- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1979, Volume 44, Issue 12
pp. 3419-3424
Karel Mocek, Erich Lippert, Dušan Husek and Emerich Erdös The effect of particle size on the reactivity of active sodium carbonate towards sulfur dioxide -
pp. 3425-3433
Miloš Smutek and Slavoj Černý Evaluation of the temperature responses in colorimetric measurements of chemisorption enthalpies on metal films -
pp. 3434-3440
Zlatko Knor FEM and FIM study of the work function of stepped metal surfaces -
pp. 3441-3451
Zdeněk Slanina and Zbigniew R. Grabowski Structure, energy characteristics, and electronic spectra of two isoelectronic radicals, HCN2 and H2C2N: A theoretical study -
pp. 3452-3457
Petr Čársky Quantum mechanical tunnelling in the processes D + H2 → DH + H and CH4 + H → CH3 + H2. Eckart's tunnelling corrections for rate constants given by ab initio calculations -
pp. 3458-3463
Pavel Hobza, Petr Čársky and Rudolf Zahradník The dimer (HCl)2: Stationary points on the SCF 4-31G energy hypersurface and the role of entropy in the dimer formation -
pp. 3464-3468
Zdeněk Sedláček Kinetic isotherms of cyclohexane on active carbon supersorbon -
pp. 3469-3489
Josef P. Novák, Petr Voňka, Jaroslav Matouš and Jiří Pick Liquid-liquid equilibrium. Possibilities of the regular solution theory for modelling liquid-liquid equilibrium in ternary systems -
pp. 3490-3500
Josef P. Novák, Eva Palacká, Petr Voňka and Jiří Pick Applicability of the van Laar equation to correlation of strongly non-ideal systems -
pp. 3501-3508
Jan Linek Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the isobutyl formate-isobutyl alcohol and n-butyl formate-isobutyl alcohol systems at atmospheric pressure -
pp. 3509-3514
Jan Linek and Jiřina Klimánková Isothermal and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data in the tetrachloromethane-isobutyl alcohol system -
pp. 3515-3520
Ivan Wichterle Vapour-liquid equilibrium correlation procedure in high pressure region -
pp. 3521-3528
Vladimír Majer, Václav Svoboda, Josef Koubek and Jiří Pick Temperature dependence of heats of vaporization, saturated vapour pressures and cohesive energies for a group of amines -
pp. 3529-3532
František Veselý, Milan Zábranský, Václav Svoboda and Jiří Pick The use of mixing calorimeter for measuring heat capacities of liquids -
pp. 3533-3540
Libor Pětroš, Vladimír Majer, Josef Koubek, Václav Svoboda and Jiří Pick Temperature dependence of heats of vaporization, saturated vapour pressures and cohesive energies of secondary amines -
pp. 3541-3548
Miloš Ševčík and Tomáš Boublík Perturbation theory of solutions of non-electrolytes. The effect of permanent and induced multipole interactions on excess thermodynamic functions of binary systems -
pp. 3549-3554
Jaroslav Nývlt and Miroslav Broul System constant and its significance in industrial crystallisation -
pp. 3555-3565
Ivo Nezbeda, Jan Pavlíček and Stanislav Labík Thermodynamic properties of pure hard sphere, spherocylinder and dumbell fluids -
pp. 3566-3573
Ján Biroš, Rattan Lal Madan and Julius Pouchlý The heat capacity of water swollen poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) above and below 0 °C -
pp. 3574-3587
Julius Pouchlý and Antonín Sikora The phase instability and critical point in a liquid mixture of an associating and inert component -
pp. 3588-3594
Vladislav Holba and Olga Volárová Kinetics of oxidation of cis-bis(ethylenediamine)isothiocyanatonitrocobalt(III) ion with peroxodisulphate -
pp. 3595-3603
František Tureček, Vladimír Hanuš and Miloš Tichý The role of conformational mobility in the stereospecific loss of water under electron impact -
pp. 3604-3616
Zdeněk Vejdělek, Miroslav Rajšner, Emil Svátek, Jiří Holubek and Miroslav Protiva Synthesis of 7-chloro-5-(6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocyclohepten-2-yl)-2-methylamino-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine 4-oxide and of some related compounds -
pp. 3617-3626
Karel Šindelář, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska, Jiřina Metyšová, Zdeněk Šedivý and Miroslav Protiva Potential metabolites of the neuroleptic agents noroxyclothepin and oxyclothepin; Synthesis of 8-chloro-3-hydroxy-10-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazino]- and -10-[4-(3-hydroxypropyl)piperazino]-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 3627-3631
Jiří Plura, Jaroslav Matouš, Josef P. Novák and Josef Šobr Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the methyl tert-butyl ether-n-hexane and methyl tert-butyl ether-toluene systems -
pp. 3632-3643
Karel Mach, Igor Janovský and Karel Vacek Photolytic and thermal annealing of radical anions gamma-irradiated monocarboxylic acids -
pp. 3644-3648
Daniel Homolka Ion selective picrate electrode with liquid membrane -
pp. 3649-3655
Erhard Gey and Wilfried Kühnel Berechnung von Potentialflachenausschnitten radikalischer Anlagerungsreaktionen an olefinische Doppelbindungen semiempirische Untersuchungen der Reaktion CH3 + C2H4 -
pp. 3656-3664
Oldřich Navrátil, Jiří Smola and Rostislav Kolouch Extraction of hafnium(IV) with organophosphorus reagents from solutions of mineral acids mixtures -
pp. 3665-3675
Josef Rychlý, Lydia Matisová-Rychlá and Ján Plaček Paramagnetism of carbonization products formed from isotactic propylene containing synthetic zeolites -
pp. 3676-3687
Vlastimil Vyskočil and Miloš Kraus Kinetics of cyclohexene hydrogenation and of thiophene hydrogenolysis over cobalt-molybdenum catalysts of different composition -
pp. 3688-3694
Josef Pola, Marie Jakoubková and Václav Chvalovský The electronic effects in and the oxygen basicity of some oxygen-containing boranes -
pp. 3695-3704
Milan Hájek and Jaroslav Málek Catalytic activity of cupric oxide in addition reactions of alkyl cyanoacetates with 1-alkenes -
pp. 3705-3710
Jana Poláková, Miloš Paleček and Miloš Procházka Isomerisation of β-epoxy sulfones
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.