- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1970, Volume 35, Issue 10
pp. 2861-2869
J. Nedbal, R. Bakule and V. Müllerová Temperature dependence of dielectric losses of rubbers cross-linked with sulphur -
pp. 2870-2877
J. Daňhelka and I. Kössler Low-temperature precipitation chromatography -
pp. 2878-2884
K. Hlavatý Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the system CS2-CCl4 at 25, 35, and 45 ºC -
pp. 2885-2905
E. Slavíček Approximation of an empirical function by a sum of exponential functions -
pp. 2906-2914
L. Němec Bestimmung von Natriumoxid im System NaH-Na2O-Na2CO3-NaOH -
pp. 2915-2924
J. Krtil and A. Moravec Method of isolation of 95Zr-95Nb from a solution of fussion products by extraction with di-(n-octyl)phosphoric acid and use of 95Zr for determining the percent burn-up of nuclear fuel -
pp. 2925-2935
Z. Holzbecher and K. Volka Fluoreszenzreaktionen der Salicyliden-2-aminophenyl- und Salicyliden-2-amino-3,5-dimethylphenylarsonsäure mit Metallionen -
pp. 2936-2943
V. Bekárek and J. Slouka PMR study of ethyl arylhydrazonocyanoacetylcarbamates and of arylhydrazono-2-cyanomethylbenzimidazole -
pp. 2944-2953
M. Matrka, V. Chmátal, J. Pípalová, Z. Ságner, J. Kroupa and J. Marhold Oxydation karzinogener Azofarbstoffe X. Oxydation meta-substituierter Derivate des N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzols mit Hilfe von Cer(IV)-sulfat und einigen weiteren Oxydationsmitteln sowie auf elektrochemischem Weg -
pp. 2954-2964
V. Macháček, O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XV. Coupling kinetics of substituted benzenediazonium salts with acetone -
pp. 2965-2972
D. Šikl, L. Masler and Š. Bauer Polysaccharides of Torulopsis colliculosa (HARTMAN) SACCARDO. Isolation and structural features of extracellular mannan and of cell-wall mannan -
pp. 2973-2982
P. Pulkrábek, J. Černá and I. Rychlík Synthesis of tRNA-bound lysine peptides in the presence of puromycin or of antibiotics inhibiting ribosomal transpeptidization -
pp. 2983-2995
P. Zbořil, J. Holasová and V. Dadák Antibiotic efficiency of natural coumarins. X. On the mode of action of phenolic derivatives of coumarin on succinate oxidase in the Keilin-Hartree preparation -
pp. 2996-3003
L. Mirčevová and A. Šimonová Inhibition of Mg2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase by sodium fluoride and adenosine -
pp. 3004-3019
K. Strubl, V. Svoboda, R. Holub and J. Pick Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XIV. Isothermal equilibrium and calculation of excess functions in the systems methanol-cyclohexane and cyclohexane-propanol -
pp. 3020-3029
O. Kyseľ, R. Zahradník and B. Pakula Substituent effect on the lowest singlet and triplet states in the derivatives of 2-hydroxybenzophenone -
pp. 3030-3044
O. Kyseľ and R. Zahradník Electronic spectra of the benzophenone derivatives; Neutral forms -
pp. 3045-3063
I. Pavlík, V. Černý and E. Maxová On the chemistry of sandwich complexes. XV. The ligand field theory, electronic spectrum and metal-ligand bonding in nickelocene -
pp. 3064-3071
V. Šimánek, J. Lasovský, V. Stužka and L. Hruban Oxazines as acidobasic indicators. XIII. Infrared spectra and basicity of benzophenoxazones -
pp. 3072-3078
J. Socha and M. Večeřa Reactivity of organic azo-compounds. XI. Sustituent effects in the series of disubstituted 2-hydroxyazobenzenes -
pp. 3079-3084
M. Černý and J. Málek Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride. XI. Reduction and hydrogenolysis of hydroxy-substituted aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and carbinols of the naphthalene series -
pp. 3085-3091
D. Čechová, V. Jonáková-Švestková and F. Šorm Isolation and partial characterization of isoinhibitors from cow colostrum -
pp. 3092-3100
J. Salák On the conformation of human haemoglobin and globin in aqueous solutions. Chemical modifications of the proteins and specification of the reactive regions -
pp. 3101-3104
M. Svatá Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. XIV. Contribution to preparation of silver catalysts -
pp. 3105-3108
V. Talášek Kinetics of ion exchange. VI. Ethylammonium-hydrogen ion system on Lewatite S 100 in the gel diffusion region -
pp. 3109-3112
V. Zvěřina, J. Diviš and M. Matrka Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten XII. Chromatographische Beurteilung der Reinheit von 1-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazenverbindungen -
pp. 3112-3118
P. Jandera, J. Churáček, J. Štamberg and J. Kupec Ionenaustauscherkapillaren VII. Untersuchung der Sorption und Desorption des Chloro-Eisenkomplexes am Kapillarentyp eines starkbasischen Anionenaustauschers -
pp. 3119-3123
J. Hubáček Paper chromatography of flavonoids from hops (Humulus lupulus L.). III. Identification of apigenin, apigenin 7-glucoside, and quercetin 7-glucoside -
pp. 3123-3127
M. Jureček, P. Kozák and J. Bartošová Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure XXII. Gasvolumetrische Bestimmung von Isonitrosogruppen -
pp. 3128-3132
K. Rothschein, J. Socha, P. Vetešník and M. Večeřa Aziditätsfunktion der Perchlorsäure im System von 50 vol.% Äthanol-50 vol.% Wasser -
pp. 3133-3136
T. Barth, P. Nedkov and I. Rychlík Electrophoretic characterization of aminoacylarylamidase isozymes of human pregnancy serum -
pp. 3136-3189
M. J. S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić Quantum chemical data. I. SCF molecular orbitals for benzenoid hydrocarbons
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.