- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 9
pp. 2817-2819
E. Hála Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LII. On boundary conditions between constants of Wilson and NRTL equations in three- and more-component systems -
pp. 2820-2829
J. Linek, I. Wichterle and J. Polednová Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LIII. The systems benzene-diisopropyl ether, diisopropyl ether-toluene, diisopropyl ether-ethylbenzene, benzene-dipropyl ether, dipropyl ether-toluene and dipropyl ether-ethylbenzene -
pp. 2830-2840
J. Balej Application of phase diagram of the system NaOH-H2O2-H2O for the production of hydrogen peroxide by cathodic reduction of oxygen in sodium hydroxide solutions -
pp. 2841-2846
V. Holba and M. Rievaj Einfluss der Ionenstärke auf die alkalische Hydrolyse von Kaliumäthylmalonat und Kaliumäthyloxalat -
pp. 2847-2852
V. Hlubuček, P. Chuchvalec and J. Horák Apparent kinetics of a bimolecular catalytic reaction in the region of influence of the external mass transfer -
pp. 2853-2857
L. Kubelková and P. Jírů Study of the nature of silica gel active centers for water adsorption by infrared spectroscopy. Interaction with pyridine-water mixture -
pp. 2858-2863
M. Heyrovský, S. Vavřička and O. Exner Charge-transfer interaction in complexes between acids and their anions -
pp. 2864-2873
P. Beneš and E. Vidová Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements. X. Adsorption of phosphate anions on glass and polyethylene -
pp. 2874-2881
Tran Chuong Huyen and M. Kopanica A polarographic study of the substitution reactions of the chelates of triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid. III. The reaction of indium chelates -
pp. 2882-2890
V. Stará and M. Kopanica Kinetics of ligand substitution reaction: Nickel(II)-triethylenetetraminehexaacetate with cyanide ions -
pp. 2891-2897
M. Quastlerová-Hvastijová, J. Kohout and J. Gažo Formation and oxidation-reduction changes of the cyanate complexes of iron in methanol -
pp. 2898-2906
K. Wichterle Heat transfer in laminar flow. III. Application of the thermal boundary layer -
pp. 2907-2910
J. Novák and I. Sláma Photometrische Jodidbestimmung neben überschüssigen Chloriden und Bromiden -
pp. 2911-2919
L. Zikmund Thermal decomposition of the copolymer styrene-oxygen -
pp. 2920-2927
J. Mejzlík, S. Petřík and B. Kokta Role of organometal and monomer in the formation of active centers at stereospecific polymerization of propylene -
pp. 2928-2932
V. Macháček and M. Večeřa Study of hindered rotation about C-N bond in carbamates -
pp. 2933-2945
J. Kuthan, L. Musil and V. Skála Extended Hückel conformational analysis of nicotinamide -
pp. 2946-2953
L. Červený, J. Červená and V. Růžička Untersuchung der Hydrierung in flüssiger Phase XXIV. Einfluss der Lösungsmittel auf die Geschwindigkeit der katalytischen Hydrierung -
pp. 2954-2961
J. Tichý, P. Závodský, J. Janko and J. Spěváček Oxydation von Isobutylen an oxidischem Wismutphosphormolybdänkatalysator -
pp. 2962-2966
V. Tolman and K. Vereš 2-Fluoro-1,3-propanediol and chemical transformations of derived compounds -
pp. 2967-2971
A. Martvoň, K. Antoš and M. Uher Synthese und IR-Spektren von 5-Isothiocyanato-2-(4'- und 3'-subst.phenyl)benztriazolen -
pp. 2972-2977
P. Kristian, J. Bernát and M. Novotná Isothiocyanates and their synthetic producers. X. Synthesis of 3-substituted 2-thioxo-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazines -
pp. 2978-2984
M. Černý, V. Přikrylová and J. Pacák Syntheses with anhydro sugars. XII. Preparation of 2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose -
pp. 2985-2993
K. Kefurt, K. Čapek, J. Čapková, Z. Kefurtová and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XXVII. The synthesis of derivatives of 3-amino-3,4,6-trideoxy-D- or L-xylo-hexopyranose -
pp. 2994-3000
M. Šolc and I. Horsák Simulation of first-order chemical reaction as a stochastic process on a digital computer -
pp. 3001-3009
