- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 12
pp. 3817-3827
D. Papoušek Commutation relations for the angular momentum operators in ethane-like molecules -
pp. 3828-3836
P. Sedmera, A. Vítek and Z. Samek Computer construction of standard steroid models -
pp. 3837-3845
M. Švestka Dissociation of aluminium bromide in nonpolar media -
pp. 3846-3854
J. Vepřek-Šiška and S. Luňák Kinetik der Reaktion des Hydroxylamins mit Tetracyanoniccolat(II) -
pp. 3855-3858
J. Balej Phase diagram of the system K2S2O8-KOH-H2O -
pp. 3859-3860
V. Gregor, V. Jehlička and J. Stuchlík Dipole moments of isomeric monosubstituted o-carboranes -
pp. 3861-3867
P. Čefelín, J. Stehlíček and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XLII. Influence of the nature of activator on the type and content of keto groups and activator residues -
pp. 3868-3877
J. Hradil and J. Štamberg Chemical transformations of polymers. XII. Reaction of polyethylene with chlorosulphonic acid -
pp. 3878-3884
Le Nhu Thanh, K. Setínek and L. Beránek Kinetics and adsorption on acid catalysts. IV. Kinetics of gas-phase dehydration of methanol on a sulphonated ion exchanger -
pp. 3885-3890
J. Pola, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCI. The effect of structure on the properties of some trialkylsilyl-substituted alcohols -
pp. 3891-3896
O. Weisser, S. Hála and J. Novák Über die Eigenschaften von Sulfidkatalysatoren XX. Hydrogenolyse dicyclischer α-Glykole in Gegenwart von MoS2 -
pp. 3897-3901
M. Fedoroňko Electroreduction of D(-)-phenylacetylcarbinol -
pp. 3902-3904
M. Svoboda and J. Závada Stereochemical studies. LXX. The role of base ion-pairing in bimolecular elimination: The effect of a base counterion on the steric course -
pp. 3905-3908
J. Hlaváček, L. Dolejš and F. Šorm Natural and synthetic materials with the insect hormone activity. XIII. Aromatic terpenic thioethers -
pp. 3909-3917
V. Schwarz Steroid derivatives. LXXIV. Cleavage of steroid (16S)-spiro-[16,2']-oxirans of 20-pregnanone series with hydrogen bromide -
pp. 3918-3935
J. Hrbek, jr, L. Hruban, A. Klásek, N. K. Kochetkov, A. M. Likhosherstov, F. Šantavý and G. Snatzke Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. XVIII. Chiroptical properties of some pyrrolizidine alkaloids -
pp. 3936-3945
A. Rybár, L. Štibrányi and M. Uher Purine derivatives. III. 7-(2-Isothiocyanatoethyl)-8-alkyltheophyllines -
pp. 3946-3949
A. Pošta and O. Paleta 2,2,2-Trifluorodichloroethylzinc chloride and some of its reactions -
pp. 3950-3955
M. Kuchař, B. Kakáč and O. Němeček Preparation of esters of β-acylacrylic acids by the Wittig reaction -
pp. 3956-3959
M. Chavko, M. Bartík and E. Kasafírek Polarographic properties of amino acid p-nitroanilides and their use for enzyme activity assay -
pp. 3960-3964
J. Matouš, A. Živný and J. Biroš Thermodynamic mixing functions of the system tetrahydrofuran (1)-methanol (2) -
pp. 3965-3971
J. Jindra, J. Mrha and M. Musilová Distribution and movement of alkaline electrolyte in oxygen electrodes -
pp. 3972-3977
V. Karpenko and V. Kalous The interaction of oxygenous anions with human serum albumin -
pp. 3978-3980
M. Král Identification of electron transfer bands in complexes Fe(oxin)3- and Fe(oxin)3 -
pp. 3981-3984
M. Král Intensity of metal to ligand and ligand to metal electron transfer transitions -
pp. 3985-3993
M. Král The optical rotatory power of the tris-(2,2'-bipyridyl)iron(II) ion -
pp. 3994-4000
I. Gemzová and V. Jehlička Contribution to methodology of determination of diffusion coefficients of dyestuffs in solution -
pp. 4001-4004
S. Heřmánek, J. Plešek, B. Štíbr, Z. Janoušek and T. Hanslík Chemistry of boranes. XXVIII. Hydrogenation of 6,9-bis(dialkyl sulfide)decaborane to the parent decaborane -
pp. 4005-4007
K. Hlavatý Correlation of the binodal curve in a ternary liquid mixture with one pair of immiscible liquids -
pp. 4008-4015
R. Caletka and P. Selucký Sorption of polyvalent elements on silica gel. V. Separation of macroamounts of zirconium and hafnium by sorption on silica gel -
pp. 4016-4024
A. Spěvák, Z. Ságner and M. Matrka Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten XVII. Photometrische Bestimmung aromatischer primärer Amine -
pp. 4025-4030
L. Blažek, J. Kálal and F. Hrabák Kinetics of the reaction of sodium formaldehydesulphoxylate with unsaturated aldehydes -
pp. 4031-4034
M. Tlusťáková and J. Honzl Reaction of N-phenyl-p-quinoneimine with organometallic agents -
pp. 4035-4040
P. Křivinka and J. Honzl Reaction of aliphatic isocyanides with chloroacetic anhydride and trifluoroacetic anhydride -
pp. 4041-4045
J. Kaválek, J. Kubias and V. Štěrba Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution of 2,4-dinitrohalogenobenzenes with N-methylanilines -
pp. 4046-4049
L. Kalvoda Oxidative degradation of 1,4-benzoquinone amino and hydroxy derivatives into maleic and fumaric acids -
pp. 4050-4059
K. Bláha, V. Heřmánková, J. Jarý and A. Zobáčová Chiroptical properties of methyl (4-methylphenylthio)hexosides: Stereochemical approach -
pp. 4060-4071
J. Vičar, J. Smolíková and K. Bláha Amino acids and peptides. CIX. Synthesis and infrared spectroscopy of 2,5-piperazinediones derived from proline and pipecolic acid -
pp. 4072-4087
A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLIII. Preparation of 2'-deoxy-L-ribonucleosides of the pyrimidine series -
pp. 4088-4090
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XLI. On the reaction of ribonucleoside 2'(3')-phosphates with dimethylformamide dimethylacetal -
pp. 4091-4098
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CXLIV. 6-Hydroxylated B-norcholestane derivatives -
pp. 4099-4105
K. Stránský, K. Ubik and M. Streibl On natural waxes. XXIII. Hydroxy esters and free alcohols in the wax of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) -
pp. 4106-4111
G. Kovačev, D. Delova and K. Stránský Paraffinic hydrocarbons from Devonian, Triassic and Jurassic sediments of Northern Bulgaria -
pp. 4112-4119
P. Sedmera, A. Klásek, A. M. Duffield and F. Šantavý Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. XIX. Structure of the alkaloid erucifoline -
pp. 4120-4125
J. Pacák, P. Drašar, J. Nerudová and M. Černý Syntheses with anhydro sugars. XIV. Synthesis of some derivatives of 1,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-β-D-glucopyranose
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.