- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 9
pp. 2739-2764
V. Čermák Penning ionization electron spectroscopy. I. Determination of ionization potentials of polyatomic molecules -
pp. 2765-2778
R. Polák Calculations of models of the σ-electron structure of molecules. III. On the localizability of the ground state σ-molecular orbitals of acetylene, ethylene, and ethane -
pp. 2779-2791
J. Balej and A. Regner Phasendiagramm des Systems Na2S2O8-(NH4)2S2O8-H2SO4-H2O -
pp. 2792-2798
J. Toušek Nickellochfrass in Gegenwart anorganischer Inhibitoren -
pp. 2799-2806
J. Skřivánek and J. Nývlt Über Kristallisation XXXIV. Verteilung der Teilchengrössen im verdoppelten Kristallisator -
pp. 2807-2813
J. Hodek, M. Zábranský and J. Vosolsobě Studies on the structure of a vanadium catalyst by measuring the low-temperature adsorption of sulphur dioxide -
pp. 2814-2821
Ľ. Treindl Redoxreaktionen der Komplexe von Kationen in höheren Oxydationsstufen I. Kinetische Untersuchung von Cer(IV)-Komplexen mit Thiocyanationen -
pp. 2822-2832
J. Beneš and M. Kyrš The coprecipitation of trace amounts of strontium with barium chromate -
pp. 2833-2854
J. Beňa, L. Havalda, J. Ilavský and M. Bafrnec Velocities at incipient fluidizing of polydisperse materials. II. Experimental results and design equation -
pp. 2855-2861
V. Rod Longitudinal mixing in the dispersed phase in rotating disc extractors -
pp. 2862-2871
O. Exner, V. Jehlička and B. Uchytil Dipole moments and conformation of acetals -
pp. 2872-2885
M. Čapka and V. Chvalovský Steric effects on the course of radical additions to olefins -
pp. 2886-2894
M. Čapka, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský The effect of solvents on the selectivity of electrophilic reagents. II. Radical addition to olefins -
pp. 2895-2901
J. Mindl, J. Šlosar and M. Večeřa Nucleophile aromatische Substitution in der Anthrachinonreihe I. Reaktionskinetik der 1- und 2-Halogenanthrachinone mit Piperidin -
pp. 2902-2910
P. Vetešník, J. Bielavský, J. Kaválek and M. Večeřa Protonierung mehrsättiger organischer Basen IV. Über die Addition des ersten Protons an 4-substituierte 1,2-Phenylendiamine -
pp. 2911-2917
M. Holub, R. de Groote, V. Herout and F. Šorm Plant substances. XXVIII. Oxygen-containing components of light petroleum extract of Laser trilobum (L.) BORKH. root structure of laserine -
pp. 2918-2926
A. Chimiak, K. Eisler, K. Jošt and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LXXX. Unambiguous syntheses of N-carbamyl-oxytocin and N-carbamyl-2-O-methyltyrosine-oxytocin -
pp. 2927-2932
O. Červinka and L. Hub Asymmetric reactions. XXVII. Absolute configurations of γ-butyrolactone-γ-carboxylic acid and γ-valerolactone-γ-carboxylic acid -
pp. 2933-2940
O. Červinka and L. Hub Asymmetric reactions. XXVIII. Absolute configuration of some necic acids -
pp. 2941-2949
E. Adlerová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic substances. XXVIII. Derivatives of 1-benzylcyclohexylamine and 1-benzylcyclopentylamine -
pp. 2950-2961
J. Trojánek, Z. Koblicová and K. Bláha On alkaloids. XIX. Absolute configuration of vincamine and some related alkaloids; Optical rotatory dispersion -
pp. 2962-2969
K. Kalfus Ionisation einiger 1,2,4-Triazine -
pp. 2970-2982
O. Paleta, A. Pošta and Z. Novotná Addition reactions of haloolefins. VI. The synthesis of trifluoroacrylic and difluorochloroacrylic acid derivatives -
pp. 2983-3000
Č. Vyroubal and J. Trněný Diene polymerization with complex catalysts. IV. Effect of impurities present in catalyst components on polymerization of isoprene -
pp. 3001-3025
A. Tkáč On the theory of activity of Ziegler-Natta catalysts [TiCl4 + Al(i-C4H9)3]. III. Structure of active centres during heterogeneous polymerization of isoprene -
pp. 3026-3035
B. Veruovič, J. Zachoval and S. Bittner Effect of reaction medium on butadiene polymerisation catalysed by diethyl aluminium chloride and tris-(acetylacetone)rhodium -
pp. 3036-3039
I. Smoler Polarographisches Gefäss mit innerem Verschluss der Verbindung zur Bezugselektrode -
pp. 3040-3044
L. Pospíšil and J. Kůta Adsorption of maleic acid on mercury-electrolyte interface and the problem of preceding surface recombination -
pp. 3044-3048
J. Volke The relationship between herbicidal activity and electrochemical properties of quaternary bipyridylium salts -
pp. 3049-3052
K. Kuchynka Charakter der Adsorption von Äthan an Nickel(II)-oxid -
pp. 3053-3056
P. Adámek and Z. Ksandr Accuracy of the determination of hydrogen bond association constant by infrared spectroscopy -
pp. 3057-3061
J. Strnad, M. Křivánek, P. Jírů and V. Nikolajenko Bestimmung der Adsorptionswärme des Sauerstoffs am Fe-Mo-Katalysator mittels der chromatographischen Methode -
pp. 3062-3064
M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LVIII. Determination of relative basicities of some disilazanes by infrared spectroscopy -
pp. 3065-3067
M. Havránek A synthesis of (3S)-1,3-diamino-2-piperidone -
pp. 3068-3072
V. Drášil and L. Rýznar A contribution to the problem of formation of urea in the radiolysis of thymine
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.