- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 8
pp. 2485-2489
E. Slavíček Approximation by exponentials. II. Examination of the limiting cases of the function u = A1 exp (ω1x) + A2 exp (ω2x) -
pp. 2490-2496
V. Kvasnička, V. Laurinc and I. Hubač Generalized theory of maximum overlap -
pp. 2497-2498
P. Voňka and R. Holub Note on the calculation of a complex chemical equilibrium in ideal gaseous systems -
pp. 2499-2506
T. Boublík Estimation of vaporization heats of simple molecule liquids from the hard body equations of state -
pp. 2507-2514
P. Mitschka and P. Schneider Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions. X. Intraparticle instabilities under nearly realistic conditions -
pp. 2515-2520
P. Čársky, A. Fojtík and R. Zahradník Conjugated radicals. XV. Correlation of pKa values of protonated substituted nitrobenzene radical anions with extended Hückel MO data -
pp. 2521-2527
V. Talášek and J. Eliášek Kinetik des Ionenaustausches IX. Die zwischen den nichtdissoziierten Formen der Austauschgruppen von chelatisierungsaustauschern verlaufenden Reaktionen -
pp. 2528-2533
J. Pešek and F. Petrů Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXIX. Trennung des Scandiums von Yttrium, Lanthan, Mangan(II), Aluminium, Gallium, Cer, Indium, Thallium, Eisen(II, III), Thorium, Ytterbium und von anderen im monazitsand asiatischer Herkunft enthaltenen Elementen -
pp. 2534-2536
B. Hájek and F. Benda Contributions to the systematics of fluorosilicates and fluorogermanates. III. Thallium hexafluorogermanate -
pp. 2537-2543
B. Čásenský, J. Macháček and K. Abrham The chemistry of sodium alkoxyaluminium hydrides. III. Synthesis of sodium dihydro-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminate from Na, Al, H2 and aluminium 2-methoxyethoxide or sodium tetrakis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminate -
pp. 2544-2548
V. Zapletal, K. Kolomazník, J. Soukup, V. Růžička and J. Tíkalová Untersuchung der Hydrierungs- und Dehydrierungskatalysatoren X. Einfluss des Wasserdampf-partialdrucks im Wasserstoff auf den Reduktionsverlauf und die Aktivität des Nickelkatalysators -
pp. 2549-2556
K. Wichterle and O. Wein Heat transfer in laminar flow. II. Three-parameter description for ducts of simple cross-section -
pp. 2557-2563
Z. Holzbecher and P. Holler Fluoreszens von Metallkomplexen des Salicyliden-o-hydroxybenzylamins -
pp. 2564-2567
M. Remeš and M. Adámek Protonation of monosubstituted 9,10-anthraquinone derivatives -
pp. 2568-2578
J. Mindl, P. Pivoňka and M. Večeřa Reacticity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. V. Kinetics of hydrolysis of monosubstituted diphenylmethyl bromides and esters in 80% aqueous acetone -
pp. 2579-2583
A. Šilhánková, D. Rubášová and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XLI. Reduction of methiodides of some methylpyridine bases with Raney nickel in alkaline medium -
pp. 2584-2588
M. Janda, J. Šrogl and M. Synáčková Studies in the thiophene series. III. Anodic oxidation of 2-thenyl alcohol -
pp. 2589-2599
J. Pacák, J. Podešva, Z. Točík and M. Černý Syntheses with anhydro sugars. XI. Preparation of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose and 2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-D-glucose -
pp. 2600-2605
V. Zikán, M. Semonský, K. Řežábek, M. Aušková and M. Šeda Ergot alkaloids. XL. Some N-(D-6-methyl-8-isoergolin-I-yl)- and N-(D-6-methyl-8-isoergolin-II-yl)-N'-substituted ureas -
pp. 2606-2610
A. Černý, R. Kotva and M. Semonský Substances with antineoplastic activity. L. N-[δ-(2-amino-6-purinylthio)valeryl]amino acids, their ethyl esters and analogous derivatives of di- and triglycine -
pp. 2611-2629
Z. Samek, M. Holub, K. Vokáč, B. Drożdż, G. Jommi, P. Gariboldi and A. Corbella On terpenes. CCXIX. The structure of grosheimin -
