- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1989, Volume 54, Issue 11
pp. 2823-2839
Petr Voňka, Josef P. Novák and Jaroslav Matouš Application of the maximum likelihood method to the parameter evaluation in heterogenous systems -
pp. 2840-2847
Ivona Malijevská, Alena Maštalková and Marie Sýsová Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the ternary system cyclohexane-acetic acid-propionic acid -
pp. 2848-2855
Daniel Bobok, Elemír Kossaczký and Július Surový Isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data of the 1,2-dichloroethane-water system at 101.3 kPa -
pp. 2856-2862
Július Surový, Elena Graczová and Jana Ovečková Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the binary systems formed by ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and N-methylpyrrolidone -
pp. 2863-2867
Ivan Wichterle and Zdeněk Wagner Nonclassical behaviour of binary mixtures in gas-liquid critical region and its quantitative description -
pp. 2868-2871
Václav Svoboda, Zdena Adamcová and Vladimír Kubeš Temperature dependence of saturated vapour pressures of methyl isobutyl ketone, diisobutyl ketone, 1,1-difluorotetrachloroethane, and 1,2-difluorotetrachloroethane -
pp. 2872-2878
Jan Sýs, Anatol Malijevský and Stanislav Labík A simple perturbation method for electrolyte solutions -
pp. 2879-2895
Vladimír Míka A generalized treatment of cubic equations of state -
pp. 2896-2909
Jindřich Leitner, Čestmír Černý, Petr Voňka and Jan Mikulec Theoretical and experimental study of chemical equilibrium in the systems Si-Cl and Si-Cl-H. Calculation of chemical equilibrium in the systems Si-Cl and Si-Cl-H -
pp. 2910-2918
Zdeněk Herman and Rudolf Zahradník Calculation of reaction energies for ion-molecule processes of first-row ions and their hydrides -
pp. 2919-2932
Jiří Hodek, Milan Šípek and Oskar Šlechta Permeation and sorption methods for the determination of transport parameters of gases and vapours through flat membranes -
pp. 2933-2950
Emerich Erdös, Petr Voňka, Josef Stejskal and Přemysl Klíma An homogeneous growth model of gallium arsenide epitaxial layers from the gas phase -
pp. 2951-2961
Miloslav Karel and Jaroslav Nývlt Measurement of growth rates for single crystals and pressed tablets of CuSO4.5 H2O on a rotating disc -
pp. 2962-2969
Miroslav Broul, Ladislav Hložný, Luděk Provazník, Tomáš Loučka and Vojtěch Vaněček The effect of the cooling mode on the kinetic parameters of crystallization -
pp. 2970-2973
Nguyen Xuan Quang, Ho Si Thoang and Milan Šípek Some relations between thermodynamic and kinetic parameters in heterogeneous catalysis -
pp. 2974-2984
Helena Davidová and Petr Schneider Elimination of dead-volume contributions to moments of chromatographic peaks -
pp. 2985-2997
František Krampera and Ludvík Beránek Kinetics of 1-butanol, di-(1-butyl) ether and 1-butene reactions on aluminas partially deactivated by sodium -
pp. 2998-3002
Jiří Čejka and Pavel Jírů Influence of water on activity, selectivity and deactivation of zeolites in acetone transformation -
pp. 3003-3010
Jiří Hanika and Vladimíra Ehlová Effect of internal diffusion on kinetics of liquid phase hydrogenation and disproportionation of the cyclohexene on palladium catalysts -
pp. 3011-3024
Vlastimil Fidler, Stefan Vajda, Zuzana Limpouchová, Jiří Dvořák, Karel Procházka and Bohumil Bednář Study of polymer chain dynamics in solution by time-resolved spectrofluorometry -
pp. 3025-3030
Stanislav Wičar, Martin Svozil and Pavel Šimík Automated low gas flow-rate calibrator -
pp. 3031-3042
Karel Eckschlager The information-theoretical and system basis of quantitative analysis -
pp. 3043-3060
Ondřej Wein and Václav Sobolík Segmented electrodiffusion probes: Simultaneous measurement of shear rate and normal flow component -
pp. 3061-3068
Jan Kratochvíl and František Kaštánek Mass transfer rate from gas bubbles into liquid in presence of solid particles with strong adsorbing properties -
pp. 3069-3082
Josef Horák, Petr Rosol and Ines Bartholomae Control of cascade of CSTR with an autocatalytic reaction. Isothermal regime -
pp. 3083-3087
Josef Pola and Josef Vítek Continuous wave CO2 laser driven oxidation of 2-butene and 2-octafluorobutene -
pp. 3088-3091
Karel Mach, Helena Antropiusová, Vladimír Hanuš and Petr Sedmera Titanium-catalyzed Diels-Alder addition of bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene to 1,3-cyclohexadiene -
pp. 3092-3101
Jan Schraml, Eva Petráková, Ján Hirsch, Raivo Teeaar and Endel Lippmaa Structure and 13C MAR NMR spectra of various forms of isomeric methyl xylobiosides
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.