- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 3
pp. 663-678
K. Mach Electron spin resonance spectra of aliphatic fluoroalkyl radicals in polycrystalline state. I. Gamma radiolysis of perfluoro acids -
pp. 679-687
V. Zvonař Reaction equilibrium of polyanhydride formation. II. Solution based on the vapour-liquid equilibrium of a ternary system -
pp. 688-692
M. Y. Maftoon Dissociation constant of acetic acid in water-acetone mixtures -
pp. 693-700
J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes. VI. The kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of pentacyanocobaltate(II) with sodium borohydride -
pp. 701-705
J. Tenygl A method for reactivating the surface of working electrodes during electrochemical measurements -
pp. 706-714
H. Wohlgemuthová, J. Kůta and J. Doležal A study of the polarographic behaviour of trivalent arsenic in concentrated phosphoric acid -
pp. 715-724
I. Rubeš and H. Bilyková Activity of palladium electrode in alkaline medium -
pp. 725-734
F. Markalous, Z. Jerman, J. Beránek, M. Černík and J. Toužín Über Phosphorsäureureide -
pp. 735-743
K. Kadič and W. Waněk Über die thermische Polykondensation von Kaliummono- und Diamidophosphat -
pp. 744-757
K. Haas, L. Jäger and J. Nývlt Kinetics of transformation of calcium sulphate hemihydrate into the dihydrate in a system containing phosphoric and sulphuric acids -
pp. 758-761
A. Fidler Beitrag zur Leitfähigkeit von drei-dreiwertigen Elektrolyten -
pp. 762-767
Ľ. Adamčíková and Ľ. Treindl Kinetic study of redox reaction of U(IV) with ferricyanide ions -
pp. 768-773
J. Kůstka and J. Tichý Über die Oxydation von Propylen an Katalysatoren aus Molybdän-, Wismut- und Ceroxid -
pp. 774-783
R. Komers and D. Tomanová Sorption of ethyl acetate on some macroreticular resins -
pp. 784-797
O. Wein, K. Wichterle, J. Nebřenský and J. Ulbrecht Similarity of non-Newtonian flows. I. Rheological similarity -
pp. 798-804
M. Ludvík Studies on mixing. XXXIII. Continuous sampling of dispersion of immiscible liquids -
pp. 805-818
R. Karlíček and J. Majer Neue Komplexane XXIII. Äthylendiamin-N,N,N',N'-tetraacethydroxamsäure -
pp. 819-823
M. Šafář, V. Galík and S. Landa Chromatographische Trennung stickstoffhaltiger Stoffe im System Gas-Flüssigkeit II. Über die Trennung einiger Pyrrole -
pp. 824-831
B. Porsch and M. Kubín Determination of criteria of polymer polydispersity based on the free diffusion measurements with a polarization interferometer -
pp. 832-838
Tran Minh Chinh, J. Kaválek and M. Večeřa Influence of substituents on nucleophilic reactivity of anilines during reaction with cyanur chloride -
pp. 839-845
V. Zvěřina, M. Remeš, J. Kroupa, Z. Ságner and M. Matrka 1-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazene compounds. VII. Two-electron reversible oxidation of some 4-substituted 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazenes -
pp. 846-861
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXXIX. Triester synthesis of oligonucleotides in the ribo series -
pp. 862-867
L. Nováček, M. Čeladník, K. Palát and M. Holík The 5-substituted derivatives of 2-pyrazinecarboxamide -
pp. 868-886
M. Protiva, V. Seidlová, E. Svátek and F. Hradil Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs. II. Amines of 8-chloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1-benzoxepin series -
pp. 887-895
Z. Buděšínský, V. Valenta, V. Vosátko and A. Šimek Sulfanilamidoquinoxalines -
pp. 896-898
V. Trdlička and J. Mostecký Antioxydative Eigenschaften einiger O,O'-Dialkyl(aryl)dithiophosphorsäure-derivate -
pp. 899-906
J. Patočka Reactivation of isopropyl-methylphosphonylated rat brain acetylcholinesterase by oximes -
pp. 907-910
Václav Holeyšovský On proteins. CXVII. Specificity of nitrotrypsin and some of its other characteristics -
pp. 911-922
I. Samohýl General validity of Prigogine theorem in irreversible thermodynamics -
pp. 923-934
K. Mach Electron spin resonance spectra of aliphatic fluoroalkyl radicals in polycrystalline state. II. Gamma radiolysis of trifluoroacetic acid -
pp. 935-941
Z. Kováčová and I. Žežula Polarographic reduction of polysulphides. I. Reduction wave of disulphide -
pp. 942-950
M. Kabešová, J. Garaj and J. Gažo The nature of the structural differences between the modification of the dithiocyanate-diamine cupric complex -
pp. 951-961
J. Hanika, K. Sporka, V. Růžička and J. Deml Investigation of hydrogenation in liquid phase. XX. Diffusion of hydrogen in internal pores of the catalyst grain -
pp. 962-969
M. Tichý, R. Zahradník, J. A. Völlmin and W. Simon Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XXI. Acid-base equilibria of polynuclear phenols and amines -
pp. 970-979
B. Sedláček, P. Kratochvíl and D. Straková Light scattering in the system α-bromonaphthalene-butanone-polystyrene -
pp. 980-987
O. Quadrat Investigation of the conditions of negative thixotropy of poly(methyl methacrylate) solutions in low-viscosity solvents. II. Quantitative analysis of the time dependences of viscosity -
pp. 988-1005
J. Pouchlý, A. Živný and K. Šolc Specific interactions in solutions of polymers. III. Sorption equilibria in the system polymer-mixed solvent -
pp. 1006-1014
A. Tkáč and A. Staško Microheterogeneous catalytic system Ni(0)col-Ni(I)-Ni(II) for low-pressure polymerization of butadiene. II. An infrared study of the mechanism of reduction -
pp. 1015-1034
H. Velgová, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. CXXXVI. Effect of 17-substituent in base-catalyzed equilibration of steroidal 2β,3β-disubstituted 6-ketones -
pp. 1035-1043
K. Kefurt, Z. Kefurtová and J. Jarý Lactones. XVI. Reaction of 2,3-anhydro-4,6-dideoxy-L-ribo-hexonic acid lactone with ammonia and dimethylamine -
pp. 1044-1048
J. Bielavský, J. Vachek and F. Ornst Preparation and properties of cholinesterase reactivators of bis-quaternary monopyridinaldoxime type -
pp. 1049-1053
P. Mišoň and L. Trnka The effect of rifampicin on DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Mycobacteria
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.