurekomplexe mit 4-Nitrobrenzcatechin und mit Alizarin S -
pp. 394-404
M. Holík, V. Skála and J. Kuthan Electronic structure and chemical reactivity of 1-methyl-2-pyridones -
pp. 405-415
Z. Ordelt, V. Novák and B. Krátký Über die Umkehrbarkeit der Diolenaddition an die olefinische Doppelbindung der Äthylen-1,2-dicarbonsäuren bei der Polykondensation in der Schmelze -
pp. 416-424
K. Stránský, M. Streibl and F. Šorm On natural waxes. VII. Lipid hydrocarbons of the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (TURP.) BRÉB. -
pp. 425-430
O. Daněk and S. Nouzová Preparation of fluorine containing analogues of some pharmacologically active substances -
pp. 431-440
Z. Vrba and Z. J. Allan Sulfurierungen XI. Über den Mechanismus der Piria-Reaktion -
pp. 441-461
Václav Holeyšovský, B. Mesrob, V. Tomášek, O. Mikeš and F. Šorm Peptides from peptic digest of bovine DIP-tripsin and determination of disulfide bonds -
pp. 462-467
A. Fojtík and R. Brdička Rate of radiolysis of the disulphidic groups of insulin in aqueous solutions exposed to X-irradiation -
pp. 468-472
Z. Herman and V. Čermák Associative ionization in collisions of metastable noble gas atoms with polyatomic molecules -
pp. 473-485
E. Fischerová, O. Dračka and M. Meloun Polarographic behaviour of certain chromium complexes. VII. Kinetics of an intermediate chemical reaction between an irreversible electroreduction and electrooxidation -
pp. 486-495
M. A. Loshkarev, Yu. M. Loshkarev, A. A. Kazarov and L. P. Snetkova On the catalytic actions of anions and organic compounds with thionic groups during the electrochemical precipitation of metals -
pp. 496-505
R. Řeřicha and M. Horák Determination of the degree of branching in alkanes by infrared spectroscopy. III. Analytical application -
pp. 506-517
M. Marek and V. Hlaváček Modelling of chemical reactors. VI. Heat and mass transfer in a porous catalyst particle; On the multiplicity of solutions for the case of an exothermic zeroth-order reaction -
pp. 518-528
S. Sýkora, B. Navrátil and O. Karásek Heat transfer on scraped walls in the laminar and transitional regions -
pp. 529-548
J. Havel and L. Sommer Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden X. Spektralphotometrische Uranbestimmung mittels 5-Sulfosalicylsäure -
pp. 549-555
J. Kovář and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XV. Synthesis of derivatives of 3,6-diamino-3,6-dideoxy-L-talose -
pp. 556-565
P. Vetešník Protonierung mehrsättiger organischer Basen I. Protonierung der Isomeren Amino-2-methyl- und Amino-2,3-dimethylchinoxaline -
pp. 566-576
P. Vetešník, J. Kaválek, V. Beránek and O. Exner Protonierung mehrsättiger organischer Basen II. Basizität und Tautomerie-gleichgewicht substituierter Chinoxaline -
pp. 577-582
M. Semonský and N. Kucharczyk Ergot alkaloids. XXX. Synthesis of D-6-methyl-8-ergolin-I-ylacetic acid and some of its derivatives -
pp. 583-589
J. Jindra and J. Mrha Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. VII. Influence of the particle size of active carbon on the electrochemical activity of oxygen electrodes -
pp. 589-593
J. Jindra and V. Daneš Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. IX. The porous structure of nonpyrophoric Raney nickel -
pp. 594-596
L. Pospíšil, J. Tomanová and J. Kůta Dissociation constant of protonization of fumaric and maleic acids in acid medium -
pp. 596-599
K. Tesařík, A. Pošta and O. Paleta Separation of several isomeric fluoroalkanes by gas chromatography -
pp. 600-603
L. Dolejš and V. Hanuš Mass spectra of isopavine alkaloids. Structure of amurensine and amurensinine -
pp. 604-609
A. Nováček and M. Lissnerová Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CVII. Cyanoethylation of the uracil and 2-thiouracil derivatives -
pp. 609-613
V. Galík, Z. Kafka, S. Landa and M. Šafář Über stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen in Erdöl und Erdölfraktionen IV. Darstellung einiger 1-Alkylpiperidine -
pp. 614-619
J. Kuthan, A. Kozlik and F. Petrů The absolute configuration of 2,8-dimethyl-2-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophenanthrene, a dehydrogenation product of some diterpenoids -
pp. 619-622
J. Kaválek and J. Socha Studies in the quinoxaline series. V. Preparation of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-6-chloro- and 6-sulfamoylquinoxaline -
pp. 622-626
V. Růžička and A. Marhoul Preparation of esters of some α-nitrosocycloalkanecarboxylic acids -
pp. 626-629
J. Kovář and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XIV. Methanolysis of 1,2-O-isopropylidene derivatives of amino sugars -
pp. 630-634
J. Kovář, F. Hanousek and J. Jarý Solvolysis of benzylidene derivatives. IV. 2-Deoxy-4,6-benzylidene hexosides -
pp. 635-637
L. Slavíková Alkaloids of the poppy family (Papaveraceae). XXXIX. Further alkaloids from Glaucium elegans FISCH. et MEY. -
pp. 637-641
L. Sirakov and I. Rychlík Hormonal regulation of protein synthesis in the mammary gland
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.