- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1974, Volume 39, Issue 6
pp. 1403-1418
J. Zahradník, F. Kaštánek and M. Rylek Porosity of the heterogeneous bed and liquid circulation in multistage bubble-type column reactors -
pp. 1419-1425
J. Zahradník and F. Kaštánek The effect of plates on some parameters of a heterogeneous bed in bubble-type flow reactors -
pp. 1426-1430
K. Eckschlager Characteristics for judging the reliability of analytical methods -
pp. 1431-1439
M. Šťastný, R. Volf, J. Vulterin and F. Štráfelda A new modification of the injection enthalpimetry method -
pp. 1440-1446
M. Kraitr, R. Komers and F. Čůta Separation of hexenes by gas chromatography on stationary phases with PdCl2 -
pp. 1447-1461
M. Pánková and M. Tichý Cyclisation and solvolysis of stereoisomeric 4-tert-butyl-2-aminomethylcyclohexanol derivatives -
pp. 1462-1478
K. Čapek, J. Staněk, jr and J. Jarý Preparation of methyl 3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-β-D-hexopyranosides by condensation of (2R,4R)-2-methoxy-4-methyl-3-oxapentane-1,5-dial with nitromethane -
pp. 1479-1487
J. Staněk, jr, K. Čapek and J. Jarý Preparation of partially acylated derivatives of methyl 3-acetamido-3,6-dideoxy-β-D-gluco- and β-D-mannopyranoside -
pp. 1488-1493
M. Zdražil A kinetics of hydrogenolysis of aliphatic esters on rhodium -
pp. 1494-1499
D. Bärwolff, G. Kowollik and P. Langen Glucosidierung des 6-Fluorthymins -
pp. 1500-1509
J. Škoda, I. Votruba and J. Farkaš Study of the mechanism of the growth-inhibiting effect of 3-oxauracil in Escherichia coli -
pp. 1510-1517
J. Káš and V. Šícho Post-mortem proteolytic processes in liver tissue -
pp. 1518-1531
A. Tockstein and F. Skopal Präzisiertes Verfahren zur Berechnung der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten aus einem Potential-Zeit-Kurvensystem -
pp. 1532-1540
A. Novák, M. Titz and M. Nepraš Absorption and polarization spectra of polynuclear p-quinones -
pp. 1541-1552
R. Josefi, E. Drahorádová and M. Horák Rotational isomerism, vibrational and NMR spectra of 3-substituted anisoles -
pp. 1553-1570
J. Daňhelka and I. Kössler Thermal degradation of linear and cyclized polymers as well as cyclopolymers of conjugated dienes -
pp. 1571-1576
E. Kuchár, T. Žiaková, M. Vačková and S. Stankovianský Untersuchung einiger 1-(7-Oxo-5,5-dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzthiazolyl-2-azo)-Halogenphenole und ihrer Chelate mit Cu(II) und Ni(II) -
pp. 1577-1581
V. Jehlička, J. L. Piette and O. Exner Dipole moments and conformation of some organic tellurium compounds -
pp. 1582-1588
O. Červinka, A. Fábryová and J. Hájíček Absolute configuration of (S)-(+)-3-ethyl-5-methyladamantane-1-carboxylic acid and (S)-(+)-1-amino-3-ethyl-5-methyladamantane -
pp. 1589-1595
V. Knoppová and Ľ. Drobnica Bildung von Rhodaninen durch Reaktion von Isothiocyanaten mit Thioglykolsäure und ihre Stabilität -
pp. 1596-1600
Z. Vejdělek and M. Protiva 1,4-Bis(aminomethyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrachlorobenzenes -
pp. 1601-1612
L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš Acetolyses of the epimeric 4-methanesulphonyloxy-5,7β-cyclo-B-homo-5β-cholestanes -
pp. 1613-1620
L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš Synthesis and some reactions of the epimeric 5,7α-cyclo-B-homo-5α-cholestan-4-ols -
pp. 1621-1624
V. Bílik Oxydative Zersetzung der 1-Desoxy-1-nitroaldite zu Aldosen -
pp. 1625-1645
J. Šponar, Š. Štokrová, I. Koruna and K. Bláha Basic polypeptides as models of histones: Synthesis, conformation and interaction with DNA of sequential polypeptides containing lysine, alanine, and proline -
pp. 1646-1661
A. Holý and I. Votruba Substrate specificity of bacterial thymidylate-synthetase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.