- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1985, Volume 50, Issue 3
pp. 553-558
Karel Lívanský Kinetics of pH equilibration in solutions of hydrogen carbonate during bubbling with a gas containing carbon dioxide -
pp. 559-576
Robert Ponec Topological aspects of chemical reactivity. Photochemical and free radical reactions -
pp. 577-580
Robert Ponec Topological aspects of chemical reactivity. Theoretical justification of overlap determinant method -
pp. 581-599
Petr Vaňura and Emanuel Makrlík Extraction of strontium and barium salts by the nitrobenzene solution of dicarbolide in the presence of glymes -
pp. 600-610
Jiří Barek, Antonín Berka and Dagmar Divoká Coulometric determination of hydroquinone, 4-aminophenol and methol with trivalent manganese fluoride complex -
pp. 611-620
Jiří Šimek, Nguyen Truong Son and Eduard Ružička Spectrophotometric study of the reaction of alizarin green series dyes with uranyl ions in the presence of cationoid surfactants -
pp. 621-630
Petr Hudec and Vladimír Rod Mass transfer accompanied by an irreversible and a consecutive equilibrium reaction -
pp. 631-642
Petr Hudec, Vladimír Rod and Svatava Lukešová A system for testing mass-transfer models with a chemical reaction in liquid -dispersions: Iodine, n-heptane/potassium iodide, potassium hexacyanoferrate(II), water -
pp. 643-649
E. A. Paukshtis, Květa Jirátová, R. I. Soltanov, E. N. Yurchenko and Ludvík Beránek The role of aprotic centres on modified aluminas in 1-butanol dehydration -
pp. 650-657
Tomáš Juška Substitution effects in isomeric para and meta derivatives of benzonitrile revealed by UV photoelectron spectroscopy -
pp. 658-674
Vladimír Macháček, Josef Kořínek, Daniela Kreuzigová and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics of reactions of 1,2,4-triazole-3-diazonium ions with phenol and with hydroxyl ion -
pp. 675-682
Tibor Gracza, Zdeněk Arnold and Jaroslav Kováč Reaction of vinamidinium salts of furan with aldehydes -
pp. 683-689
Slavomír Bystrický, Tibor Sticzay, Štefan Kučár, Eva Petráková and Rudolf Toman Chiroptical properties of monosaccharide acetyl derivatives -
pp. 690-696
R. K. Mahajan, Neelam Gupta and Satinder K. Uppal 1H NMR spectra of some juvabione analogues -
pp. 697-703
Josef P. Novák, Jaroslav Matouš and Jiří Pick Liquid-liquid equilibrium. Applicability of the Redlich-Kister, NRTL and LEMF equations to heterogeneous systems -
pp. 704-711
Bohuslav Doležal and Robert Holub Approximate relations for determining the activity coefficient at very low concentration by the method of variation of solute concentration -
pp. 712-725
Jiří Barek and Lubomír Kelnar Polarography of N,N-dimethyl-4-amino-4'-hydroxyazobenzene in water-methanol mixtures -
pp. 726-737
Darío R. Ardiles, Osvaldo A. Scelza and Alberto A. Castro Activity and selectivity of non-uniform bifunctional catalysts -
pp. 738-744
Milan Sovilj, Svatava Lukešová and Vladimír Rod Extraction of nitric acid by TBP solutions in kerosene -
pp. 745-757
Andreas Zahn, Lothar Ebner, Kurt Winkler, Jan Kratochvíl and Jindřich Zahradník The effect of two-phase flow regime on hydrodynamics and mass transfer in a horizontal-tube gas-liquid reactor -
pp. 758-765
František Madron A note on detection of gross errors in chemical engineering measurements -
pp. 766-778
Jaromír Kaválek, Josef Jirman and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics and mechanism of rearrangement and methanolysis of acylphenylthioureas -
pp. 779-788
Hubert Hřebabecký and Jiří Beránek Preparation of ribosyl derivatives of 1,2,4-triazol-3(2H)-one and 5-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-3(2H)-one
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.