Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1985, 50, 2670-2678
Effect of medium on dissociation of carboxylic acids
Jiří Mollina, Zdeněk Pavelekb, Jitka Navrátilováa and Alena Recmanováa
a Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Palacký University, 771 46 Olomouc
b Research and Development Basis, Galena, 747 70 Opava
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- Otto Exner, Martin Hradil and Jiří Mollin
Dissociation of Hydroxamic Acids: Solvent Effects
1993, Vol. 58, Issue 5, pp. 1109–1121 [Abstract] - Zdeněk Pavelek and Jiří Mollin
Activity Ratios of Lyate Ions in the Water-Alcohol Mixtures
1992, Vol. 57, Issue 2, pp. 255–262 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin and Eva Karásková
Alkoxide-to-hydroxide ion activity ratios in water-ethylene glycol and water-1-propanol systems
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 2, pp. 269–276 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Pavlína Staňková and Oldřiška Staňková
The evidence and applications of equilibria between hydroxide and alkoxide ions in aqueous-alcoholic systems
1990, Vol. 55, Issue 11, pp. 2614–2623 [Abstract] - František Kašpárek, Kamila Vavčíková, Jiří Mollin and Aleš Husek
Steric effects in alkaline solvolysis of diaryl anilidophosphates
1990, Vol. 55, Issue 7, pp. 1769–1776 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Jitka Dopitová and Oldřiška Staňková
Tautomerization of acetylacetone and relation of the tautomerization constant to other equilibrium parameters
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 12, pp. 2850–2858 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Kateřina Polášková, Želimíra Odlerová and Vojtěch Bekárek
Acylated thioamides and related compounds as potential antituberculotics
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 8, pp. 2087–2094 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Zdeněk Pavelek and František Kašpárek
Ratio of lyate ions activities in two-components protogenic solvents
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 5, pp. 1115–1130 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Zdeněk Pavelek, Alena Schneiderová, Jaroslav Vičar, Vilím Šimánek and Jan Lasovský
Autoprotolysis constants and activity ratios of the lyate ions in water-alcohol mixtures
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 8, pp. 2156–2164 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Jiří Láznička and František Kašpárek
Alkaline solvolysis of diaminophosphates
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 1, pp. 232–242 [Abstract] - František Kašpárek and Jiří Mollin
Solvolysis of diphenyl amidophosphates in aqueous alcoholic media
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 2, pp. 386–396 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin, Pavel Fiedler, Václav Jehlička and Otto Exner
The conformation of substituted hydroxyureas and hydroxythioureas in solution
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 3, pp. 895–907 [Abstract] - František Kašpárek and Jiří Mollin
Effect of substitution and medium on basic hydrolysis of amidophosphoric acids diphenyl esters
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 12, pp. 3420–3427 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin and Pavla Bouchalová
Substituent and solvent effects in alkaline hydrolysis of thioamides
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 9, pp. 2283–2288 [Abstract] - Taťjana Kučerová and Jiří Mollin
Effect of medium on the acid-catalyzed solvolysis of hydroxamic acids
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 6, pp. 1571–1580 [Abstract] - Jiří Mollin and A. A. Baisa
Hydrolysis of substituted phenyl esters of benzoic acid
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 1, pp. 304–308 [Abstract]