Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1984, 49, 2116-2129
Binding of calcium ions to 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives of starch and amylose
Rudolf Kohn and Karol Tihlárik
Institute of Chemistry, Center of Chemical Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 38 Bratislava
A series of 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives of oxidation degree DO(d.c.) 0.13 to 0.90 was prepared by a two-stage oxidation of corn starch and amylose. The activity coefficient γCa2+ of calcium counterions was estimated in solutions of calcium salts of these carboxy derivatives in a 3.00 mmol (COOCa0.5)l-1 concentration by a metallchromic indicator (tetramethylmurexide) method. A loss of electrostatic free enthalpy, Δ(Gel/N)KCa, due to the exchange of Ca2+ → 2K+ cations was determined by potentiometric titrations of the investigated polyacids and pectinic acids of various linear charge density of the macromolecule employing potassium and calcium hydroxides. 2,3-Dicarboxy derivatives of starch and amylose show a considerably strong binding of calcium ions even at low oxidation degree of the starting polysaccharides in contrast to solutions of the corresponding pectinates and carboxymethyl derivatives of cellulose and amylose. The strong bond of calcium ions to 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives of starch and amylose is ascribed to a favourable spatial arrangement of two neighbouring carboxyl groups at C(2) and C(3) of the oxidized D-glucose units due to a flexibility of the macromolecule chain at sites of the pyrane ring cleavage.