- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1969, Volume 34, Issue 9
pp. 2483-2500
I. Samohýl Exact momentum and energy balances and entropy production in phenomenological irreversible thermodynamics of a continuous system -
pp. 2501-2506
I. Samohýl Interaction between diffusion and friction from phenomenological irreversible thermodynamics -
pp. 2507-2515
J. Toušek Eisenlochfrass in Gegenwart einiger anorganischer Inhibitoren -
pp. 2516-2522
J. Toušek Eisenlochfrass in Gegenwart von Perchlorationen -
pp. 2523-2537
M. Zielinski and J. Kůta Polarographische Untersuchung der Kobaltreduktion in Anwesenheit von Cystin und Cystein -
pp. 2538-2544
V. Talášek and J. Eliášek Kinetics of ion exchange. IV. Anion exchange of organic acids on Dowex 1 -
pp. 2545-2552
J. Beneš Precipitation and coprecipitation in the presence of chelating agents. VI. Falling-out of alkali earths oxalates in EDTA -
pp. 2553-2567
R. Zahradník, A. Kröhn, J. Pancíř and J. Šnobl Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XVIII. Electronic spectra of arylmethyl cations -
pp. 2568-2580
A. Červenka and P. Kratochvíl Light scattering. XX. Continuous investigation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate by the light scattering method -
pp. 2581-2588
O. Ryba, J. Pilař and J. Petránek Polarographic and electron paramagnetic resonance study of oxidation-reduction behaviour of 2,6-dialkyl-p-benzoquinones -
pp. 2589-2597
M. Bohdanecký and Z. Tuzar Unperturbed dimensions of the molecules of poly-ε-caprolactam -
pp. 2598-2610
B. Masař and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXXVI. Formation of carbonate and its participation in the formation of carbon dioxide, water and of end groups -
pp. 2611-2618
J. Maślińska-Solich, M. Chmelíř and M. Marek Polymerization of isobutylene catalyzed with ethylaluminium dichloride -
pp. 2619-2626
J. Kovář and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XXI. Synthesis of 3,6-diamino-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose and its derivatives -
pp. 2627-2644
O. Dračka Study of the kinetics of electrode processes by means of electrolysis with constant current. XIII. Correction for the influence of double layer charging in measurement of transition times -
pp. 2645-2651
A. Kousková, E. M. Durand, J. Adámek and V. Ponec Über die Hydrierung von Äthylen an Metallfilmen I. Apparatur und Hydrierung an Nickel -
pp. 2652-2661
L. Scháněl, P. Schneider and V. Bažant Gas chromatographic study of the sorption of C1-C3 alkanes on nickel catalysts -
pp. 2662-2673
V. Václavek A note to the problem of adjustment of material balance of chemical reactor -
pp. 2674-2715
J. Havel and L. Sommer UO2-complexes with phenolic ligands. XII. Spectrophotometric study of reaction of UO22+ with galic acid -
pp. 2716-2738
J. Pouchlý, K. Šolc and A. Živný Specific interactions in solutions of polymers. II. Effect of the polymer solvation on thermodynamic properties -
pp. 2739-2752
M. Hájek and K. Kochloefl Effect of structure on the rate of dehydrogenation of secondary alcohols on a copper catalyst -
pp. 2753-2762
V. Beránek and M. Večeřa Kinetik und Mechanismus der Azokupplung VII. Über die Kupplung der Benzoldiazoniumsalze mit N,N-Dimethylanilin -
pp. 2763-2770
J. Šlosar, V. Štěrba and M. Večeřa Studium der polaren und sterischen einflüsse auf die reaktionen der anthrachinonderivate III. Reaktionskinetik der 3- und 4-substituierten 1-chloranthrachinone mit piperidin -
pp. 2771-2781
Š. Toma Michael addition of ethyl α-cyanobutyrate to benzene analogues of chalkones -
pp. 2782-2791
M. Čapka and V. Chvalovský Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride. VI. Reduction of organic and organosilicon halogenides -
pp. 2792-2808
Z. Samek, J. Harmatha, L. Novotný and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCII. Absolute configuration of adenostylone, neoadenostylone and isoadenostylone from Adenostyles alliariae (GOUAN) KERN, and of decompostin from Cacalia decomposita A. GRAY -
pp. 2809-2818
V. Kováčik and I. Kompiš Alkaloids from Vinca minor L. XXIII. Mass spectrometry of eburnamine-type alkaloids -
pp. 2819-2823
M. Beran, M. Semonský and K. Řežábek Ergot alkaloids. XXXV. Synthesis of D-6-methyl-8-β-hydroxyethylergolene -
pp. 2824-2830
J. Pintera Changes of haptoglobin during thermal denaturation, difference in stability of individual haptoglobin types, and protective effect of haemoglobin -
pp. 2831-2832
R. Zahradník, J. Pancíř and A. Kröhn Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. XIX. A note on the electronic spectra of the fluorenylium cation and its benzo derivatives -
pp. 2833-2836
J. Daňhelka, J. Poláček and I. Kössler Fractionation of low-molecular pyrolytic products of polydienes by precipitation chromatography -
pp. 2836-2842
J. Leško, V. Veselý and Š. Korček Mass spectrometry of alkylated bisphenols -
pp. 2843-2848
J. Kahovec and J. Pospíšil Antioxidants. XVII. The synthesis of ethyl, isopropyl, tert-dodecyl and phenyl derivatives of 4,4'-isopropylidenebisphenol -
pp. 2848-2852
E. Kasafírek, K. Eisler and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. XCII. Synthesis of [1-β-mercaptopropionic acid, 2-O-methyltyrosine]oxytocin (desamino-methyloxytocin) -
pp. 2852-2856
K. Bláha and I. Frič Amino acids and peptides. XCIII. Application of the Hammett equation to the optical rotation of substituted β-phenylalanines
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.