- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1994, Volume 59, Issue 2
Chemical Physics
pp. 253-261
Vladimír Ždímal, Jiří Smolík and Ivo G. N. Meijer Homogeneous Nucleation in Supersaturated Vapors of n-Nonane
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 262-272
Stanislav Böhm, Michal Hocek, Stanislav Nešpůrek and Josef Kuthan Photocolouration of 2,4,4,6-Tetraaryl-1,4-dihydropyridines: A Semiempirical Quantum Chemical Study
Physical Chemistry
pp. 273-286
Arnošt Kimla and Jiří Míčka The Diffusion Flow to a Rotating Line Electrode -
pp. 287-293
Oldřich Navrátil and Petr Sládek Application of Methylphosphonic Acid Monoalkyl Esters to the Extraction of Some Metals
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 294-308
Jiří Barek, Jaroslav Matějka and Jiří Zima Determination of Acridine, Benz[c]acridine and Dibenz[a,h]acridine by Fast Scan Differential Pulse Voltammetry and Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry -
pp. 309-321
Jiří Barek and Roman Hrnčíř Polarographic and Voltammetric Determination of 7-[4-Methyl-5-phenyl-2-(1,2,3-triazolyl)]-3-phenylcoumarin -
pp. 322-329
Jana Jirasová, Jiří Bílý and Ludmila Čermáková The Effect of Surfactants on the Acid-Base Behaviour of Methyl Red. Part II. A Spectrophotometric Comparison of the Effect of Triton X-100 and β-Cyclodextrin -
pp. 330-335
Viera Tomová and Peter Magdolen Some Observations on Effect of Fluorescent Substances on Lucigenin Chemiluminescent Reaction
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 336-344
Zdeněk Palatý Mass Transfer in Liquid in Apparatus with Mobile Packing. Application of Model of Cascade of Ideal Mixers -
pp. 345-358
Vladimír Kudrna, Pavel Hasal and Libor Vejmola Certain Problems with the Application of Stochastic Diffusion Processes for the Description of Chemical Engineering Phenomena. Formulation of Boundary Conditions in Flow Systems
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 359-366
Jaroslav Podlaha and Jana Podlahová Crystal Structure of Bis(ethylenediphosphinetetraacetic acid)palladium(II) Bis(dihydrogenethylenediphosphinetetraacetato)palladate(II) Tetrahydrate Hydrobromide (1/1): An Unusual Case of Bromide Uncoordinated to Palladium(II) -
pp. 367-373
Josef Holub, John D. Kennedy and Bohumil Štíbr Nine-Vertex Polyhedral Monothiaborane Chemistry. The First nido Thianonaborane: Isolation and Characterization by NMR of the [nido-9-SB8H9]- Anion, and its Conversion to Compounds of the 6-L-arachno-4-SB8H10 Series (where L = SMe2 and Pyridine) -
pp. 374-380
Jaromír Plešek, Bohumír Grüner, Stanislav Heřmánek, Jiří Fusek and Hana Votavová Constitution and HPLC Resolution of Enantiomers of the [8,4'-μ-R2N-commo-(1,2-C2B9H10)2-3-Co] Complexthe Third Isomer of Nitrogen-Bridged Bis
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 381-390
Oldřich Pytela Chemometric Analysis of Substituent Effects. II. Relation Between Hammett Substituent Constants σm and σp and a New Model for Quantitative Description of Substituent Effects -
pp. 391-400
Miroslav Ludwig, Jan Petržílek, Jiří Kulhánek and Oldřich Pytela Effects of Substituents and Medium on Acidity of α,α-Bis(butylsulfonyl)toluenes -
pp. 401-411
Miroslav Ludwig, Pavla Valášková and Oldřich Pytela Kinetics and Mechanism of Acid Catalyzed Decomposition of 1-Phenyl-3,3-dialkyltriazenes -
pp. 412-420
Hubert Hřebabecký and Antonín Holý Synthesis of 1-(3-Azido-2,3-dideoxy-β-D-ribo-hexofuranosyl)-, 1-(2,3-Dideoxy-β-D-erythro-hexofuranosyl)- and 1-(2,3-Dideoxy-β-D-erythro-hex-2-enofuranosyl)pyrimidine Nucleosides -
pp. 421-428
Zdenko Procházka, Jiřina Slaninová, Per Melin, Carl-Johan Aurell and Michal Lebl The Deamino-Carba Analogs of Vasotocin. Synthesis and Some Biological Properties -
pp. 429-434
Jiří Slavík, Eva Táborská and Hana Bochořáková On the Nature of the So-Called Methoxychelidonine -
pp. 435-443
Hana Chodounská, Barbora Slavíková and Alexander Kasal Synthesis of Some Epitestosterone Analogues -
pp. 444-452
Rudolf Kada, Dušan Ilavský, Jarmila Štetinová, Lubomír Zalibera and Jiří Paďour Synthesis, Reactions and Spectral Properties of Ethyl Esters of 2-Cyano-3-(5-X-2-furyl)acrylic Acid -
pp. 453-456
Jan Čermák, Magdalena Kvíčalová, Jan Schraml and Martin Čapka Diels-Alder Self-Addition and Retroaddition of (Cyclopentadienylmethyl)triethoxysilane and Synthesis of its Permethylated Analogue -
pp. 457-460
Ladislav Kohout New Method of Preparation of Brassinosteroids -
pp. 461-466
Vladimir A. Basiuk and Taras Yu. Gromovoy The Gas-Solid-Phase 2,5-Dioxopiperazine Synthesis. Cyclization of Vaporous Dipeptides on Silica Surface
pp. 467-472
Jana Barthová, Irena Hulová and Miroslava Birčáková Essential Arginine Residues in Lactate Dehydrogenase from Germinating Soybean
New Compounds
pp. 473-481
Alžbeta Krutošíková, Miloslava Dandárová and Vladimír Bobošík Derivatives of Furo[3,2-b]pyrrole -
pp. 482-488
Ibrahim M. A. Awad, Ali A. Abdel-Hafez and Maher F. El-Zohry Spiroheterocyclic Systems: New N-Substituted Spiroheterocyclic Naphthenes -
pp. 489-494
Kostadinka Popandova-Yambolieva Synthesis of New Spiropyrrolidines and Michael Addition Products Using Phase Transfer Catalyzed Addition of Schiff Bases to 9-Arylmethylenefluorenes -
pp. 495-498
Fridrich Gregáň, Viktor Kettmann, Jozef Csöllei and Pavol Novomeský The Synthesis and Some Properties of N,N'-Bis(3-alkoxyphenyl)ureas -
pp. 499-502
Vladimír Bobošík and Alžbeta Krutošíková Synthesis of N-Phenylsulfonyl Protected Furo[3,2-b]pyrroles
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.