- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1988, Volume 53, Issue 6
pp. 1107-1133
Bernard Fleet Electrochemical reactor systems for pollution control and the removal of toxic metals from industrial wastewaters -
pp. 1134-1140
Martin Breza and Peter Pelikán An alternative model of the vibronic coupling in octahedral complexes -
pp. 1141-1148
Milan Remko Ab initio MO study of protonation of carbamic acid, methyl carbamate and methyl N-methylcarbamate -
pp. 1149-1155
Jorge A. Bolzan A simple method for the optimization of the decay time in pulse polarography -
pp. 1156-1161
Anna Olexová and Ľudovít Treindl Electrochemical oscillations on polarographic I-t curves in bromate solutions -
pp. 1162-1171
Petr Doležel and Vlastimil Kubáň The determination of Cu, Ni, and Co using 2-(2-pyridylazo)-1-naphtol-4-sulfonic acid by multicomponent flow injection analysis (MC-FIA) -
pp. 1172-1180
Ján Dojčanský, Soňa Bafrncová and Július Surový Systematic errors in equilibrium composition of ternary liquid-liquid systems and their effect on the calculated number of theoretical stages of countercurrent extraction -
pp. 1181-1197
Vladimír Kudrna Certain problems with the application of stochastic diffusion processes for description of chemical engineering phenomena; Kolmogorov and classic diffusion equations -
pp. 1198-1216
Marie Sýsová, Ivan Fořt and Vladimír Kudrna Analytical description of the solid phase particle distribution in a mechanically agitated system -
pp. 1217-1228
Petr Uchytil and Petr Schneider Transport properties of porous γ-alumina from diffusion in liquids and gases -
pp. 1229-1238
Jolanta Grzechowiak, Jiří Sedláček and Miroslav Zdražil The comparison of two preparations of a Ni-Co-Mo/Al2O3-SiO2 hydrotreating catalysts -
pp. 1239-1241
Milan Kouřil, Lubomír Mezník and Ladislav Dlabaja The synthesis of highly pure octachlorocyclotetraphosphazene (PNCl2)4+ -
pp. 1242-1246
Minoru Kumakura and Isao Kaetsu Radiation polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-vinyl pyrrolidone-water system -
pp. 1247-1259
Hans-Hartmut Schwarz, Jaromír Lukáš and Jiří Vacík Dialysis experiments with asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes -
pp. 1260-1267
Otto Exner, Václav Jehlička and Bernard Tinant Conformations of molecules bearing two carbonyl groups on adjacent atoms -
pp. 1268-1273
Ján Benko and Oľga Vollárová Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of 3,4-thiophenedicarboxylic acid monomethyl ester in aqueous-nonaqueous media -
pp. 1274-1286
Jan Čermák, Vratislav Blechta and Václav Chvalovský Cooligomerization of propadiene with propyne catalysed by nickel(0) complexes -
pp. 1287-1296
František Liška, Miroslav Valenta, Jiří Fikar, Martina Jandová, Miroslav Pešek and Petr Trška Uv-light- and radiation-initiated addition of acetaldehyde to allyl alkanoates -
pp. 1297-1301
Tibor Gracza, Zdeněk Arnold and Jaroslav Kováč Synthesis of pyridazines via furan vinamidinium salts -
pp. 1302-1306
Libor Nováček and Miloslav Nechvátal Partial reduction of quinoxaline 1,4-dioxide derivatives with L-ascorbic acid -
pp. 1307-1316
Irena Červená, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: 4-(Aminoalkoxy)thioxanthones -
pp. 1317-1331
Karel Čapek, Tomáš Vydra and Petr Sedmera Structure of penta-O-acetylsucroses formed by deacetylation of octa-O-acetylsucrose. Reaction of 2,3,4,6,6'-penta-O-acetylsucrose
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.