- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 10
pp. 3155-3164
J. Nývlt Evaluation of experimental data on width of metastable zone in aqueous solutions -
pp. 3165-3173
V. Svoboda, V. Hynek, F. Veselý and J. Pick Calorimeter for determination of heats of vaporization of pure substances -
pp. 3174-3180
F. Březina Von Cer(IV)-nitrat, fallweise-perchlorat abgeleitete Koordinationsverbindungen -
pp. 3181-3191
J. Garaj, H. Langfelderová, G. Lundgren and J. Gažo A contribution to the problem of the modifications of oxalatocopper(II) complexes. The crystal structure of the dihydrate of the oxalatodiamminecopper(II) complex -
pp. 3192-3197
Z. Ksandr, P. Adámek and E. Svoboda Infrared study of association equilibria between monosubstituted phenols and valeronitrile: Intensity measurements -
pp. 3198-3208
E. Paleček Polarographic study of structural transition of homopolynucleotides caused by protonation -
pp. 3209-3211
P. Anzenbacher and V. Kalous Catalytic polarographic double wave of cysteine on a hanging mercury drop electrode -
pp. 3212-3218
M. Kotouček and J. Zavadilová Oszillopolarographisches Verhalten einiger Benzophenoxazinfarbstoffe -
pp. 3219-3239
M. L. Herr Quantum chemical data. 1,1-Disubstituted ethylenes -
pp. 3240-3259
O. Wein and J. Ulbrecht Residence time distribution in laminar flow systems. II. Non-Newtonian tubular flow -
pp. 3260-3266
Z. Stránský and J. Čtveráčková Nitrophenoxazine als Indikatoren in Acetonitril I. Dissoziationskonstanten von Nitrophenoxazinen -
pp. 3267-3270
K. Kratzer, J. Starý, A. Zeman and V. Majer Radiochemical determination of traces of cerium by isotopic exchange in organic phase -
pp. 3271-3278
J. Zachoval, J. Křepelka and M. Klímová Polymerization of 1,3-pentadiene in solution and emulsion, resp. initiated by coordination catalysts of rhodium complexes type -
pp. 3279-3283
F. Hrabák and H. Pivcová Preparation and characteristics of 2,2,2-trichloroethyl methacrylate, 2,2,2-trichloroethyl acrylate and their polymers -
pp. 3284-3294
S. K. Ivanov, V. S. Yuritsin and D. Shopov Chemiluminescence investigation of hydroperoxides decomposition in presence of some sulfur inhibitors -
pp. 3295-3301
A. Beňo, P. Hrnčiar and M. Lácová On phthalides and indandiones. XLVIII. A study of the polarographic reduction and of the transmission of electronic effects in substituted 3-arylmethylenephthalides -
pp. 3302-3306
A. Perjéssy, R. Frimm and P. Hrnčiar Infrared spectra of substituted 5-phenyl-2-furaldehydes and transmission of substituent effects by the furan ring -
pp. 3307-3312
E. Lisá, O. Ryba and J. Pospíšil Preparation and polarographic half-wave potentials of neopentylhydroquinones -
pp. 3313-3327
O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba Rate and equilibrium constants of the system diazonium ion, syn, anti-diazohydroxide, syn, anti-diazotate -
pp. 3328-3332
Tran Minh Chinh, J. Kaválek and M. Večeřa Reactivity of cyanuric chloride and fluoride during reaction with meta- and para-substituted anilines -
pp. 3333-3338
J. Kaválek, J. Haasová and V. Štěrba Influence of medium on reactivity of 2,4-dinitrofluoro- and chlorobenzenes during reaction with m- and p-substituted anilines -
pp. 3339-3341
K. Antoš, P. Nemec, jun. and M. Hrdina 4-Substituierte β-Phenyläthylisothiocyanate -
pp. 3342-3345
J. Burkhard, J. Janků and S. Landa Über Adamantan und dessen Derivate XXIII. Oxydation von 2-(2-Adamantyl)äthan-1-ol mit Bleitetraacetat -
pp. 3346-3349
V. Novák, L. Dolejš and J. Slavík Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. XLVIII. (-)-Stylopine methohydroxide, a new alkaloid from Glaucium corniculatum CURT. -
pp. 3350-3351
M. Zaoral and M. Flegel [1-β-Mercaptopropionic acid, 8-D-norarginine]-vasopressin. A further analog with high and specific antidiuretic effect -
pp. 3352-3355
R. Hříchová and J. Lipka Crystallochemical behaviour of ions in garnet lattice. V. Study of distribution of Ti4+ and Fe3+ ions by Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopy -
pp. 3356-3360
P. Knobloch Cyclische Voltametrie aromatischer Amine -
pp. 3361-3375
J. Volke and M. Naarová Reduction of N-alkylpyridinium cations at mercury electrodes -
pp. 3376-3385
K. Mocek and E. Erdös Kinetics of the disproportionation of barium sulphite -
pp. 3386-3397
K. Mocek and E. Erdös Kinetics of the reduction of the barium sulphate by hydrogen -
pp. 3398-3402
Z. Hölgye Flüchtigkeit von Ruthenium beim Erwärmen der Trockenrückstände einiger Rutheniumsalze in Gegenwart von Phosphaten und von Salpetersäure -
pp. 3403-3409
J. Plešek, T. Hanslík, F. Hanousek and S. Heřmánek Chemistry of boranes. XXVII. Lewis acidity of some substituted 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes -
pp. 3410-3414
O. Farooq and A. U. Malik Rate studies on the substitution reactions of square planar tetrakis(thiourea)palladium(II) chloride with some amino acids -
pp. 3415-3425
J. Kandráč and E. Kuchár Untersuchung von 2-(5,5-Dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzthiazolyl-2-azo)-4-methylphenol und seiner Chelate mit Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Cd(II), Zn(II) und Pb(II) -
pp. 3426-3432
B. Porsch A simple and exact calculation method for binary diffusion coefficients from the data of polarization interferometer -
pp. 3433-3446
V. Kleinwächter and J. Koudelka Luminescence properties of dinucleoside phosphates, some oligonucleotides and polynucleotides -
pp. 3447-3450
V. Bekárek, I. Janů, J. Jirkovský, J. Socha and J. Klicnar Influence of substitution of aromatic nucleus on frequency of valence vibrations of groups bonded by hydrogen bond -
pp. 3451-3455
M. Jágrová Spectroscopic study of solubilization of a disperse azo-dye in the micelle of a nonionic surface-active substance -
pp. 3456-3466
M. Pánková, A. Vítek, S. Vašíčková, R. Řeřicha and J. Závada Stereochemical studies. LXIX. Contribution of syn- and anti-elimination to the monosubstituted olefin formation from 1-decyltrimethylammonium base -
pp. 3467-3474
O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba General acid catalysis during transformation of 2,4-dinitrobenzenediazotate ion into diazonium ion -
pp. 3475-3482
H. Pischel, A. Holý and G. Wagner Glykoside von Heterocyclen XLV. Riboside von Pyrimidonen -
pp. 3483-3489
J. Fajkoš and J. Joska On steroids. CXLII. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. VI. Acetolysis of 4α-methanesulphonyloxy-5,7,β-cyclo-5β-cholestane -
pp. 3490-3500
L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš On steroids. CXLIII. B-Homosteroids. VI. Simmons-Smith methylenation of Δ5-steroids -
pp. 3501-3511
Z. J. Vejdělek, F. Hradil and M. Protiva Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs. VI. 1-(6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-benzocyclohepten-2-yl)-2-aminoethanols
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.