- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1982, Volume 47, Issue 11
pp. 2831-2837
Ľudovít Treindl and Vasil Dorovský Kinetics of oxidation of α-ketoglutaric acid with Ce(IV) ions in relation to Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction -
pp. 2838-2848
Antonín Vítek and Josef Krupička Distinguishing some types of one-electron reversible processes according to different polarographic wave forms -
pp. 2849-2857
Vladimir Kazarinov, Gurami Tedoradze, Liya Gorokhova and Damat Bairamov Electrochemical behaviour of some olefins and products of their chlorohydroxylation on platinum and graphite electrodes -
pp. 2858-2866
Viliam Múčka, Alica Ostrihoňová, Ivan Kopernický and Oldřich Mikula Dearomatization of a jet fuel fraction on a platinum catalyst -
pp. 2867-2875
Drahomír Oktavec, Jozef Štefanec, Bohumil Síleš, Ernest Beinrohr, Václav Konečný and Ján Garaj The electronic spectra of the bis(dithiocarbamate) chelates of Cu(II) and Zn(II) -
pp. 2876-2881
Drahomír Oktavec, Bohumil Síleš, Ján Remeň, Václav Konečný and Ján Garaj Extraction of dithiocarbamic acids from solutions of their salts -
pp. 2882-2889
Nadezhda Likhareva, Ladislav Šůcha and Miloslav Suchánek Acid-base properties of 1,3-diphenyl-5-(1H-tetrazol-2-yl)formazan and 1,3-diphenyl-5-(2H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)formazan -
pp. 2890-2903
Josef Kuthan and Františka Pavlíková-Raclová Polarographic reduction of p-substituted 1-benzyl-3-carbamoylpyridinium chlorides -
pp. 2904-2911
Jaroslav Šilhánek, Lenka Konrádová, Olga Šimečková and Josef Horák Study of reactions in two-phase systems hydrolysis of triphenylmethyl chloride in water-organic solvent systems -
pp. 2912-2921
Patricia Sierra, Ladislav Novotný, Zdeněk Samek, Miloš Buděšínský, Ladislav Dolejš and Karel Bláha Alkaloids of Rauvolfia salicifolia GRISEB species -
pp. 2922-2926
Viktor Mejstřík, Petr Gryga and Miroslav Matrka Reaction of 4-chlorobenzenediazonium chloride with L-proline, sarcosine, and DL-alanine -
pp. 2927-2931
Miroslav Holub, Zdeněk Samek, Miloš Buděšínský, David Šaman, Ełżbieta Błoszyk and Bohdan Drożdż 8α-Hydroxybalchanin - A new sesquiterpenic lactone from Leucanthemella serotina (L.) TZVEL. -
pp. 2932-2945
Jiří Farkaš, Jaroslav Hapala, Olga Jindrová and Jan Škoda Reaction of 2,3-dihydro-1,3-6H-oxazine-2,6-dione with aliphatic amines and amino acids -
pp. 2946-2960
Antonín Trka and Alexander Kasal Inductive effect in EI-mass spectra of some 5,6-dihalogenides and 5,6-halohydrins of 5α-cholestan-3β-ol and 3β-acetoxy-5α-cholestane -
pp. 2961-2968
Hubert Hřebabecký, Josef Brokeš and Jiří Beránek Preparation of the 1-(2,5-anhydro-β-d-arabinofuranosyl) derivatives of cytosine and uracil and their cleavage with hydrogen bromide -
pp. 2969-2988
Antonín Holý Synthesis of eight stereoisomeric 5-(adenin-9-yl)-2,3,4-trihydroxypentanoic acids -
pp. 2989-2995
Milan Zaoral, Jan Ježek and Jiří Rotta Preparation and some biological properties of N-acetylmuramyl-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP) analogues -
pp. 2996-3003
Zdeněk Bastl Work function studies of propylene, acetylene, hydrogen and nitrogen chemisorption on molybdenum -
pp. 3004-3012
Ján Gajdoš and Tomáš Bleha Calculation of stabilization energy of parallel hexane molecules -
pp. 3013-3018
František Kaštánek, Jindřich Zahradník and Germanico Ocampo Mass transfer in heterogeneous system enzyme-substrate; Approximate analytical model for the case of liquid substrate-immobilized enzyme -
pp. 3019-3026
František Kaštánek, Jindřich Zahradník and Germanico Ocampo Mass transfer in heterogeneous system enzyme-substrate; Kinetic model of enzymatic reaction in system of two immiscible liquids -
pp. 3027-3031
Piotr Karpiński, Stanislav Žáček, Jaroslav Nývlt and Jerzy Budz Scale-up of stirred crystallisers. Batch precipitation of aluminium potassium sulphate -
pp. 3032-3043
Vladimír Staněk and Milan Čársky Analysis of frequency responses of model flows of liquid in trickle beds -
pp. 3044-3054
Jiří Krechl, Stanislav Böhm and Josef Kuthan Quantum-chemical MO study of protonation of 1-methyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide -
pp. 3055-3061
Ivan Stibor, Jan Šrogl, Miroslav Janda, Naděžda Piričová and Karel Vlažný An-Additions to 2,5-dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofurans, containing electron-accepting substituents in position 3 -
pp. 3062-3076
Václav Černý and Pavel Kočovský Neighboring group participation in hypobromous acid addition to 19-substituted 5α-cholest-1-enes and in acid cleavage of their epoxy analogs -
pp. 3077-3093
Karel Šindelář, Jiřina Metyšová, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Jiří Protiva and Miroslav Protiva Tricyclic psychotropic agents containing two chalcogen atoms in the central ring: 8-Substituted 6-(4-piperidyl)-6H-dibenz[b,e]-1,4-oxathiepins -
pp. 3094-3113
Miroslav Protiva, Karel Šindelář, Vladimír Valenta, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska, Jiří Schlanger, Jiří Urban and Marta Hrubantová Reactions of 11-chloro-11-phenyl-6,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,e]-thiepin with piperidine and some further nucleophiles -
pp. 3114-3133
Karel Šindelář, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska, Antonín Dlabač, Jiřina Metyšová and Miroslav Protiva Tricyclic psychotropic agents containing two chalcogen atoms in the central ring: 2-Fluoro-8-substituted 6-(4-piperidyl)-6H-dibenz[b,e]-1,4-oxathiepins -
pp. 3134-3147
Miroslav Protiva, Zdeněk Šedivý, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Jiřina Metyšová and Marie Bartošová Potential psychotropic and antihistamine agents: 1- and 3-alkyl-9-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)-thioxanthenes and 3-alkyl-11-piperazino-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins -
pp. 3148-3159
Alexander Kasal Desulfuration of steroidal thians -
pp. 3160-3163
Włodzimierz Daniewski, Andrzej Wawrzuń, Ełżbieta Błoszyk, Bohdan Drożdż and Miroslav Holub Sesquiterpenic lactones from Grossheimia macrocephala. Structure of grosheiminol -
pp. 3164-3169
Karel Konečný, Karel Ubik, Soňa Vašíčková, Milan Streibl and Vlastimil Herout Constituents of the liverwort Lophocolea heterophylla
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.