- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1986, Volume 51, Issue 12
pp. 2637-2655
Jaroslav Koča, Milan Kratochvíl, Luděk Matyska and Vladimír Kvasnička Mathematical model of reorganization of valence electrons involving two atoms -
pp. 2656-2664
Juan F. Arenas, Juan I. Marcos, Juan T. Lopez-Navarrete and Juan C. Otero Force field for out-of-plane vibrations of pyrazine -
pp. 2665-2674
Ivona Malijevská, Helena Perničková, Karel Ledvinka and Bohuslav Doležal Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the benzene(1)-propionic acid(2)-acetic acid(3) ternary system -
pp. 2675-2684
Karel Mach, Jana Nováková, Vladimír Hanuš and Zdeněk Dolejšek Mass spectrometric and electron spin resonance study of allylic peroxyl radicals in the gas-phase reaction between allylic radicals and dioxygen -
pp. 2685-2692
Ľubica Adamčíková and Peter Ševčík Oscillation reactions of Belousov-Zhabotinskii type with hydroxy acids in closed systems without removal of bromine -
pp. 2693-2701
Marta Mrákavová and Ľudovít Treindl Oscillation system of Belousov-Zhabotinskii type in presence of Cl- ions -
pp. 2702-2711
Miloš Bartušek, Josef Havel and Dalibor Matula Chelates of molybdenum(VI) with citrate and malate -
pp. 2712-2721
J. Cacho, A. L. Molinero and E. Pinilla The arsenazo 2-(2-arsenophenyl)azo-7-(4-antipyril)azo-1,8-dihydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulphonic acid as spectrophotometric reagent and metallochromic indicator for calcium -
pp. 2722-2726
Tomáš Haniš, Miroslav Smrž, Pavel Klír, Karel Macek and Zdeněk Deyl Improved separation of C12-C22 fatty acid phenacyl esters by reversed phase column liquid chromatography -
pp. 2727-2736
Josef Horák, Zdeněk Bělohlav, Petr Rosol and František Madron Analysis of the oscillatory behaviour of an industrial reactor for oxonation of propene: The CSTR model -
pp. 2737-2740
Dimiter Klissurski, Vladimír Blaskov, Jan Šubrt and Karel Bechině Investigation on mechanochemical dehydration of γ-FeOOH -
pp. 2741-2750
Zdeněk Mička, Miroslav Ebert and Pavel Ptáček Preparation of potassium selenites, their solubility and bonding conditions -
pp. 2751-2759
Jindřich Poláček, Helena Antropiusová, Lidmila Petrusová and Karel Mach Deactivation of arenetitanium(II) bromoalane complexes in the cyclotrimerization of butadiene -
pp. 2760-2769
Jana Samková, Karel Klusáček and Petr Schneider Hydrogenation of ethylene on a Co-Mo/Al2O3 catalyst under transient conditions -
pp. 2770-2780
Alexandra Drahorádová and Miroslav Zdražil Hydrogenation-dehydrogenation and cleavage functions of hydrorefining catalysts studied by the reaction of tetrahydrothiophene -
pp. 2781-2785
M. Martín Herrera, J. J. Maraver Puig and F. Sánchez Burgos Kinetic salt effects in the hydrolysis of ethyl malonate, methyl glutarate and ethyl adipate semiesters -
pp. 2786-2797
František Grambal and Jan Lasovský Cyclization and acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of O-benzoylbenzamidoximes -
pp. 2798-2801
Zdeněk Kafka and Luděk Vodička Oxidation of triamantane -
pp. 2802-2809
Jozef Gonda and Pavol Kristian Some nucleophilic reactions of 2-isothiocyanatobenzyl bromide. A new simple synthesis of 2-substituted 4H-benzo[d][1,3]thiazines -
pp. 2810-2816
Jozef Gonda and Pavol Kristian 2-Isothiocyanatobenzylpyridinium bromide - An intermediate for the synthesis of 2-arylamino-4H-benzo[d][1,3]thiazines -
pp. 2817-2825
Ladislav Štibrányi, Milena Peeva, Zdena Kozempelová, Ján Leško and Jaroslav Kováč Reactions of methyl ester of 5-amino-2-furancarboxylic acid with ethyl esters of orthoacids -
pp. 2826-2829
Ladislav Štibrányi, Stanislav Sekretár and Milena Peeva Reactions of ethyl ester of N-(5-methoxycarbonyl-2-furyl)imidoformic and imidoacetic acids with amines -
pp. 2830-2838
Eva Mácová and Pavel Lederer Photochemical decomposition of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-naphthyl hydroperoxide. Photocatalytic effects of 3d transition metal 2,4-pentanedionates -
pp. 2839-2847
Peter Kutschy, Ján Imrich, Juraj Bernát, Pavol Kristian, Oľga Hritzová and Thomas Schöffmann Photocyclization of N-(3-chloro-2-benzo[b]thienocarbonyl)-N'-monosubstituted thioureas -
pp. 2848-2868
Karel Šindelář, Jiří Holubek, Miroslav Ryska, Ivan Koruna and Miroslav Protiva 5-Substituted and 5,7-disubstituted 5,7-dihydrodibenzo[c,e]thiepins and the corresponding S-oxygenated compounds: Alkylamines, carboxylic acids, and carboxamides; synthesis and pharmacological screening -
pp. 2869-2878
Jiří Klinot, Jarmil Světlý, Eva Klinotová, Miloš Buděšínský and Alois Vystrčil Preparation of isomeric 2-methyl-1-oxotriterpenoids of the 18α-oleanane series; Conformation of ring A -
pp. 2879-2883
R. K. Mahajan, Neelam Gupta and Satinder K. Uppal Mass spectral studies of aromatic aza analogues of juvabione -
pp. 2884-2895
Irena Valterová, Soňa Vašíčková, Miloš Buděšínský and Jan Vrkoč Constituents of frontal gland secretion of peruvian termites Nasutitermes ephratae -
pp. 2896-2908
Miroslav Kuchař, Bohumila Brunová, Jaroslava Grimová, Stanislav Vaněček and Jiří Holubek Synthesis of cyclohexylaliphatic acids and their pharmacological properties -
pp. 2909-2918
Martin Černý, Evžen Kasafírek, Jozef Rovenský and Jiří Křepelka Synthesis of blood serum thymic factor and its analogs -
pp. 2919-2923
Slavomír Bystrický, Tibor Sticzay, Rudolf Kohn and Karel Bláha Formation of the poly(Lys-Ala-Ala) complex with potassium oligogalacturonates -
pp. 2924-2932
Lubomíra Rexová-Benková, Eva Stratilová and Martin Čapka Endopolygalacturonase immobilized on ceramic materials substituted with aminopropyl groups. Synthesis, kinetics, and mode of action
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.