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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1974, 39, 899-907

Characterization of depressed uridine kinase in rat thymus following 5-azacytidine administration

J. Veselý, A. Čihák and H. Veselá

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Cheng Nancy, Traut Thomas W.: Uridine kinase: Altered subunit size or enzyme expression as a function of cell type, growth stimulation, or mutagenesis. J of Cellular Biochemistry 1987, 35, 217. <>
  • Veselý Jiří, Čihák Alois: 5-Azacytidine: Mechanism of action and biological effects in mammalian cells. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors 1978, 2, 813. <>
  • Schumm Dorothy E., Webb Thomas E.: Induction of uridine kinase in rat peripheral blood lymphocytes: Dependence on mitogen specificity and effect of pyrimidine analogs. Cellular Immunology 1975, 15, 479. <>