F. Hanousek, B. Štíbr, S. Heřmánek, J. Plešek, A. Vítek and F. Haruda Chemistry of boranes. XXVI. Infrared spectra of monosubstituted decaboranes -
pp. 3010-3014
J. Linek, K. Procházka and I. Wichterle Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LIV. The systems ethyl acetate-benzene, ethyl acetate-toluene and ethyl acetate-ethylbenzene -
pp. 3015-3023
V. Veselý, V. Václavek and B. Pešan A measuring system for simultaneous measurement of local temperature and concentration in nonideal stirred reactor -
pp. 3024-3028
P. Polanský and J. Bár Traces of yttrium and lanthanides radionuclides in aqueous solutions. I. Adsorption of trace amounts of yttrium -
pp. 3029-3033
S. Scholle and E. Trpišovská Untersuchung des Fehlers bei der sukzessiven Phosphat- und Sulfatfällungstitration -
pp. 3034-3038
K. Chmel Chromatography of amino acids on silica gel. I. Two-dimensional chromatography on Silufol® thin layers -
pp. 3039-3041
O. Quadrat Viscosimetric properties of the concentrated polymer solutions. II. Dependence of the non-Newtonian viscosity on the thermodynamic quality of the solvent and on its viscosity -
pp. 3042-3051
J. Smolík and M. Kraus Decarbonylation of aromatic aldehydes on platinum metal catalysts -
pp. 3052-3053
M. Kraus Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride. XIII. Dechlorination of substituted chlorobenzenes -
pp. 3054-3058
J. Rejhon, J. Hetflejš, M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský Organogermanium compounds. XIII. The preparation and relative basicity of (dialkylamino)chlorogermanes -
pp. 3059-3062
P. Svoboda, M. Čapka and J. Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. VII. Hydrosilylation catalysed by tetrakis(ethylene)dichlorodirhodium(I) -
pp. 3063-3065
I. Véle, J. Fusek and O. Štrouf On the behaviour and the reactivity of solutions of complex hydrides. V. Determination of the association of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)dihydridoaluminate in benzene and tetrahydrofuran -
pp. 3066-3072
P. Kristian and G. Suchár Synthesis, chemical properties and reactions of heterodienes. I. Spectral properties of phenyl isoselenocyanates and the polar character of the NCSe group -
pp. 3073-3080
V. Macháček, V. Štěrba and K. Valter Kinetics of iodination of resorcinol and its O-methyl derivatives -
pp. 3081-3089
K. Bouchal, J. Škramovská, P. Schmidt and F. Hrabák β-Diketone chelates of bis(ethylene)rhodium and products of exchange reactions with chloro-substituted dienes -
pp. 3090-3094
V. Benešová, M. Streibl, H. M. Châu, I. Beneš and K. Konečný Plant substances. XXXV. On natural waxes. XXI. Higher alkanes and wax esters of some liverworts -
pp. 3095-3105
A. Kasal On steroids. CXLI. Reaction of silver fluoride with some 6α-bromo-B-norsteroids -
pp. 3106-3116
M. Tichý and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. LXV. Synthetic studies in the tricyclo[4,4,0,03,8]decane and tricyclo[4,3,1,03,7]decane series: The synthesis of twistene -
pp. 3117-3121
S. Doležal Radical additions to olefin derivatives. V. Preparation of β,ω-dihalogenalkanoic acids and some of their reactions -
pp. 3122-3123
M. Němec, J. Šrogl and M. Janda Studies in the thiophene series. IV. Electrochemical bromination in methanolic ammonium bromide solution -
pp. 3124-3135
I. Červená, F. Hradil and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. LIII. 1-(1,3-Diarylpropyl)piperazines and 1-(1-aryl-2-phenylthioethyl)piperazines -
pp. 3136-3143
Z. J. Vejdělek, F. Hradil, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs. V. 2-(2-Aminoethyl)-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene and derivatives -
pp. 3144-3147
A. Jurášek, J. Kováč, A. Krutošíková and M. Hrdina Furan derivatives. XL. Synthesis of 5-nitro-2-substituted furans on the basis of 5-nitrofurfuryl nitrate -
pp. 3148-3151
S. Zadražil, M. Jurovčík and V. Fučík Conditions of utilization of exogenous thymidine for labelling of Bacillus subtilis DNA
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.