- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1970, Volume 35, Issue 9
pp. 2523-2537
A. Tockstein and F. Jaroš Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik IX. Redoxreaktionen zweiter Ordnung mit Stöchiometrie 1 : 2 oder höher -
pp. 2538-2547
A. Kousková, J. Adámek and V. Ponec Hydrogenation of ethylene on vapour-deposited metal films -
pp. 2548-2554
I. Sláma and J. Malá Oxidation of bromide ions with chlorine in eutectic melt of lithium and potassium chlorides. I. Reaction equilibrium -
pp. 2555-2563
I. Sláma and J. Malá Oxidation of bromide ions with chlorine in eutectic melt of lithium and potassium chlorides. II. Reaction kinetics -
pp. 2564-2570
O. Quadrat The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. V. Non-Newtonian viscosity of poly(phenylsilsesquioxane) solutions in relation to the rigidity of the polymeric chain -
pp. 2571-2581
J. Petránek, J. Pilař and O. Ryba Two-step reduction of alkylated diphenoquinones in acetonitrile -
pp. 2582-2588
V. Macháček, O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba Decomposition of substituted 1-nitroacetaldehyde phenylhydrazones in mineral acids -
pp. 2589-2596
P. Trška and V. Dědek Chemistry of 1,6-dioxaspiro[4,4]nonane. IV. The rearrangement of 1,6-dioxaspiro[4,4]nonane-4-carboxylic acid and syntheses of 4-substituted derivatives -
pp. 2597-2612
J. Slavík, L. Dolejš and P. Sedmera Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. XLIV. Quaternary alkaloids from roots of three Escholtzia species and from the aerial part of Hunnemannia fumariaefolia SWEET: Constitution of escholidine -
pp. 2613-2622
K. Kefurt, J. Jarý and Z. Samek Lactones. XIV. Reaction of methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-α-L-rhamnopyranoside with the triphenyl phosphite-methyl iodide reagent -
pp. 2623-2634
K. Pelz, E. Svátek, J. Metyšová, F. Hradil and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic substances. XLII. 2-Hydroxy-9-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)thioxanthenes and some related compounds -
pp. 2635-2641
M. Janda, J. Šrogl, A. Janoušová, V. Kubelka and M. Holík Studies in the thiophene series. II. Anodic oxidations of 2,5-dibromothiophene and 3-bromothiophene -
pp. 2642-2649
L. Halčák Isolation and properties of encephalitogenic protein from bovine spinal cord -
pp. 2650-2655
E. Simonianová, M. Petáková and M. Rybák Effect of lipophilic character of inhibitor on inhibition of rat serum N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethylesterase -
pp. 2656-2672
J. Doskočil The kinetics of metabolic transformations of nucleosides by whole cells of Escherichia coli -
pp. 2673-2682
A. Tockstein and F. Jaroš Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik X. Potential-Zeit-Kurven für Redox-Reaktionen dritter Ordnung bei einer von null verschiedenen Reaktion über die Elektrode -
pp. 2683-2701
A. Tockstein Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik XI. E-t-Kurven von zwei konkurrierenden Redox-Folgereaktionen -
pp. 2702-2711
M. Šišková and V. Šecová Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes. V. Measurement of surface tensions of non-electrolyte solutions by means of a modified method of capillary rise -
pp. 2712-2723
W. Waněk and E. Thilo Über die Hydrolyse des Natriumtrimetaphosphimats Na3P3(NH)3O6 -
pp. 2724-2737
V. Brožek, M. Popl and B. Hájek Untersuchung hydrolysierbarer Carbide III. Yttriumdicarbid -
pp. 2738-2748
D. Hrušková, J. Podlahová and J. Podlaha Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen IX. Verbindungen mit fünfwertigem Molybdän -
pp. 2749-2759
V. Pechanec and J. Horáček Bestimmung von Kohlenstoff und Wasserstoff in organischen Verbindungen VII. Faktoren, die die katalytische Verbrennungswirksamkeit des durch thermische Zersetzung des Kobalt(II)-oxalats gewonnenen Kobalt(II,III)-oxids beeinflussen -
pp. 2760-2775
J. Holoubek Investigation of the process of orientation of the polymer films by the low-angle light scattering method -
pp. 2776-2786
J. Kuthan, A. Kohoutová and L. Helešic On hydropyridines. XXIII. Pimary isolable adducts of lithium aluminium hydride and methylmagnesium iodide with 3,5-dicyanopyridines -
pp. 2787-2796
J. Kuthan, N. V. Koshmina, J. Paleček and V. Skála Thermal transformations of pyridinium salts, an HMO treatment -
pp. 2797-2801
M. Jankovský and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XXXV. On the reaction of 1-alkoxy-3-isobutylpyridinium salts with potassium cyanide -
pp. 2802-2809
M. Jankovský and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XXXVI. Some reductions of pyridine oxides and alkoxypyridinium salts -
pp. 2810-2830
Z. J. Vejdělek, V. Trčka, M. Vaněček, B. Kakáč and J. Holubek Ganglionic blocking agents. XV. Synthesis and activity of some tertiary hexylamines -
pp. 2831-2839
F. Mareš, J. Hetflejš and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXIII. Bromination of substituted phenyldimethylsilanes -
pp. 2840-2846
M. Miadoková The kinetics and mechanism of dissolving of calcite with formation of solid products -
pp. 2847-2849
P. Weidenthaler and E. Pelinka Polymorphic transitions in the complex of tetracyanoquinodimethane with methyltriphenylphosphonium cation -
pp. 2849-2853
I. Šístek Radiation oxidation of liquid dodecane -
pp. 2854-2857
M. A. Haleem Kinetics of the decarboxylation of malonic acid in catechol -
pp. 2857-2860
F. Šantavý Substances from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LXXIV. Re-examination of some minor alkaloids of unknown constitution isolated from Colchicum autumnale L.
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.