- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 2
pp. 327-341
M. Šišková Surface tension of binary solutions of nonelectrolytes. VI. Relation between the surface tension of solutions of nonelectrolytes and other properties of solutions -
pp. 342-352
J. Hejtmánková, Z. Kučera and J. Duben Condensed phase equilibrium in the systems: water-nitrobenzene-phenol and water-nitrobenzene-2,6-xylenol at 20 ºC -
pp. 353-365
J. Šimoník and L. Beránek Kinetics of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions. V. Parallel-consecutive hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde -
pp. 366-374
I. Mertl Liquid-vapour equilibrium. IL. Phase equilibria in the ternary system ethyl acetate-ethanol-water -
pp. 375-411
I. Mertl Liquid-vapour equilibrium. L. Prediction of multicomponent vapour-liquid equilibria from the binary parameters in systems with limited miscibility -
pp. 412-428
O. Wein and J. Ulbrecht Residence time distribution in laminar flow systems. I. Hydrodynamic conception in study of distribution functions -
pp. 429-439
J. Čermák Hydrodynamics of plate columns. VII. Verification of an experimental method for statistical analysis of the dynamic properties of gas-liquid mixture -
pp. 440-447
I. Rubeška and M. Mikšovský Chrombestimmung in Gesteinen durch Atom-Absorptionsspektrometrie -
pp. 448-452
M. Šeliga, P. Povinec and M. Chudý The gas analysis of tritium in the form of ethane -
pp. 453-459
J. Tomka and J. Šebenda On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXXII. Influence of non-crystallizable units on the crystallization of polycaprolactam -
pp. 460-465
M. Kraus Palladium-catalyzed isomerization of unsaturated alcohols -
pp. 466-477
O. Exner, V. Jehlička and J. Firl Dipole moments and conformation of dithioacetals and gem-disulfones -
pp. 478-483
M. Răileanu, I. Radulian, O. Duliu and S. Radu Ion radicals. I. Phenothiazinic cation-radicals -
pp. 484-492
K. Čapek and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XXVI. Preparation of derivatives of 3-amino-3,4,6-trideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranose -
pp. 493-498
M. Valenta, P. Maloň, M. Janda and J. Šrogl Experiments in the furan series. XIV. Radical bromination of methyl 2,5-dimethyl-3-furoate -
pp. 499-512
J. Balej and O. Špalek Surface oxides on platinum at higher anodic potentials in sulphuric acid solutions -
pp. 513-517
V. Bosáček and Z. Tvarůžková To the problem of the state of water adsorbed on X-type zeolites -
pp. 518-522
B. Šrámková, J. Šrámek and J. Zýka The mechanism of the cobalt(III) perchlorate oxidation of chlorides and bromides -
pp. 523-534
P. Beneš and J. Kučera Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements. IX. Adsorption of barium on glass and polyethylene and its state in aqueous solutions -
pp. 535-540
K. Habersberger and P. Jírů Investigation of iron molybdate catalysts. I. Oxidation of methanol -
pp. 541-549
P. Čársky and R. Zahradník Conjugated radicals. XIII. Ground state properties: Ionization potentials, heats of atomization and spin densities -
pp. 550-559
S. Kotrlý and J. Vachta Photometrische Mikrotitrationen V. Einfluss der Konzentration des Metalls und des metallochromen Indikators auf die Form der Titrationskurve -
pp. 560-568
M. Zukriegelová, Z. Šulcek and P. Povondra Trennen von Metallionen an einem Kationenaustauscher aus der Diäthylentriamin-N,N,N',N",N"-pentaessigsäure -
pp. 569-572
L. Lochmann, R. Lukáš and D. Lím Effect of lithium alkoxides on the rate of the reaction between butyllithium and 1,1-diphenylethylene -
pp. 573-584
A. Tkáč and A. Staško Microheterogeneous catalytic system Nicolloid0-NiI-NiII for low-pressure polymerization of butadiene. I. Redox equilibria as studied by electron paramagnetic resonance in system Ni(acac)2-BF3·O(C2H5)2-AlR3 -
pp. 585-591
J. Mindl Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. III. Protonation of mono- and polysubstituted benzhydrol derivatives; Acidity scale HR· for systems sulphuric acid-water-acetic acid -
pp. 592-602
A. Holý, R. W. Bald and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXLVI. Preparation of some nucleotide derivatives of 6-methyluridine, 3-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)uracil, and 3-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)-6-methyluracil. Investigations of their template activity and behaviour towards some nucleolytic enzymes -
pp. 603-609
J. Klinot, V. Šumanová and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XXI. 3,4-Seco derivatives of betulinic acid -
pp. 610-623
A. Vystrčil and Z. Blecha Triterpenes. XXII. Dehydrogenation of derivatives of 20(29)-lupene with mercuric acetate II. Degradation of the side chain -
pp. 624-636
A. Vystrčil and Z. Blecha Triterpenes. XXIII. Dehydrogenation of derivatives of 20(29)-lupene with mercuric acetate III. Dehydrobetulinic acid -
pp. 637-645
V. Schwarz Steroid derivatives. LXXII. Formation and reactions of steroid 16-spiro-2'-oxirans -
pp. 646-655
Z. Vrba and J. Podstata Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXXIX. Cyclische Farbstoffe durch Azokupplung einiger H-Säurederivate; Einfluss der cyclischen Struktur auf die Dissoziation -
pp. 656-662
A. Tuťálková and P. Vetešník Amphoteric character of 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazolin-5-ones
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.