Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1986, 51, 479-492
Kinetic scheme of oscillation reaction of three and four particles
Antonín Tockstein
Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, 532 10 Pardubice
The paper deals with four schemes, each of three out of the particles X, A, Y, C, consisting of two coupled autocatalytic blocks of the type Q→X→A→Y→C. The schemes showing relative stability of the Y particle or its dimer can exhibit a limit cycle, the other have always a stable stationary point. The scheme of four particles X, A, Y, C or dimers of particles X, Y can exhibit an unstable stationary point with the limit cycle. For the individual cases conditions were derived for the rate constants sufficient for formation of the limit cycle, and they are discussed from the point of view of available experimental data on the reaction of bromate with phenol and aniline.