pp. 2630-2638
A. Rybár and L. Štibrányi Purine derivatives. II. 8-(2-Isothiocyanatoethyl)-7-alkyltheophyllines -
pp. 2639-2643
M. Zaoral and M. Flegel Amino acids and peptides. CVIII. Desaminovasopressin-(1-6)- and desaminooxytocin-(1-6)-hexapeptide amide -
pp. 2644-2648
A. Čihák, J. Horák, J. Brouček and F. Šorm Potentiation of antibacterial effects of different pyrimidine analogues by N-formylbiuret -
pp. 2649-2652
A. Jindra, jr, Z. Šípal and A. Jindra Oxidation of toluene by the microsomal monooxygenase system of rat liver -
pp. 2653-2663
J. Matouš, J. P. Novák, J. Šobr and J. Pick Phase equilibria in the system tetrahydrofuran(1)-water(2) -
pp. 2664-2673
J. Suška, J. P. Novák, J. Matouš and J. Pick Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LI. Correlation of liquid-vapour equilibrium data of strongly non-ideal systems -
pp. 2674-2692
M. Titz and M. Nepraš Electronic structure and properties of polynuclear aromatic ketones and quinones. I. Electronic spectra and π-electronic structure of some polynuclear quinones -
pp. 2693-2695
O. Štrouf On the behaviour and reactivity of solutions of complex hydrides. IV. The effect of solvent on the stereochemistry of reduction of 3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexanone with sodium dihydrido-bis-(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminate -
pp. 2696-2700
B. Štíbr, J. Plešek and S. Heřmánek Chemistry of boranes. XXV. Reactions of bis- and mono-ligando derivatives of decaborane with hydrogen halides -
pp. 2701-2707
M. Štefl and V. Horák Chromatographisch-spektrophotometrische Tryptophanbestimmung -
pp. 2708-2713
M. Kučera, J. Švábík and K. Majerová Influence of water upon the rate of cationic polymerization of styrene. II. Polymerization initiated by SnCl4 -
pp. 2714-2724
Z. Bukač and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XLI. Anionic thermolysis of N,2,2-substituted 3-oxoamides -
pp. 2725-2733
P. Ševčík and Ľ. Treindl A kinetic study of the reduction of maleic and fumaric acid by chromium(II) ions -
pp. 2734-2738
K. Šindelář and O. Exner Dipole moments and conformation of some organic selenium compounds -
pp. 2739-2745
F. Kopecký, M. Pešák and J. Čelechovský Thermodynamics of proton dissociation. II. Some ortho-substituted aniline derivatives -
pp. 2746-2763
V. Šimánek, V. Preininger, S. Hegerová and F. Šantavý The tautomerism of quaternary salts of isoquinoline type. The effect of the position and nature of electron donating substituents on the spectroscopic and polarographic behaviour of these substances -
pp. 2764-2770
J. Paleček, L. Vavruška and J. Kuthan On dihydropyridines. XXVII. The reaction of 3,5-diacetylpyridine with complex hydrides and organometallic reagents -
pp. 2771-2778
J. Čiernik and V. Hrušková Neue Pentamethincyaninfarbstoffe -
pp. 2779-2785
Z. Buděšínský and P. Lederer A new synthesis of the quinazoline nucleus -
pp. 2786-2797
J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLI. The preparation of 1H-pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine as an approach to the synthesis of formycin B -
pp. 2798-2803
J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLII. Synthesis of 3-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-1H-pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine (oxoformycin) -
pp. 2804-2806
J. Slavík and F. Šantavý Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. XLVII. Identity of bocconine with chelirubine -
pp. 2807-2811
V. Šanda, J. Fajkoš, F. Šorm and J. Protiva On steroids. CXXXX. B-Norsteroid analogues of corticoids -
pp. 2812-2816
B. Meloun and J. Kušnír Cleavage of human plasma albumin by cyanogen bromide and characterization of the fragments
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.