Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1987, 52, 1527-1544

Pyrolysis of methylcyclohexane

Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa

Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crude Oil, Slovak Institute of Technology, 812 37 Bratislava


The kinetics of pyrolysis of methylcyclohexane was investigated from the viewpoint of coke formation in a steel tubular reactor (S/V = 6·65 cm-1) at 0·1 MPa, 700 to 820 °C and residence time 0·01 to 0·24 s. Decomposition of methylcyclohexane proceeds as a first order reaction with a frequency factor 6·31 . 1015 s-1 and activation energy 251·2 kJ mol-1. The course of secondary reactions associated with the formation of coke is discussed. Investigation of coke formation showed a greater tendency of methylcyclohexane to coking in comparison with heptane. A prominent role plays the course of dehydrogenation of cycloalkane radicals up to aromates, this being reflected by the overall conversion of methylcyclohexane, and, on the other hand the thus formed aromates enter the consecutive reactions leading to coke.