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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1970, 35, 2635-2641

Studies in the thiophene series. II. Anodic oxidations of 2,5-dibromothiophene and 3-bromothiophene

M. Janda, J. Šrogl, A. Janoušová, V. Kubelka and M. Holík

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  • Beck Fritz, Barsch Ulrich: The role of water in the electrodeposition and doping of polythiophene and two of its derivatives. Makromol. Chem. 1993, 194, 2725. <>
  • JANDA M., SROGL J., JANOUSOVA A., KUBELKA V., HOLIK M.: ChemInform Abstract: THIOPHEN‐REIHE 2. MITT. ANODISCHE OX. VON 2,5‐DIBROM‐THIOPHEN UND 3‐BROM‐THIOPHEN. Chemischer Informationsdienst. Organische Chemie 1970, 1. <>