- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1983, Volume 48, Issue 8
pp. 2097-2117
Vladimír Kvasnička Graph theory approach -
pp. 2118-2129
Vladimír Kvasnička Synthon approach and graph grammar -
pp. 2130-2140
Jiřina Hejtmánková, Lidmila Bartovská, Marie Šišková and Lubomír Jäger Saturated vapour pressures of the ternary system urea-ammonium nitrate-water -
pp. 2141-2146
Věra Uchytilová and Václav Svoboda Verification of the calculation of the constant-volume heat capacity difference of substances in the liquid and gas phases from the temperature dependence of heat of vaporization -
pp. 2147-2155
Ivona Malijevská To the question whether higher associates exist in the vapour phase of acetic acid -
pp. 2156-2164
Jiří Mollin, Zdeněk Pavelek, Alena Schneiderová, Jaroslav Vičar, Vilím Šimánek and Jan Lasovský Autoprotolysis constants and activity ratios of the lyate ions in water-alcohol mixtures -
pp. 2165-2174
Karel Smrček, Martin Wedell, Jiří Mrha and Miroslava Musilová Carbon gas diffusion electrodes promoted with silver and operating on air or oxygen in alkaline medium. Physical parameters of electrodes and their components -
pp. 2175-2187
Rostislav Kudláček and Hana Solařová Effect of ionizing radiation on supported catalysts of Ni-ZnO type in maleic acid hydrogenation -
pp. 2188-2196
Otomar Kříž, Jiří Fusek and Bohuslav Čásenský Sodium tetralactamatoaluminates(1-). A study of valence vibrations of lactam grouping in sodium 6-hexanelactamato-isobutylaluminates(1-) -
pp. 2197-2204
Pavel Danihelka On the structural and magnetic properties of K3CrTe3O12, Na3CrTe3O12 and NaCrTe2O8 -
pp. 2205-2212
S. Bernal, R. García, J. M. López and J. M. Rodríguez-Izquierdo TPD-MS study of carbonation and hydration of Yb2O3(C) -
pp. 2213-2231
Petr Novák and Ivo Roušar Simultaneous mass and heat transfer to a plate electrode in the region of free convection with antiparallel fluxes of mass and heat -
pp. 2232-2248
Ivo Roušar, Michal Provazník and Pavel Stuhl Study of pumping effect in flow-through electrolysers -
pp. 2249-2254
Dagmar Tocksteinová, Antonín Novák, Hana Horáková, Miloš Nepraš and Jaroslav Churáček 7-Oxo-7H-benzimidazo[2,1-a]benz[d,e]isoquinoline-9-sulphonyl chloride as a new fluorescence reagent for identification and determination of aliphatic amines -
pp. 2255-2262
František Vláčil, Ivan Vinš and Oldřich Malíček Medium-pressure liquid chromatography of platinum metal ions on Spheron DEAE -
pp. 2263-2268
Rafael López, Iran Ramos, Victor Villalba and Juan José García Isopropylbenzene decomposition and high temperature adsorption of pyridine on hydrorefining catalysts -
pp. 2269-2272
Rafael López The effect of sulphidation on the nature of active sites on nickel-molybdenum-alumina hydrorefining catalysts -
pp. 2273-2283
Františka Pavlíková-Raclová and Josef Kuthan Polarographic reduction of 1-(p-substituted benzyl)-3-cyanopyridinium chlorides -
pp. 2284-2304
Vladimír Kvasnička, Milan Kratochvíl and Jaroslav Koča Reactions graphs -
pp. 2305-2326
Josef Vrba Generation of the system of equations for equationally oriented global simulation of complex systems -
pp. 2327-2334
Otakar Söhnel, Petr Novotný and Zdeněk Šolc Density estimates of binary aqueous solutions -
pp. 2335-2342
Ľubica Adamčíková and Olga Knappová Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of tartaric acid by bromate ions and an heterogeneous oscillation reaction of tartaric acid -
pp. 2343-2351
Miloš Krejčí, Miroslav Rusek and Jana Houdková Application of the ionization detector and the alkali flame ionization detector in capillary liquid chromatography -
pp. 2352-2360
Karel Janák and Jaroslav Janák Chelating ion exchangers with bonded 8-quinolinol on a glycidyl methacrylate gel -
pp. 2361-2367
Jan Bartoň, Martin Hrubeš, Miroslav Kašpar and Vlastimil Růžička Effect of the amine structure on the course of linear anionic-coordination dimerization of isoprene in the presence of dialkylamine and sodium -
pp. 2368-2375
Oldřich Pytela and Pavel Vetešník Dissociation constants of monosubstituted diphenylamines and an optimized construction of acidity function -
pp. 2376-2385
Libuše Pavlíčková, Bohumír Koutek, Václav Jehlička and Milan Souček Solvatochromic study of internal charge transfer in 7,7-disubstituted quinone methides -
pp. 2386-2394
Ivan Černý, Tomáš Trnka and Miloslav Černý Preparation of 2-amino-2,4-dideoxy-D-lyxo-hexopyranose (4-deoxy-D-mannosamine) from 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glucopyranose -
pp. 2395-2410
Zdeněk Polívka, Miroslav Ryska, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Jan Metyš and Miroslav Protiva Potential hypnotics and anxiolytics in the 4H-s-triazolo[4,3-a]-1,4-benzodiazepine series: 8-Chloro-6-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-[4-(2-methoxyethyl)piperazino]-4H-s-triazolo[4,3-a]-1,4-benzodiazepine and some related compounds -
pp. 2411-2422
Carlo Giulio Casinovi, Silvio Cerrini, Otakar Motl, Giuseppe Fardella, Walter Fedeli, Enrico Gavuzzo and Doriano Lamba The structure of a new sesquiterpene - Siol acetate from Sium latifolium L. -
pp. 2423-2435
Vladimír Pouzar, Soňa Vašíčková, Pavel Drašar, Ivan Černý and Miroslav Havel Preparation and absolute configuration at C(22) of 21,26,27-trinor-5α-cholestane-22,25-diol derivatives
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.