Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1980, 45, 3392-3401
Analysis of adsorption kinetics on zeolites under nonisothermal conditions. I. Analytical solution of the problem
Milan Kočiřík, Miloš Smutek, Arkadij Bezus and Arlette Zikánová
The J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 121 38 Prague 2
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- Vladimír Masařík, Pavel Novák, Arlette Zikánová, Jan Kornatowski, Jaroslav Maixner and Milan Kočiřík
Sorption and Transport of Species in Silicalite Study of Binary Systems Containing Iodine
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 3, pp. 321–337 [Abstract] - Pavol Hudec, Agáta Smiešková, Zdenek Židek, Milan Zúbek, Petr Schneider, Milan Kočiřík and Jana Kozánková
Adsorption Properties of ZSM-5 Zeolites
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 2, pp. 141–154 [Abstract] - Marcel J. den Exter, Jacobus C. Jansen, Herman van Bekkum, Arlette Zikánová, Josef Dubský and Milan Kočiřík
Hydrophilicity Quantification of Highly Hydrophobic Decadodecasil 3R
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 7, pp. 981–994 [Abstract] - André Micke, Peter Struve, Martin Bülow, Milan Kočiřík and Arlette Zikánová
Sorption Kinetics of p-Ethyltoluene in NaH-ZSM-5 Crystals-Simultaneous Effect of Intracrystalline Diffusion and a Mass Transport Resistance within the Crystal Surface
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 7, pp. 1525–1535 [Abstract] - Milan Kočiřík, Arlette Zikánová, Josef Dubský and Petr Kroček
Molecular Transport in a Two-Dimensional Lattice of Sorption Sites
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 5, pp. 1001–1017 [Abstract] - André Micke, Peter Struve, Milan Kočiřík and Arlette Zikánová
Theoretical Treatment of Rapid Sorption Kinetics Measured in Batch Arrangement
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 5, pp. 989–1000 [Abstract] - Milan Kočiřík, Arlette Zikánová and Eva Drahorádová
The effect of a sorbent dilution with inert material on isothermal dynamic adsorption
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 10, pp. 2167–2175 [Abstract] - Milan Kočiřík, Arkadii G. Bezus, Arlette Zikánová, Irina T. Erashko, Michail M. Dubinin and Albert M. Volushchuk
Analysis of the temperature curves in non-isothermal adsorption on compacted zeolites
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 4, pp. 911–919 [Abstract] - Jindřich Stárek, Milan Kočiřík and Arnošt Zukal
Isothermal dynamics of adsorption in diluted sorbent layers; The adsorber with an infinite sorption layer
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 5, pp. 1390–1400 [Abstract] - Milan Kočiřík, Jiří Stárek and Miloš Smutek
The role of inert material in an adsorption bed
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 12, pp. 3221–3229 [Abstract] - Milan Kočiřík and Jaroslava Hálová
Simultaneous effect of axial dispersion and adsorption kinetics on a form of the breakthrough curve of an adsorber
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 7, pp. 1931–1938 [Abstract] - Miloš Smutek and Arnošt Zukal
Adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces: Numerical analysis of models for the Dubinin-Radushkevich equation
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 8, pp. 1709–1721 [Abstract] - Arkadij Bezus, Arlette Zikánová, Miloš Smutek and Milan Kočiřík
Analysis of adsorption kinetics on zeolites at non isothermal conditions and analysis of the kinetics curves
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. 678–686 [Abstract] - Miloš Smutek and Slavoj Černý
Evaluation of the temperature responses in colorimetric measurements of chemisorption enthalpies on metal films
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 12, pp. 3425–3433 [Abstract] - Arkadii G. Bezus and Milan Kočiřík
Calculation of potential relief in large cavity of NaX zeolite for adsorption of methane and cyclohexane
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 3, pp. 660–672 [Abstract]