- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1994, Volume 59, Issue 4
pp. 737-755
Petr Mikulášek Methods to Reduce Concentration Polarization and Fouling in Membrane Filtration
Physical Chemistry
pp. 756-767
Tomáš Boublík Second Virial Coefficient of the 2cLJ, 3cLJ and 4cLJ Molecules -
pp. 768-781
T. Pineda, M. Blázquez, M. Domínguez and F. Garcia-Blanco Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Study of the Reactions of L-Leucine with Pyridoxal and Pyridoxal Phosphate -
pp. 782-802
Karel Procházka and Zuzana Limpouchová Conformations of Insoluble Blocks in Swollen Micellar Cores of Multimolecular Block Copolymer Micelles Studied by Monte Carlo Simulation Technique -
pp. 803-819
Zuzana Limpouchová and Karel Procházka A Monte Carlo Study of Insoluble Block Orientations in Swollen Cores of Multimolecular Block Copolymer Micelles -
pp. 820-832
Amin Anwar, Ali Abdel-Ghaffar, Sameh Aboul-Fotouh and Ebeid Fikry Surface Studies and Nature of Active Sites of Supported Heteropolyacids as Catalysts in Methanol Dehydration -
pp. 833-840
Slavomír Pirkl Mesomorphic Behaviour of Saturated and Monounsaturated C18 and C22 Fatty Acid Esters of Cholesterol
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 841-854
Ján Dojčanský, Soňa Bafrncová and Július Surový Effect of Random Errors and Bias of Isobaric Equilibrium x, y and t Data of LiquidVapour Binary Systemson the Calculated Number of Theoretical Plates of a Rectification Column -
pp. 855-874
Vlastimil Fíla and Bohumil Bernauer A Mathematical Model of a Gauze Reactor for the Ammonia Oxidation
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 875-884
Samih A. Halawy, Khalaf Alla M. Abd El-Salaam and Hesham M. Ragih Low Temperature Sintering Studies of Ammonium Molybdate, Nickel Hydroxide and Nickel Molybdate
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 885-897
Karel Handlíř, Antonín Lyčka, Jaroslav Holeček, Milan Nádvorník, Vladimír Pejchal and Angelika Sebald 119Sn and 13C NMR Spectral Study of Some Vinyltin(IV) Compounds Involving the Sn-S Bond -
pp. 898-904
António R. T. Calado, Lídia M. V. Pinheiro, Lídia M. P. C. Albuquerque, Raquel M. C. Goncalves, Martí Rosés, Clara Ràfols and Elisabeth Bosch Interpretation of Hydroxylic Solvent Effects Based on Correlations with Solvent Parameters. Reaction of Et3N with EtI -
pp. 905-912
Stanislav Luňák, Jacques Muzart and Jiřina Brodilová Photochemical Hydroxylation of Salicylic Acid Derivatives with Hydrogen Peroxide, Catalyzed with Fe(III) and Sensitized with Methylene Blue -
pp. 913-928
Miloš Buděšínský, Nestor Perez Souto and Miroslav Holub Sesquiterpenic Lactones of Some Species of Genus Vernonia SCHREB. -
pp. 929-942
Ladislav Cvak, Josef Stuchlík, Magdalena Schreiberová, Petr Sedmera, Vladimír Havlíček and Miroslav Flieger 2,3-Dihydro-2-oxoergolene Derivatives -
pp. 943-950
Eugenia Drakopoulou, Georgia Sotiropoulou, Vassilis Tsilivakos, Vassilis Georgoulias and Paul Cordopatis Synthetic Peptides from the Region 30-54 of the Interleukin-2 Receptor β-Chain (IL-2Rβ)Affect IL-2 Binding to Human T-Cells -
pp. 951-956
Oľga Hritzová and Dušan Koščík Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds and Fermi Resonance in N-Substituted N'-(2-Fluorobenzoyl)thiourea Derivatives
New Compounds
pp. 957-977
Ali A. Abdel Hafez, Ahmed A. Geies, Zeinab A. Hozien and Zarif H. Khalil Synthesis of Some New 8-Quinolinyloxy-5-sulfonamide Derivatives -
pp. 978-986
Maisa I. Abdel-Monem Synthesis of Some 2-(Substituted thio)pyridines and Thieno[2,3-b]pyridines
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.