- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1974, Volume 39, Issue 10
pp. 2719-2723
S. Luňák and J. Vepřek-Šiška Reaktion von Hydroxylamin mit Nitroprussidionen -
pp. 2724-2732
J. Podlahová Mercaptoethylaminetriacetic acid -
pp. 2733-2739
J. Červenka and V. Kolář The pressure drop of sieve-plate columns -
pp. 2740-2748
M. Mejstříková Hydrogenation of nitrobenzene on palladium in a new type of trickle-bed reactor -
pp. 2749-2756
V. Kudrna, I. Fořt, J. Vlček and J. Dražil Circulation time distribution in a mixed charge -
pp. 2757-2771
P. Nekovář and V. Vacek Mass transfer with fast chemical reaction in a falling drop -
pp. 2772-2782
V. Vašek, J. Klemeš, Č. Vermouzek and M. Dohnal A study of the convenience of the simultaneous and the sequential approach for simulation of some typical chemical processes -
pp. 2783-2786
J. Beneš, J. Frána and A. Maštalka Determination of iodine in soil by the instrumental neutron activation analysis -
pp. 2787-2791
H. Beňadiková, F. Štráfelda and J. Vulterin Voltamperometrische Bestimmung niedriger Chloridionenkonzentrationen -
pp. 2792-2795
L. Jiráčková and J. Pospíšil Synthesis of methyl ethers of alkylidenebisphenols and thiobisphenols -
pp. 2796-2800
J. Tichý and B. Šrámek Oxidation of propylene on two-component oxide catalysts -
pp. 2801-2807
A. Pošta, O. Paleta and J. Voves Reaction of 1,2-difluoroethylene with fluorotrichloromethane in the presence of aluminum chloride, and relative reactivity of fluorinated hydroethylenes -
pp. 2808-2813
J. Přidal, J. Latinák and V. Komárková 4-Nitrosophenol-3-sulfonsäure -
pp. 2814-2818
V. Kratochvíl, V. Slavík and M. Nepraš Dehydrational cyclisation of 2,2'-diacetylamino-1,1'-dianthraquinonyl to flavanthrone -
pp. 2819-2827
Z. J. Vejdělek, A. Dlabač and M. Protiva 6-Amino-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene and derivatives -
pp. 2828-2834
L. Eignerová and Ž. Procházka Resolution of racemic 3-methoxy-14α-hydroxy-D-homo-1,3,5(10)-estratrien-17a-one -
pp. 2835-2856
K. Jošt, Ž. Procházka, J. H. Cort, T. Barth, J. Škopková, Z. Prusík and F. Šorm Synthesis and some biological activities of analogues of deamino-vasopressin with the disulphide bridge altered to a thioether bridge -
pp. 2857-2865
P. Hobza and R. Zahradník Weak intermolecular interactions: Introductory remarks and methods used -
pp. 2866-2876
P. Hobza and R. Zahradník Perturbation treatment of the interactions between nonpolar molecule-nonpolar molecule and polar molecule-polar molecule -
pp. 2877-2890
R. Polák Perturbation treatment of molecular ground state properties -
pp. 2891-2910
Z. Urbanec and J. Čejka Beitrag zur Frage der Uranylcarbonatbildung unter normalen Bedingungen -
pp. 2911-2919
Z. Jerman Mutual influence of reactions during thermal decomposition of solids -
pp. 2920-2926
O. Fischer and A. Votavová Polarographic reduction of iron(III) in presence of peroxodiphosphate in alkaline medium -
pp. 2927-2934
K. Hlavatý Semirational method for the construction of equations of state for liquids and gases -
pp. 2935-2942
I. Mohyla, Z. Ksandr, M. Hájek and L. Vodička Application of shift reagents in NMR analysis of 1-adamantanol -
pp. 2943-2948
D. Doskočilová, B. Schneider and J. Trekoval Characterization of internal motions in crosslinked polymer gels by high-resolution MAR-NMR spectrometry -
pp. 2949-2950
L. Novotný and K. Kotva Opening of the furan ring: Reaction of 6β-hydroxyfuroeremophilane with activated silica gel -
pp. 2951-2960
B. Uchytil and M. Procházka Chloro- and methoxybutenonitriles -
pp. 2961-2974
A. Vystrčil and V. Pouzar Functionalisation of the lupane skeleton using Barton's reaction -
pp. 2975-2985
M. Zaoral, I. Laine and F. Brtník [4-Leucine, 8-D-arginine]- and [1-β-mercaptopropionic acid, 4-leucine, 8-D-arginine]-vasotocin. Two vasotocin analogs with specific antidiuretic effect -
pp. 2986-2997
G. S. Ivanova, A. Holý, E. Zelinková, S. I. Bezborodova, N. M. Abrosimova-Amelyanchik and R. I. Tatarskaya Substrate specificity of some microbial guanyloribonucleases -
pp. 2998-3002
E. Sedláková, I. Kluh, T. Barth and K. Jošt Neurophysin binding of some analogs of neurohypophysial hormones -
pp. 3003-3009
J. Jonák, I. Rychlík and J. Sedláček Interference of sulfhydryl compounds with the inhibitory effect of N-tosyl-L-phenylalanylchloromethane on elongation factor Tu
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.