- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1970, Volume 35, Issue 6
pp. 1617-1627
P. Mitschka and P. Schneider Einfluss der Porendiffusion auf katalytische Reaktionen. VII. Langmuir-Hinshelwoodsche kinetische Gleichung für den Dual-Site Mechanismus -
pp. 1628-1640
J. Bareš, J. Mareček, K. Mocek and E. Erdös Kinetic of the reaction between the solid sodium carbonate and the gaseous sulphur dioxide. III. Study in an integral fixed-bed reactor -
pp. 1641-1649
M. Šišková Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes. IV. Relation between the surface tension and other properties of pure non-electrolytes -
pp. 1650-1659
J. Jansta and K. Micka Polarization of porous oxygen cathodes as function of the thickness of the catalytic layer -
pp. 1660-1670
I. Žežula and J. Skoršepa Zur elektrolytischen Reduktion von Polythionaten an der Quecksilberelektrode -
pp. 1671-1686
J. Svoboda, E. Ročková and K. Kochloefl Gas chromatographic study of hydrocarbon adsorption on nickel catalysts -
pp. 1687-1694
J. Thýn and M. Kubín Measurement of fast phenomena in chemical engineering by means of radioactive traces -
pp. 1695-1707
A. Červenka and P. Kratochvíl Light scattering. XXI. Continuous investigation of some polymerizations accompanied by a change of the molecular weight by the light scattering method -
pp. 1708-1715
M. Podzimková and M. Procházka Integrated intensities of absorption in infrared spectra of unsaturated nitriles -
pp. 1716-1726
M. Zaoral, J. Kolc and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. XCVII. [8-α,β-Diaminopropionic acid]-, [8-D-α,β-diaminopropionic acid]-, and [8-D-ornithine]-vasopressin -
pp. 1727-1732
K. Čapek and J. Jarý Preparation of methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-dideoxy-α-D-lyxo- and ribo-hexopyranoside -
pp. 1733-1744
A. Němečková, F. Šantavý and D. Walterová Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. LII. Alkaloids from some plant species of the section Orthorhoeades -
pp. 1745-1751
V. Zezula and M. Kratochvíl Reactions of chlorinated furanidines. VI. Formation and separation of isomeric 2-alkoxy-3-chlorotetrahydrofurans -
pp. 1752-1759
F. Liška and S. Šimek Radical addition of methanol to trifluorochloroethylene -
pp. 1760-1772
J. Horák and F. Jiráček Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XVII. Effect of heat and mass transfer between the external surface of the catalyst particle and the bulk of the reaction mixture on the course of reaction in the flow reactor with recycle -
pp. 1773-1783
J. Horák and F. Jiráček Wärme- und Stofftransport in der heterogenen Katalyse XIX. Einfluss des Wärme- und Stoffüberganges zwischen der äusseren Oberfläche des Katalysatorkorns und dem Kern der Reaktanden auf die Geschwindigkeit einer Reaktion negativer Ordnung -
pp. 1784-1794
J. Horák and F. Jiráček Wärme- und Stofftransport in der heterogenen Katalyse XX. Einfluss des Wärme- und Stoffüberganges zwischen der äusseren Oberfläche des Katalysatorkorns und dem Kern der Reaktanden auf die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Reaktionsgeswindigkeit -
pp. 1795-1802
I. Žežula Zum polarographischen Verhalten der Anionen der Polythionsäuren IV. Polarographisches Verhalten des Trithionats -
pp. 1803-1823
J. Mareček and E. Erdös Equilibria of heterogeneous reactions. II. The system BaO-Na2O-CO2-SO2-H2O -
pp. 1824-1831
M. Ebert, J. Eysseltová and A. Rottová Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XXI. Löslichkeit in den Systemen SrPHO3-H3PO3-H2O und BaPHO3-H3PO3-H2O bei 25 ºC -
pp. 1832-1843
B. Hájek, V. Brožek and M. Popl Untersuchung hydrolysierbarer Carbide I. Herstellung und Zersetzung von Lanthandicarbid -
pp. 1844-1869
J. Čermák Studies on distillation. XXI. Effect of certain operating parameters on plate efficiency in the rectification of a ternary system -
pp. 1870-1879
J. Schraml, J. Hetflejš, J. Pich and V. Chvalovský Organogermanium compounds. VIII. Proton magnetic resonance spectra of p-substituted phenyltrichlorogermanes -
pp. 1880-1891
J. Doskočil and F. Šorm The inhibitory effects of 5-azacytidine and 5-azauridine in Escherichia coli -
pp. 1892-1903
J. Veselý and A. Čihák Effect of L-tryptophan on DNA-dependent RNA polymerase in rat liver nuclei -
pp. 1904-1905
J. Matouš, J. Hrnčiřík, J. P. Novák and J. Šobr Liquid-liquid equilibrium in the system water-tetrahydrofuran -
pp. 1905-1912
A. Fidler and J. Vřešťál Äquivalenzleitfähigkeit einiger Triphenylalkyl- und Triphenylarylphosphoniumsalze und die Löslichkeitsprodukte ihrer weniglöslichen Salze -
pp. 1913-1916
A. Fidler and F. Králík Elektrische Leitfähigkeit von verdünnten wässrigen Kaliumhexacyanoruthenat(II)-Lösungen -
pp. 1916-1921
F. Králík Hexacyanoruthenate(II) der Seltenerden. Kaliumhexacyanoruthenate(II) des Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy und Er -
pp. 1921-1924
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. VII. The influence of electrolytes on the ion exchange chromatography of rare earths -
pp. 1924-1926
K. Volka and Z. Holzbecher Remarks on the preparation of 2,2'-dihydroxyazobenzene arsenic analogue -
pp. 1926-1929
V. Benešová and V. Herout Plant substances. XXXII. Isolation and the structure of pellepiphyllin, 2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-4'-methoxydihydrostilbene from liverwort Pellia epiphylla (L.) DUM. -
pp. 1930-1931
K. Čapek, Z. Kefurtová and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XXIII. A contribution to the amonolysis of methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-O-benzylidene-α-D-allopyranoside -
pp. 1932-1935
S. Doležal Radikalische Additionen an Olefinderivate IV. Eine neue Darstellungsweise von α,β-ungesättigten Dicarboxylsäuren
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.