- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1988, Volume 53, Issue 5
pp. 889-902
Josef Šebek The model rotator phase -
pp. 903-911
Josef Hanzlík, Jan Hovorka, Zdeněk Samec and Štefan Toma Electron transfer between ferrocene and hexacyanoferrate(III) across the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface -
pp. 912-920
Emil Halámek, Tomáš Čapoun and Jan Souček Influence of extraction properties of PVC plasticizer membrane on the response of coated wire type ion selective electrode -
pp. 921-928
Jiří Barek, Janina Balsiene, Barbara Tietzová and Jiří Zima The polarographic and voltammetric determination of trypane blue -
pp. 929-938
František Skopal A feedback reactor with continuous injection of one reaction component using spectrophotometric indication I -
pp. 939-956
Tomáš Míšek and Vladimír Rod The process of coalescence of dense liquid dispersions -
pp. 957-969
Zdzisław Jaworski, Ivan Fořt and Fryderyk Stręk Turbulent flow chracteristics for pitched blade turbine -
pp. 970-975
Ivan Halaša and Milica Miadoková A study of the inhibited reaction of aluminium single crystal in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide -
pp. 976-986
José M. Hernando, Carlos Blanco and Manuel Mateo Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of iron(III) and 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione in aqueous solution -
pp. 987-994
Ivan Lukeš, Zdeněk Kváča and Ivor Dominák Complexes of N-methyliminobis(methylenephosphonic) acid with cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc -
pp. 995-998
Jana Podlahová and Jaroslav Podlaha The preparation and characterization of 2-propylphosphinediacetic acid -
pp. 999-1006
Martin Přádný, Stanislav Ševčík and Stela Dragan Calculation of the differential rate constants of quaternization reactions of polymer amines -
pp. 1007-1017
Jaroslav Koča A mathematical model of the synthon -
pp. 1018-1032
Otto Exner and Václav Jehlička Conjugation within the oximino group: A semiquantitative estimation -
pp. 1033-1043
Jaromír Kaválek, Vladimír Macháček, Vojeslav Štěrba and Antonín Lyčka Formation of N-methyl-2-nitroso-4,6-dinitroaniline from methyl ester of N-methyl-N-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)glycine -
pp. 1044-1052
Vladimír Macháček, Vojeslav Štěrba, Ivan Kolb and Antonín Lyčka Reactions of methyl esters of N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glycine and N-methyl-N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glycine with sodium methoxide -
pp. 1053-1059
Tibor Gracza, Zdeněk Arnold and Jaroslav Kováč Electrophilic ipso substitutions of furan vinamidinium salts -
pp. 1060-1067
Lubor Fišera, Libuše Jarošková, Werner Schroth, Michael Gäbler and Peter Oravec Cycloaddition of arylnitrile oxides to 2H,5H-1,6-benzodioxocine and related compounds -
pp. 1068-1077
Viktor Milata, Dušan Ilavský and Ján Leško Preparation and spectral properties of imidazo- and triazoloquinolines with angular ring fusion -
pp. 1078-1085
Karel Ulbrich, Olga Nazarova, Eugenii Panarin, Miroslav Baudyš and Michail V. Solovskii In vitro release of chloramphenicol from poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide] carriers by Cathepsin B -
pp. 1086-1093
Václav Čeřovský, Jan Hlaváček, Jiřina Slaninová and Karel Jošt Synthesis of the carboxy-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CKK-8) based on incorporation of O4-sulfotyrosine by enzymatically catalyzed formation of peptide bonds -
pp. 1094-1101
Ernest Šturdík, Štefan Baláž, Edita Ďurčová, Marián Antalík, Pavol Sulo, Maria Šturdíková and Vladimír Mikeš Subcellular and cellular studies on relationship between structure and uncoupling effect of phenylhydrazonopropanedinitriles on oxidative phosphorylation
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.