- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 4
pp. 1009-1016
J. Toušek Zeitverlauf der Lochfrasskorrosion von Nickel in verschiedenen Elektrolyten -
pp. 1017-1027
F. Šmirous and J. Čeleda Beiträge zur Chemie hochkonzentrierter wässriger Elektrolytlösungen XVI. Papieriontophoretische Untersuchung der Wanderung einiger zweiwertiger Ionen in hochkonzentrierten LiCl-Lösungen -
pp. 1028-1037
B. Porsch and M. Kubín Limits of use of a polarization interferometer for the measurement of diffusion coefficients at very low concentrations -
pp. 1038-1048
H. Jehring, E. Horn, A. Reklat and W. Stolle Untersuchungen zur Empfindlichkeitssteigerung in der Tensammetrie I. Einfache, phasenselektive, Differenz-, Oberwellen- und Rechteckwellen-Wechselstrompolarographie an der normalen und quasistationären Tropfelelektrode -
pp. 1049-1061
V. Staněk and V. Kolář Distribution of liquid over a random packing. III. Distribution of liquid in a low bed of packing wetted by a thin stream of liquid; Determination of the coefficient of radial spreading of liquid -
pp. 1062-1077
V. Staněk and V. Kolář Distribution of liquid over a random packing. IV. Verification of the boundary condition of liquid transfer between a packed bed and the wall of a cylindrical column, and evaluation of its parameters -
pp. 1078-1090
Z. Urner Fluoreszenz von Metallkomplexen des Resorcylaldehydacetylhydrazons -
pp. 1091-1099
A. Cee and J. Gasparič Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LXVIII. Chromatographie und Elektrophorese von Vinylsulfon-(sulfoester)-reaktivfarbstoffen -
pp. 1100-1110
K. Dušek The heterogeneity and extent of intramolecular cross-linking in a system of Gaussian coils -
pp. 1111-1121
P. Čefelín, J. Labský and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXXIII. Polymerization of β- and δ-methylcaprolactams and their copolymerization with caprolactam -
pp. 1122-1130
D. Lím On the kinetics of the decomposition of azo compounds. I. The decomposition of azo-bis-nitriles and esters of azo-bis-isobutyric acid -
pp. 1131-1142
B. Pelc, J. Holubek, T. Wittstruck and E. Caspi Steroid derivatives. LIV. Friedel-Crafts acetylation of 3-acetoxy-1-methylestra-1,3,5(10),6-tetraenes -
pp. 1143-1156
M. Černý, L. Kalvoda and J. Pacák Syntheses with anhydro sugars. V. Preparation of 2,4-di-O-substituted 1,6-anhydro-β-D-hexopyranos-3-uloses and their isomerization and reduction -
pp. 1157-1164
D. Šikl, L. Masler and Š. Bauer Extracellular polysaccharides of Lipomyces starkeyi LODDER et KREGER VAN RIJ. Isolation and structural features of galactomannan -
pp. 1165-1173
Š. Bauer and P. Biely Metabolism of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by Baker's yeast. II. Formation of 2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid -
pp. 1174-1185
O. Kadlec and V. Daneš Mechanism of thermal decomposition of mixed nickel(II)-magnesium and cobalt(II)-magnesium oxalates -
pp. 1186-1194
B. N. Afanasev Kinetics of reduction of phenylglyoxylic and maleic acids at the dropping mercury electrode -
pp. 1195-1202
J. Zdvořák An absorber packed with orientated helices. I. Simpler models -
pp. 1203-1210
J. Vítovec Absorption of acetylene and carbon dioxide in water, xylene and methanol in a packed column -
pp. 1211-1219
C. Párkányi, Z. Dolejšek and R. Zahradník Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XV. Kinetics of the dedeuteration of benzenoid hydrocarbons -
pp. 1220-1228
J. Kuthan NMR spectra and the reactivity of organic compounds. I. Correlations between proton chemical shifts of alternant hydrocarbons and HMO chemical reactivity indices -
pp. 1229-1246
N. Davidova, V. Penčev and L. Beránek Hydrogenolysis of indane on a nickel catalyst; Kinetic analysis by means of non-linear regression of initial rate data -
pp. 1247-1255
K. Sporka and V. Růžička Einfluss der Aldehydstruktur auf die Hydrierungsgeschwindigkeit in der Gasphase an Kupferkatalysator -
pp. 1256-1277
B. Kakáč, K. Mňouček, P. Zuman, M. Semonský, V. Zikán and A. Černý Substances with antineoplastic activity. XXII. Spectral and polarographic properties of β-4-methoxybenzoyl-β-bromo- and -β-chloroacrylic acids and related compounds -
pp. 1278-1293
J. Sicher and J. Závada Stereochemical studies. XLVIII. Effect of base and solvent on the steric course and mechanism of cycloalkene formation in 'onium salt eliminations -
pp. 1294-1298
O. Paleta and A. Pošta Addition reactions of halogenolefins. V. Reaction of fluorotrichloroethylene with fluorotrichloromethane in the presence of aluminium chloride -
pp. 1299-1306
F. Liška, V. Dědek and B. Chutný Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds. III. Addition of ethanol and acetaldehyde to trifluorochloroethylene -
pp. 1307-1314
J. Gloede, K. Poduška, H. Gross and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LXXIX. α-Pyrrolo analogues of α-amino acids -
pp. 1315-1326
I. Ernest and B. Kakáč Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXXIX. Synthese von (±)-3-Iso-20-alloreserpsäurelacton. Ein neuer Weg zu Yohimbanderivaten -
pp. 1327-1332
S. Ševčík, J. Štamberg and M. Procházka Model compounds of hydrophilic gels. I. Esters of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol with pivalic acid -
pp. 1333-1337
J. Peška, J. Biroš and M. J. Beneš Determination of molecular weight of associated electrolytes by combination of vapour phase osmometry and conductometry -
pp. 1338-1341
J. Nováková, P. Jírů and K. Klier The mechanism of exchange reactions between oxygen and oxides ZnO, MnO2, CuO and CO3O4 -
pp. 1341-1345
F. Kůtek Beitrag zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente XLIII. Koordinationsverbindungen der Lanthanoidperchlorate mit Dimethylsulfoxid -
pp. 1345-1349
L. Koudelka and M. Frumar Synthese und einige physikalischen Eigenschaften der ternären Halbleiterverbindung Pb2As2S5 -
pp. 1350-1351
B. Mayrhofer Effect of the grid on the stability of a fluidised bed -
pp. 1352-1355
J. Morávek and L. Lešetický Biochemically important labelled compounds. III. Reaction of orotic acid with bromine water -
pp. 1356-1358
M. Teleha and P. Mäsiar On haemoglobin. XXV. Further differences in the primary structure of human and Macacus rhesus haemoglobins -
pp. 1359-1363
B. Mesrob and Václav Holeyšovský Disulfide bonds of bovine trypsin, their stability and relation to enzymatic activity -
pp. 1363-1365
V. Dlouhá, D. Pospíšilová, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. CXIV. Sequence of residues 18-20 in pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.