- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 5
pp. 1273-1282
J. Morávek and V. Špirko Uniqueness of NMR spectral analysis for a general system of nuclei with spin number 1/2 -
pp. 1283-1285
E. Slavíček Superposition of temperature and kinetic constants for a chemical reaction -
pp. 1286-1294
E. Hála Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LVII. Multicomponent systems -
pp. 1295-1301
H. Ruíz Echevarría Liquid-vapour equilibrium. LVIII. The systems benzene-2-butanol, benzene-isobutanol and benzene-tert-butanol -
pp. 1302-1311
M. Havlíček, P. Chuchvalec and J. Horák Effect of external heat and mass transfer on regime of catalyst particles for exothermic consecutive reactions -
pp. 1312-1320
F. Hanousek, B. Štíbr, S. Heřmánek and J. Plešek Chemistry of boranes. XXXI. Infrared spectra of decaborane and its deuterio derivatives -
pp. 1321-1329
J. Skřivánek and J. Hostomský A model of the cascade of stirred reactors with a heterogeneous diffusion-controlled reaction -
pp. 1330-1332
K. Eckschlager Theory of information as applied to analytical chemistry. IV. Expression of the results of quantitative chemical analyses -
pp. 1333-1338
O. Navrátil Extraktion von Niob mit Hilfe einiger 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-acyl-5-pyrazolone -
pp. 1339-1342
P. Čefelín, L. Lochmann and J. Stehlíček Preparation of substituted amino acids by cyanoalkylation of esters -
pp. 1343-1345
J. Tiňo and F. Szöcs Study of thermal decomposition of benzopinacol diphenyl ether by the ESR method -
pp. 1346-1357
A. Tkáč and V. Adamčík Microheterogeneous catalytic system Ni(0)col-Ni(I)-Ni(II) for low pressure polymerization of butadiene. IV. The structure of an active centre -
pp. 1358-1363
O. Červinka, O. Bělovský and P. Rejmanová Asymmetric reactions. XLVI. Absolute configuration of α,β,γ-substituted methylpyridylmethanols and methylpyridylmethylamines -
pp. 1364-1370
D. Tocksteinová, H. Pechanová and J. Churáček Esterifizierungskinetik mit Hilfe von p-(N,N-Dimethylamino)benzol-p'-azobenzoylchlorid -
pp. 1371-1380
A. Holý and Z. Arnold Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLVIII. Preparation of some substituted 2-amino- and 2-mercaptopyrimidines from trimethinium salts -
pp. 1381-1397
R. Wightman and A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLIX. Synthesis of some 2-pyrimidone nucleosides -
pp. 1398-1405
J. Joska, Ž. Procházka, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CLII. Microbial oxygenation of B-norsteroids -
pp. 1406-1414
J. Fajkoš, M. Buděšínský and J. Joska On steroids. CLIII. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. VII. The epimeric 1,2-epoxides of the 5,7β-cyclosteroid series -
pp. 1415-1427
L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš On steroids. CLIV. B-Homosteroids. IX. The epimeric 5,7-cyclo-B-homoandrostane derivatives -
pp. 1428-1433
M. Holub and Z. Samek On terpenes. CCXXVI. The structure of lasolide - A sesquiterpenic lactone from Laser trilobum (L.) BORKH. -
pp. 1434-1437
J. Farkaš, Z. Flegelová, V. Uchytilová and J. Gut Preparation of 1-substituted hydrazinoacetic acids -
pp. 1438-1444
R. Kotva, A. Černý and M. Semonský Substances with antineoplastic activity. LIII. N-{δ-(4-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidinylthio)valeryl}amino acids and analogous derivatives of di- and triglycine -
pp. 1445-1449
S. Landa, J. Vais and J. Burkhard Über Adamantan und dessen Derivate XXV. Derivate der 2-Adamantylmalonsäure -
pp. 1450-1458
R. Polák On the transferability of bond orbitals in hydrocarbons -
pp. 1459-1462
I. Nykl, A. Fojtík, P. Hobza, P. Čársky, R. Zahradník and T. Shida Electronic spectra of azulene mononegative and monopositive ions and semiempirical open shell PPP-like calculations -
pp. 1463-1465
I. Nykl, V. Rejholec, P. Hobza, P. Čársky, R. Zahradník and K. Hafner Conjugated radicals. XVII. Electronic spectra of radical ions derived from pentaleno[6,6a,1,2-def]heptalene and 2-phenylcyclopent[cd]azulene and semiempirical open shell PPP-like calculations -
pp. 1466-1472
F. Králík, J. Meindl, Z. Tauer and D. Maletič Hexacyanoruthenate(II) der Seltenerden: Praseodym(III)-trishexacyanoruthenat(II) -
pp. 1473-1477
I. Wiesner Chromatographic identification of some intermediates of the reaction of aniline with formaldehyde -
pp. 1478-1496
E. Chiacchierini, R. Gocchieri and L. Sommer On the reaction of uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) with pyrocatechol violet -
pp. 1497-1501
M. Valentová and L. Šůcha Spectrophotometric determination of iron with biacetyl oxime thiosemicarbazone -
pp. 1502-1506
E. Prokopová and M. Bohdanecký Electrophoretic behaviour of undissociable polymers in aqueous salt solutions -
pp. 1507-1512
J. Baldrian Structural changes during crystallization of doubly-oriented polycaprolactam -
pp. 1513-1521
P. Hogan and J. Pašek Reaction of amines and acid catalysts. IV. Kinetics and mechanism of olefin formation from triethylamine and diisopropylamine on γ-alumina -
pp. 1522-1527
J. Pola, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCVI. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds in phenylsilylalkanols -
pp. 1528-1536
J. Pola, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCVII. Cyclization of terminal ethoxysilyl-substituted propoxy- and butoxymethylsilanes -
pp. 1537-1550
M. Tichý and L. Kniežo Stereochemical studies. LXXII. 4,5-Disubstituted twistanes: Vicinal intercations OH/CH3 and OH/CO2CH3 in compounds with the torsion angle Θ ~ 30º -
pp. 1551-1562
M. Holub, Z. Samek, R. DeGroote, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCXXVII. The structure of the sesquiterpenic triester lactone trilobolide -
pp. 1563-1570
V. Černý On steroids. CLV. Reactions of steroidal β-oxo cyclopropanes with Jacques' reagent -
pp. 1571-1578
A. Rybár and L. Štibrányi Purine derivatives. IV. 7-(3-Isothiocyanatopropyl)-8-alkyltheophyllines -
pp. 1579-1595
K. Šindelář, B. Kakáč, E. Svátek, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LVIII. 8-Hydroxy-10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin, O-substitution derivatives and some related compounds -
pp. 1596-1601
V. Bártl, E. Svátek and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LIX. 3-Methoxy-11-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)-6H,11H-dibenzo[b,e]thiepin and some related compounds -
pp. 1602-1608
M. Rajšner, E. Princová, J. Grimová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LX. 2-Acetyl-6H,11H-dibenzo[b,e]thiepin and some related compounds -
pp. 1609-1613
K. Antoš, J. Surá, V. Knoppová and J. Procházka Synthesis and properties of 4-substituted 4-isothiocyanatobenzophenones -
pp. 1614-1619
V. Šimánek and A. Klásek Preparation and reactions of some substances with protoberberine skeleton
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.