- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1980, Volume 45, Issue 1
pp. 1-8
Marie Šišková Relation between adsorption from binary solutions and adsorption of pure gaseous components on the same adsorbent. The effect of the bulk liquid phase -
pp. 9-16
Blanka Wichterlová, Ludmila Kubelková and Pavel Jírů Behaviour of CoNaA zeolites in interaction with water -
pp. 17-20
Zdeněk Kodejš and Ivo Sláma Densities and molar volumes of the Ca(NO3)2-CaBr2-H2O system -
pp. 21-25
Peter Ševčík and Miroslav Khír Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of Cr(II) ions by tetrachloromethane -
pp. 26-31
Ľubica Adamčíková and Ľudovít Treindl Kinetics and mechanism of redox reaction of U(III) ions with trichloroacetic acid -
pp. 32-40
František Madron Statistical treatment of material balance of separation operations -
pp. 41-53
Petr Vaňura and Libor Kuča Citrate complexes of uranyl in solutions with high citrate concentrations -
pp. 54-79
Petr Voznica, Josef Havel and Lumír Sommer The reactions of gallium, indium and thallium with 2-(2-pyridylazo)-1-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid and their spectrophotometric determination -
pp. 80-91
Vladimír Král and Zdeněk Arnold Trimethylammoniodiformylmethylide: Structure and charge distribution -
pp. 92-103
Vladimír Král and Zdeněk Arnold Study of some aliphatic ammonium ylides by semiempirical and ab initio methods: Structure and charge distribution -
pp. 104-114
Oldřich Paleta, František Liška, Antonín Pošta and Václav Dědek Aluminium chloride induced isomerisation of 1,1,2-trichlorotrifluoroethane and 1,2-difluorotetrachloroethane -
pp. 115-122
Heinz Kropf, Slavi K. Ivanov, Jochen Spangenberg, Ute Timmermann and Wolfgang Unger Solvent effects on the decomposition of 7-cumyl hydroperoxide in the presence of the phthalocyanines of cobalt and nickel -
pp. 123-126
Juraj Alföldi, Vojtech Bílik and Ladislav Petruš 13C-NMR spectra of aldoses in molybdate complexes -
pp. 127-134
Štefan Kováč and Václav Konečný Spectral properties and intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 1-methyl(phenyl)-4(5)-substituted 6-oxo-1H-pyridazin-4(5)-ols -
pp. 135-141
Josef Prousek, Adolf Jurášek and Jaroslav Kováč Reactions and spectral properties of ethyl 5-aminofuroate and its derivatives -
pp. 142-149
Katarína Špirková, Jaroslav Kováč, Václav Konečný, Miloslava Dandárová and Marta Černayová Synthesis and reactions of alkyl 3-bromomethyl-3-(2-furyl)-2-propenoates with sulfur containing nucleophiles -
pp. 150-154
František Považanec, Jaroslav Kováč and Dušan Hesek Opening of the furan ring in 5-azido-2-furaldehyde -
pp. 155-162
Daniel Végh, Jaroslav Kováč, Miloslava Dandárová and Lubor Ivančo 5-Nitro-2-furylvinylation of secondary and tertiary amines -
pp. 163-168
Lubomíra Rexová-Benková, Marta Mračková and Karol Babor Endo-D-galacturonanase immobilized by a covalent binding to hydroxyalkyl methacrylate gels. Preparation and properties -
pp. 169-178
František Opekar and Karel Holub Galvanostatic dissolution of mercury from the surface of glassy carbon into thiocyanate solution -
pp. 179-186
Alexander Kaszonyi, Ján Vojtko and Mikuláš Hrušovský Study of the nature of the complexes present in PdCl2 aqueous solution -
pp. 187-200
Dušan Loos and Jaroslav Leška Theoretical study of [10] and [12]annulenes -
pp. 201-209
Milan Remko and Ján Polčin Experimental and calculated (PPP) electronic spectra of flavonoid, stilbene and coumarone structures -
pp. 210-213
Ludmila Čermáková, Jitka Rosendorfová and Miroslav Malát Determination of critical micelle concentration of 1-carbethoxypentadecyltrimethylammonium bromide -
pp. 214-221
Jan Červenka, Mirko Endršt and Václav Kolář An experimental study of gas phase back mixing under the counter-current gas-liquid flow on a vertical expanded metal sheet packing by static tracer technique -
pp. 222-230
Libor Červený, Antonín Marhoul, Karel Červinka and Vlastimil Růžička The use of catalyzed decomposition of cupric formate for study of properties of palladium catalysts -
pp. 231-237
Robert Ponec and Jaroslav Málek Mechanistic aspects of chain initiation in radical addition reactions induced by metal ions -
pp. 238-254
Martin Bajus and Václav Veselý Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons in the presence of elemental sulfur -
pp. 255-262
Vladislav Holba, Ján Benko and Jana Kozánková Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of diphenic and terephthalic acid monomethyl esters -
pp. 263-268
Jaromír Kaválek, Said El-Bahaie and Vojeslav Štěrba Reactions of thiourea with chloro- and bromoacetic acids -
pp. 269-273
Vlastimil Šanda, Ladislav Kohout and Jan Fajkoš 5,7-Cyclo-B-homopregnane derivatives with the corticoid ketol side chain -
pp. 274-293
František Tureček and Pavel Kočovský The synthesis and mass spectra of some oxygen-bridged 5α-cholestane and B-homo-5α-cholestane derivatives -
pp. 294-297
Evžen Kasafírek, Ivan Krejčí and Vladimír Felt Synthesis of analogues of the melanocyte-stimulating hormone release-inhibiting factor containing 2-oxoimidazolidine-1-carboxylic acid -
pp. 298-306
Jiří Kučera and Milena Kmínková Immobilization of some hydrolases on polymethacrylate by the method of reactive esters
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.