- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 5
pp. 1425-1444
O. Exner Statistics of the enthalpy-entropy relationship. I. The special case -
pp. 1445-1449
O. Söhnel Kinetics of precipitation of sparingly soluble inorganic salts -
pp. 1450-1453
J. Stejskal, F. Petrů and B. Hájek Interaction of yttrium and lanthanum cations with anions of hypophosphoric acid in aqueous solution -
pp. 1454-1464
J. Toušek Kinetik des Eisen- und Nickellochfrasses -
pp. 1465-1470
J. Velíšek, J. Davídek and G. Janíček On the behaviour of L-dehydroascorbic acid in aqueous solutions -
pp. 1471-1485
O. Wein, P. Mitschka and J. Ulbrecht Similarity of non-Newtonian flows. III. Metzner-Rabinowitsch flows -
pp. 1486-1489
K. Eckschlager Theory of information as applied to analytical chemistry. III. Effectiveness of information -
pp. 1490-1493
Z. Bastl and A. Cuřínová Analysis of gaseous mixtures by thermal desorption from thin layers of molecular sieves -
pp. 1494-1503
R. Caletka Sorption of polyvalent elements on silica gel. II. Sorption of protactinium on silica gel from mixed aqueous-organic solutions of HCl and HNO3 -
pp. 1504-1513
V. Sýkora and F. Dubský Selective ion exchangers with isonitrosoacetamide functional groups. II. Properties and application -
pp. 1514-1519
L. Helešic Potentiometrische Mikrobestimmung von Fluor in organischen Substanzen -
pp. 1520-1532
A. Mistr, M. Vávra, J. Skoupý and R. Zahradník Organic light-sensitive compounds. III. Pyrylium salt sensitizers in light-sensitive polymers -
pp. 1533-1538
V. Kratochvíl and M. Nepraš Anthraquinone dyestuffs. XIV. Protonation of 9,10-anthraquinone derivatives -
pp. 1539-1545
M. Zaoral and M. Flegel Amino acids and peptides. CVI. Cyclic part of vasopressin and oxytocin molecule; Synthesis and biological properties -
pp. 1546-1554
B. Drożdż, H. Grabarczyk, Z. Samek, M. Holub, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCXVI. Sesquiterpenic lactones from Eupatorium cannabinum L. Revision of the structure of eupatoriopicrin -
pp. 1555-1576
A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXLVII. Preparation of 5-ethoxycarbonyluridine, 5-carboxyuridine and their nucleotidic derivatives -
pp. 1577-1584
V. Schwarz and J. Protiva Steroid derivatives. LXXIII. Hydroxylation of substances of pregnane series with Coniosporium rhizophilum (PREUSS) -
pp. 1585-1590
P. Svoboda, M. Čapka, J. Hetflejš and V. Chvalovský Catalysis by metal complexes. III. Hydrosilylation of olefins catalyzed by Co2(CO)8 and RhCl[P(C6H5)3]3 -
pp. 1591-1598
J. Podnecká, H. Kohoutová, R. Holub and J. Pick Phase equilibrium in the system water-acrylonitrile-zinc chloride-calcium chloride -
pp. 1599-1604
V. Hlubuček and J. Pašek Apparent kinetics of bimolecular reactions in strong diffusion region -
pp. 1605-1606
F. Brabec Oxidation of luminol catalyzed by stabilized solution of haemine -
pp. 1607-1621
R. Řeřicha The IR spectra of benzene and cyclohexane adsorbed on co-precipitated nickel-alumina aerogel -
pp. 1622-1636
V. Kleinwächter Influence of matrix composition on the low temperature emission spectra of purine and pyrimidine derivatives -
pp. 1637-1644
D. Hykšová, Z. Šauman and Z. Valtr Beitrag zur Ozonolyse von Kupfer(I)- und Nickel(II)-cyanokomplexen -
pp. 1645-1650
T. Šramko and E. Jóna Isomerism of nickel(II) complexes. III. Thermal decomposition of Ni(NCS)2(quinoline)4·2H2O into two isomers of Ni(NCS)2(quinoline)2 -
pp. 1651-1658
F. Jursík and B. Hájek Copper(II) complexes of N-salicylidene-α-aminodicarboxylic acids; Factors controlling the synthesis of monomeric square-planar complexes -
pp. 1659-1661
B. Hájek and F. Benda Contributions to the systematics of fluorosilicates and fluorogermanates. II. The Ca12Al2(SiF6)4(SO4)3F16·45H2O compound -
pp. 1662-1665
J. Waňková and J. Zatloukal Determination of biogenic elements in a plant material by X-ray spectroscopy. I. Macroelements -
pp. 1666-1670
V. Kolář and Z. Brož Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. VII. Pressure drop at flooding and critical flow rates of both phases in packed bed of spheres -
pp. 1671-1683
O. Wein, K. Wichterle, P. Mitschka and J. Ulbrecht Similarity of non-Newtonian flows. IV. Pseudosimilarity and generalized transport correlations -
pp. 1684-1689
R. Caletka Sorption of polyvalent elements on silica gel. III. Isolation of protactinium by sorption on silica gel from the solutions of HCl and H2SO4 -
pp. 1690-1692
R. Caletka and V. Knobloch Sorption of polyvalent elements on silica gel. IV. Separation of the tetravalent and pentavalent protactinium -
pp. 1693-1697
J. Grúz, Z. Stránský and L. Čáp Mit hilfe der Gaschromatographie untersuchte Chlorbenzolreduktion mittels Zinks -
pp. 1698-1705
J. Novák Kinetics of reaction of 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane with low glycols -
pp. 1706-1712
A. Perjéssy and P. Hrnčiar On phthalides and indandiones. XLVII. Infrared spectra and substituent effects in 3-arylmethylene-4,7-dithia-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrophthalides -
pp. 1713-1720
J. Hetflejš, F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXXIII. Structure effects in bromination of some organosilicon hydrides in dimethylformamide -
pp. 1721-1733
Z. Buděšínský and J. Vavřina Nucleophilic substitutions in the 2-methanesulfonylpyrimidine series -
pp. 1734-1747
K. Šindelář, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. LI. 8-Acetamido- and 8-methylseleno derivatives of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)dibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 1748-1754
E. Klinotová, I. Škarková and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XXV. Isomerisation of 20α,21α-epoxy-28-benzoyloxy derivatives of taraxastane -
pp. 1755-1761
M. Romaňuk, L. Streinz and F. Šorm Natural and synthetic materials with the insect hormone activity. XII. Synthesis of methyl 3,7,11,11-tetramethyl-2-dodecenoate and some of its homologues -
pp. 1762-1763
S. Janda, I. Beneš, V. Procházková and R. Tauchová Trehalose as a metabolic product of D-xylose in Rhodotorula gracilis -
pp. 1764-1764
V. Benešová and V. Herout Corrigendum. Plant substances. XXXIII. The presence of pellepiphyllin in the liverwort Pellia neesiana (Gettsche) LIMPR.; Its absence in P. epiphylla (L.) DUM.
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.